Now lets go to United Kingdom Ste, Leader of United Kingdom CDAP - Oddjob (formerly known as the artist called SoF):

Ste, time to introduce yourself:
Well hello, I’m Steven "Ste" Hart from the United Kingdom and I’m 21 years old. I’ve been playing Enemy Territory for about two years under the clan name SoF.

So Ste; What went wrong in the EC-qualifying match vs STFU?
Well, I believe it was a number of things, Firstly cdap - #stfu? were a very hard opponent and they proved to be very aggressive which kept us under constant pressure. A lot of pressure was on this match due to the fact that one slip up would be the end of our EuroCup hopes. I think some of us got very nervous in tense times, especially on Frostbite.
We also had problems with our 6th player, Emzii had recently become distant from ET and we were rushed to find an adequate 6th for the game.
However we take nothing away from cdap - #stfu?, they did a very nice sw_goldrush which set them up nicely for Frostbite.

You have a pretty respectful playing history in ET. Played in many cups & won several Summercups. Is a problem of EC that it is not in the middle of summer?
Well Summercup is nice to play in, we have had many great matches which we have fully enjoyed. I feel that Summercup isn’t as skilled as when Eurocup arrives. The Eurocup sparks a lot of interest, bringing a lot of key teams/players back from inactivity. However we did compete in Eurocup last season and it was quite a successful period for us.

In your long history on ET, what are the matches you’re most proud of?
I’m proud of beating pstarz in Eurocup and beating Negative Image in the Summercup. I Also liked playing the old UQ team in the final of Summercup, which was tense.

Oddjob is now active in the] CB Open Spring Cup, Premier League, group H [/url] together with Germany Advanced Gamers united, [flag=_e] Sanctus and Poland Slayers team ET: What are your expectations in the group?
Well our expectations for Group H of the Premier Opencup are high. We would be very disappointed and disgraced if we didn’t qualify for the next round. The teams in our group seem nice, I don't know what will happen with sanctus but I have a feeling they will fold. I would like to think we will beat agu/sT.

About you joining CDAP … why join CDAP, the same guys who took the EC spot instead of you? Are they reminding you every day in the shared irc-channel or is #stfu? actually the first friendly Finnish clan?
We wanted to join CDAP because we felt it was a move in the right direction. We have been SoF for over two years now and people were sick of the same name. We got the offer from wAyne and decided to go with it. Of course it’s the same guys who took EC away from us, but we got our revenge in Warleagues ;). They have been very welcoming to us. We wish them good luck in Eurocup and hope they do very well. (and because wAyne is a cool dude)

Lets get back onto OC. When will you be happy? Gold and only gold? What clans will be 2nd and 3rd in your opinion?
Well our aim is ofcourse Gold. It’s a more reachable target than EC Gold, but I take nothing for granted, it will still be very hard to win Gold in Opencup. There are some good teams in there which could cause a few problems. But, to answer your question "IF" we won OC I’d have to say 2nd would be someone like Russia Tank thirty four and 3rd someone like Europe HighBot.

Thursday you played again vs. #stfu? in the groupstage of WL Season VI, Alpha I group and you won 2-0 on Braundorf & Frostbite. Tell us something about the war, must have been something special?
Well it was special, revenge was sweet, especially after playing Frostbite again and we know what happened last time :[ . The pressure wasn’t as much and I feel this made us more confident in our approach to winning the game.

Any Shoutouts to end this little interview?
Well shoutouts to everyone I know in the Et Scene, SoF members past & present, some yanks : nos, animal & blazen and any I missed sorry! I would like everyone to wish us and cdap - #stfu? GL for this season in CB and Warleagues, we thank you all for the support and a last thank you to wAyne for giving us this opportunity to grow ( you owe me a fiver now wAyne :p)