image: eurocup Soon we will see who will take the bronze medal this EuroCup and who's going to challange Estonia idle in the grand final! Both teams vying for the place in the grand final got knocked out of the winners bracket by Estonia idle and both want revenge. To get that revenge they got to play each other first to decide who's going on to face the ultimate challange again. This game between two great teams that have both shown us what they're made of. Of course I'm talking about Sweden zeroPoint and Europe aMenti. These two teams are set up for an epic battle to decide who reaches the finals. Can Europe aMenti do what they did last season under the ND name and end in the top two again or is it Sweden zeroPoint that will claim the final spot?

Sweden zeroPoint is a team made after QuakeCon, where four of them played. Butchji, darky and potter finished second at that prestigous event with the crossfire allstar team behind idle, while gifty took the bronze medal with KiH. After QuakeCon rapture, known from his time in saevus, and hatred, known from team beta and riZe, were taken on to round off the roster and make the team complete. Together they took on the challenge of beating idle this season. They joined zeroPoint in the end of September and didn't change their line-up since. As a team they have yet to land a top three placing in 6v6 competition. This team has got a lot of experience with three EuroCup winners and two players that took bronze in previous EuroCup seasons. zeroPoint certainly have everything they need to get into the final.

Europe aMenti have a team full of experienced players too. They've got some dangerous players with Winghaven as one of the best soldiers playing the game and marv as an European Allstar. Unlike zeroPoint, their line-up was changed recently, with Crozz going out and m1lk coming in at least there wont be so much delay finding a decent server. With m1lk new in the line-up they beat cdap and netrunners in the past few weeks and are ready to go for a final place in this EuroCup. This team knows what it is to be in the underdog position, but are they the underdog tonight? One thing is for sure - this team has got the players they need to get into the final.

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Sweden zeroPoint versus aMenti Europe
Date Thursday 8 February 22:00 CET
Admin Sweden TBA
Sweden zeroPoint: butchji, gifty, darky, potter, hatred and rapture
Europe aMenti: aCozz, dAv1d, marv, clown, winghaven and m1lk