image: banneramenti

What do we know about aMenti?
A short overview about the history of aMenti.

aMenti's formation is another long story. The core of players in the team come from Northern Darkness/dMize, which was pretty successful, taking 2nd place in the last EuroCup. After the EuroCup XIII season ended, several players left ND and, Crozz, Senti and Xylos came in to replace them. This was the first version of aMenti which didn't work out very well, so the new additions senti and xylos left, and aMenti started to look for new players to replace them.

A period of almost a month of relative inactivity and a search for new players followed, then Clown and Marv joined the team. At first it didn't work out very well, with aMenti losing our first official game with the new line up, but time cured the problems we had. The last change in aMenti is that Crozz went out and m1lk came in to replace him.

aMenti's strengths
"We are the most defensive team there is in ET," says Clown, "we play really defensivly, and rely on crossfire a lot. Most of the time it works perfectly, but against some clans we have noticed that we have to play a bit differently so we adjust to the enemy we are playing." aMenti are not the only team claiming defensive play as a strength, while others take the exact opposite view, saying their aggressive playstyle makes them stronger.

It remains to be seen whether the defensive or offensive styles of play will triumph in the cup, but I think the key is to achieve a balance - pushing through with aggressive play when the enemy is on the back foot, but being prepared to fall back to a more defensive stance when threatened. Achieving this balance in the right proportion is a difficult feat, but something that aMenti must achieve if they hope to defeat

Clown states that aCozz and marv are the most likely candidates as the team's superstars. "Most [of aMenti's] games are won either by acozz's great rifle shots or marv's excellent medic efforts," Clown says. He then goes on to point out that Winghaven, too, can turn a match. "I think our whole team could be considered all-star," he muses.

aMenti's Achievements

image: smallcup_silver Clanbase EuroCup XIII
image: smallcup_bronze ESL Premier League
image: smallcup_bronze Warleagues Premier Season 6
image: smallcup_bronze ESL IPS Final Stage
4th Crossfire Prizefight Lan

The way aMenti made to the losers bracket final

aMenti started in group B together with vib, cdap.pi and 141. It was clear that vib was not going to get into the playoffs with the other three teams in their group. So a fight between three great European teams would need to decide who's going to the play-offs.
Here are the aMenti games:

image: online aMenti vs 141 4-0 image: report
In a fast war it was aMenti that came out as winner. On sw_gold it was not that close but adlernest on the other hand was a nice close game. one4one did their best but it wasn not enough to beat aMenti this game.
Player of the match: Spain Winghaven

image: online aMenti vs vib 4-0

image: offline aMenti vs cdap 0-4 image: report
A great game. We saw two great skilled team fight it out and this looks very promising for the play-offs. cdap fully deserved the win this night over a not to sharp aMenti.
Player of the match: Italy Xylos

Final Group Ranking
image: B

3 teams with the same ammount of winning and losing games and just a small different in rounds. This group is a great example that you need to fight for every round in cups. They can be the different for a ticked to the playoffs or not. aMenti had enough points after the first two games to continue to the playoffs. So after a quite easy groupstage they qualify themself for the playoffs.

Winners bracket
After aMenti ended second in group B and a nightmare became real.They had to face Estonia idle in the first round of the winners bracket. Can they suprise the whole comminuty by beating idle? Or can idle continue with the winningstreak?

image: offline aMenti vs idle 0-4 image: report
In a game that was not even close aMenti got knocked out of the winners bracket. On sd2 they could not even get the flag against a idle thats still looking strong. In the defence aMenti did a good thing and idle needed 10 minutes to win the map. The second map was goldrush and it was a fast time by idle that aMenti couldn`t beat.
Player of the match: Estonia Reload

Losers bracket
In the losers bracket aMenti had a bad draw again. This time they had to face Germany Helix that got knocked out of the winners bracket by Poland Netrunners. The community did see Helix as a team that could give idle a hard fight this EuroCup and its up to aMenti to show what they can.

image: online aMenti vs Helix 1-0

After a forfeit win against Helix aMenti is facing cdap. Cdap that got knocked out of the winners bracket by zeroPoint. aMenti made a line-up change while Israel Crozz went out of the line-up Netherlands m1lk came in. With this line-up change they wanted to show that they are better than the time they did play cdap in the groupstage.

image: online aMenti vs cdap 4-2 image: report
The late addition of M1lk to aMenti's roster seemed to be very helpfull for them. He managed to put in a good performance today and give cdap a hard time. Both the first and second map were very close calls. It could have gone either way on any one of them but in the decider map we could clearly see the difference between both teams and aMenti took the win.
Player of the match: Spain Winghaven

aMenti did reach the semi final of the losers bracket now and it was clear that they had to face Netrunners that got beaten by idle in the winners bracket.

image: online aMenti vs Netrunners 4-2 image: report
After two close maps on goldrush and adlernest, braundorf was won by amenti to procede to the losersbracket final.
Player of the match: Poland Kot