Here are two short interviews with
:: aMenti`Clown]
What do you think about your next opponent zeroPoint?
We know each other very well, we have probably played about 20 pracs vs them this season. You could say that they are like our training partners! So, I would say zP is a pretty good team, they have some nice aimers, and some oldschool people who have alot of experience.

Did you had the best preparation you could get? And do you think you are able to beat them?
We have played ESL IPS and EC season, only changed 1 guy, so I think we are quite well prepared, and we dont plan on practicing in any special way, going to play some random maps, and then when the time comes to choose the map, take the one we think is the best against zP.

So what can we expect this game?
It's going to be close no doubt about it, very spectator friendly game im sure. There isnt much to say, just that i think that zP might win their map and we will win ours, and then it's up to the decider like it has been in our other games :)

You had a harder way to this losers bracket than zeroPoint after u've been kicked to the losers bracket the first playoff round. Did this make you any stronger?
Beating cdap, the team which many people thought will go to finals, gave us hell of a lot confidence! I think that helped us alot against NETR. We had this nice feeling, that we can win any map, it was hard to decide which we will take because we couldnt figure out our weakest map :P It seemed there isnt one! NETR proved that they are better on adlernest though, but we had a good run on braun which we have played about 5 times during this EC season.

Did m1lk change a lot in your team? Some people say the succes you got after the replacement of Crozz is because of m1lk.
When we started looking for a 6th who replaces CrozZ, we knew what we needed, a rambo medic, who can play alot on his own. We asked some people around, suprisingly there wasnt a big interest to help us this EC season, so david proposed milk. Since we didnt have much time, we agreed to take milk, and in the begining i honestly thought he will be just filling the spot of 6th. Didnt expect anything special from him even though he is a very experienced player from and kreaturen, but what we saw in practices and then vs cdap blew us away, he was playing just like we wanted! He was quite active on ventrilo, doing alot of frags, cleaning up some mess we had made, and generally, just fit in our team perfectly. I'm very happy we took him!
CrozZ is a very good player, he is smart, he pretty much led the game on ventrilo, but he was quite defensive. M1lk on the other hand is "in-your-face" kind of a player. He changed our style of play completely, i guess you could say he didnt have to adjust to us, we took an example from him :)

What is the secret of your success in this EuroCup?
Preparation, Teamwork, Confidence!
We played regular pracs throughout the season since ESL, winning ESL 3rd place helped to gain some confidence for EC groupstage and play offs went our way thanks to m1lk i would say, he had a very nice game vs cdap. I think they didnt expect anything like that from us :)

Who is the player you fear the most from zeroPoint?
I would say butchji, even though he hasnt played that well lately from what ive seen.

Who is the player to watch on ETTV from aMenti?
Watch winghaven, he needs some serious attention! :D

:: zeroPoint-gifty]
What do you think about your next opponent aMenti?
aMenti is a very strong opponent, we often pracced against them and know that they got the strenght to beat us

Did you had the best preparation you could get? And do you think you are able to beat them?
hard one, we were losing 90% of our last praccs, so im not sure if that was that good :D but still i think we're able to beat them, eventhough its gonna be a tough 4 : 2 for us, or maybe for them

So what can we expect this game?
I expect a great game for the viewers, full of power and dramatical stuff =)

You could be more "relaxed" while playing your game in the winners bracket because you still had the losers bracket while aMenti had the presure of the losers bracket right away. Did this work as an advantage for you?
I dont think that will do any bad or good for any of us, doesnt really matter who came from which bracket

What is the secret of your succes in this EuroCup?
there are many points i guess. 1. we can talk german 2. we're playing together for some months now 3. we all respect and like eachother 4. we got the good mix of oldschoolers and newschoolers!

Who is the player you fear the most from aMenti?
I suppose I fear Winghaven the most. One good panzer can turn everything around, I hate that, because mostely its unexpected where he comes from.

Who is the player to watch on ETTV from zeroPoint?