So finally crossfire we are here to denounce Enemy Territory's propaganda conspirators. In one hand we have dictator that won't let the community change the way the game is played like we prefer to want it to be played as such as Ralf Dahrendorf.
Still, even in the 19th Century, the term "Dictator" did not always have negative connotations. For example, the Italian revolutionary Garibaldi, during his famous Expedition of the Thousand in 1860, proclaimed himself "Dictator of Sicily", which did not prevent him from being extremely popular in Italian and international public opinion. Moving on is hard. We're all addicted to gaming. We all need to suck on the putrid nipple of opengl and netcode, filling our rotting mouths with frags and headshots. Until now, there simply hasn't been a better way to spend our time.
The lengths some people will go to, in order to get what they want!
Get those lying, cheating manipulative peons! image: punkbuster
One grammatical error, I think I can live with that since I've been up more than 24 hours. As for the volume, I guess that nice pixie stole your slider bar?
ven so, the "Conflict of the Orders" over the political status of the plebeians went on for the first two centuries of the Republic, ending with the formal equality of plebeians and patricians in 287 BC. The plebeians achieved this by developing their own organizations (the concilium plebis), leaders (the tribunes and plebeian aediles). When the plebeians felt the situation
had become dire, they would instigate a secessio plebis, a sort of general strike where plebeians would literally leave Rome, leaving the patricians to themselves.

Even so, the "Conflict of the Orders" over the political status of the plebeians went on for the first two centuries of the Republic, ending with the formal equality of plebeians and patricians in 287 BC. The plebeians achieved this by developing their own organizations (the concilium plebis), leaders (the tribunes and plebeian aediles). When the plebeians felt the situation
had become dire, they would instigate a secessio plebis, a sort of general strike where plebeians would literally leave Rome, leaving the patricians to themselves
that won't let the community change the way the game is played like we prefer to want it to be played as be.

I promised Myself I'd comment on the first comment I came across, which just happened to be yours. So now I'm stuck with the thankless task of trying to come up with a reply to your innane comment. Is that seriously all you can come up with? You leave an indellible mark upon the landscape of the new digital age and "I hope he looks nice" is the most intelligent, insightful phase that can make it out of your incestuous, hateful mouth? You truly are the belligerent, asinine prototype.
I find your existence distasteful. I want to put my hand inside your gallbladder and squeeze it until bile launches from your mouth, so that spectators might see the real life analogue of what you produce on crossfire. I want to massage your heart until it fires assymetric rythmns and eventually kills you, because something so out of sync with humanity deserve an ironic death. I want to slice your
brain post mortem, and show it to school children so they may see the horrors of a life spent in mediocrity. I want to pin your dick, no matter how large or small, on the walls of a museum dedicated solely to identifying "Those who must not procreate.".

To summate. I wish that you, and all those like you should suffer, beyond that which one would call humane, beyond what one could even call inhumane. We will have to invent new words to describe the suffering you should be subject to. We will have books dedicated to explaining the mental and physical anguish that you, and any of your ancestors, will have to endure. I wish the word would recognise
the futility of existing in the same physical space as entities like you. That is all.
"Can i please have your normal config + Lan cfg?" are the first questions asked to those who are new to this game. border crossings. These people were nicknamed "Mauerspechte" (wall woodpeckers).

The P stands for post, as in after. My point wasn't that the two situations are entirely equal, but you can imagine a situation in which the gunman might believe that the people he was shooting were threatening his way of life. In that case the victims become the enemy, rather than human beings. has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
By that logic most soldiers are psychopaths. Ideological difference can be a great basis for rationalisation: see suicide bombers for proof. A friend once told me (you might know him as Gifted) that you should always keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. I always replied with the following: Gifted we have a problem. I see cheaters, they're alive. We all know the forbidden fruit at the other side of the grass which is greener and brighter tastes sweeter, but like Miss Swan once said, NO, we will not tolerate cheating in our community games. If you're a cheater and someone complains about you, you shall not pass. You'll have to say hello to my little friend: the banhammer and just between the two of us, I love the smell of the banhammer in the morning, it smells like victory.
Today is the day you will always remember as the day cheaters got the best of us, but together we can make a difference. image: xfirelan%20033%20%28Small%29 Together we can strive for perfection and once and for all make ET enjoyable for every person out there dying of thirst for the real ET. What we're trying to accomplish with this mind blowing, creative idea is the following: Every man should get the chance to play a game with equally skilled people. No discrimination of course, it goes without saying that racist jokes are not allowed (jewish jokes are not considered racist thus shall be allowed). For sure most of you already know Vaiko Vainola under the nick of Night. He earned a legend title in Enemy Territory scene. He won basically everything, starting from small cups, through most prestigious ClanBase cup – EuroCup and ending with two QuakeCon wins. Night is also the richest Enemy Territory player. From playing this game, Vaiko earned nearly $7881, which is nice as for ET.

Quote by Sample on 08/07/10, 16:35:35 the biggest problem is that almost every player thinks he is skilled ;Z med+ isnt skilled

he is a fintard, u can make super nice points doesnt matter, he will always reply with the most retarded comment ever and after that claim that he is smart. thats how they do. But confusion is ripe, who will this mysterious fourteen be? With never-ending roster changes, and countless clans folding this is the most inconsistent season to date. A somewhat controversial list, the top players have spoken, but who do you thinks worthy of a Eurocup invite? The 1st word I read is "stupid"...
I can't be arsed to reply to a person who feels the need to flame me and my community, one in which I have put a lot of hard work and a lot of my precious time. I therefore believe arguing with such an angered individual is nothing but a useless effort in trying to make a blind man see. Get off your ass and do something useful. over and out. image: 2273_gallllery I'm not overthinking anything but that is the way I've felt about you since I was part of EDIT, that you disliked me simply because of that fact. The way you handled me at cdc4 without having recognized me ( except that you knew I was an edit member ) was a strong indicator for my train of thought, but obviously I'm just inventing huge stories in my head again.
And as I said before there have been times where I crossed the line, but I would expect you to realize that I was only 14/15/16 during those times and you could hardly expect me to actually be mature at that age, that's why I expect most people to either forget or forgive some of those times, which most people have as well btw.

Anyway, this discussion is leading nowhere, it's obvious you are good at holding grudges and very good at voicing opinions based upon nothing but hearsay ( Yes, the irony strikes me ), just as I am good at being a stupid child that flames everyone in my eyesight. The link to the clanbase case can be found here:

Jere's reaction when I told him I was wrting a column.
Quote by Jere You guys are sick

People like this with negative attitude is what's killing the community. Everyone whats know a cfg, not only the screenshot, can everyone what that have send me pm with the cfg... You all probably spend a fair few hours playing ET, what I'm wondering is what your motivation is: what drives you to spend those hours playing this game, rather than doing something else, principle of sufficient reason and all that jazz. When i played it was a combination of 2 things, the respect of other gamers, and hanging out with friends on ventrilo.
But what are your specific motivations? Fame? Money? Girls? Fun? There are endless possibilities, and i'm sure no one plays simple to fill the time.
Futhermore, what do you hope to achieve from all your hard hours gaming? Obviously this is linked to the first question, but i bet you aren't all dreaming of eurocup success or Quakecon - There must be something else which you hope to achieve. Imo you're all sad geeks, just like me!