One Day Cups, also known as ODC. We all know them, we've all played them. They are part of the game, same as trolls are part of Crossfire. And they have something in common with trolls - only few of them are decent, while most of them simply tries hard to be cool but fails.

Cups like that are enjoyable way for teams or mixes to spend the evening. You simply sign up on the page, gather with mates on vent and wait for opponent to play against. The further you go, the more fun it is and eventually you might win a pokal. Some cups even offer prizes such as gameservers, BNCs or voiceservers. If hosted properly, such events can turn out to be a success, make people happy and gives admin the confidence to host more cups. That's where poo hits the fan.

Nowadays most "admins" are not capable of efficiently hosting such cup. Many of them write rules that they can't even follow, are too lazy to check players for CB/ESL bans and usually can't handle the pressure of mad players. Over the past few months I've seen very few that could make a succesfull cup. There are few reasons why people fail with taking care of such event.

First and most common one is the laziness of the admins. Some people that are hosting the cups are simply too lazy to do some background check around the teams, thus allowing cheaters in and harming the innocent players. Another reason is the belief of some admins that ODC is an easy event to host. You just create page, let people sign up and let them play right? No, it's not like that. Hosting ODC requires time and patience.

Well without further listing the obvious problems I'd like to share my little list with you, list entitled What A Successful Admin Should Have:
  • IQ over 115
  • Patience
  • Ability to talk with players
  • Understandable English
  • Ability to admit that he's wrong
  • Ability to handle the pressure

Now let me explain what I mean with those. First two are quite obvious, you got to have some brains and a lot of patience to run the cup efficiently. The next one is possibly the most important thing. Good admin must be able to reason with players and talk without instantly flaming him and calling him a retard. Even if the player is mad and has is not right at all, you must remain calm and show him that he's wrong. 4th position on the list cracks me up most. Nowadays almost everyone knows basics of English, but many people stop at the basics. It's quite annoying when you try to talk with the admin, asking about rules or complaining about opponent and admin can't answer you in an understandable way (mostly happens with France admins). The last 2 abilities are vital ones. Admins are not machines and can make mistakes. If so, they should be able to admit that they are wrong, instead of being a stubborn bastards. Also they have to defend their point and not give in to players just because they whine hard. Just because someone is loud, doesn't mean he is right. If someone has all those skills, he can become a succesfull admin and make community happy.

My 1st collumn. Wrote this out of pure boredom and madness, sorry for language mistakes (English ain't my native language so they are bound to happen). Hope someone actually gets something out of it. Any feedback is welcome.