The predictions

Netherlands Perfo: I think this will be one of the most tense wars this eurocup. zeropoint has definitely got a very nice team based on aim and gamesense. amenti on the other hand bases most of their games on crossfires and spam (at least that's how i look to them). the recent addition of m1lk to amenti has done them good, milk has experience from all EC's and NC's if I'm not very much mistaken and imo he is a big factor for amenti's success the last two games.
zeropoint on the other hand have probably the best aimer (and best crouch lamer) atm (butchji) and (one of) the best rifle out there (gifty). based on oldschool and newschool players they have a nice formation but they seem to play pretty weak on "lotto-maps" whereas amenti favors a better teamplay on those maps.
this game will be very close and i cant really say the score but i think amenti will run away with this one since they have a formation of strong players and good teamplay. 4-2/5-3 for amenti

Belgium koetjn: For my opinion i'm going to ground myself on the results both teams obtained against team cdap-pi. Zero Point won with a 4 to 2 result of them, which wasn't that impressing to be very honest. But then again Amenti also won with a 4 to 2 result of cdap. Nevertheless in the groupstage they made a 4 -0 loss against cdap. So basically if you use that as a statement of who is going to win , zP! would come up on top. Even though i prefer amenti to win: 4-0 for Zeropoint.

Germany bigmassa This is gonna be an interessting game tbh. Zeropoint is alot under pressure after their bad performance in the game vs idle. Its their second but last chance and i doubt they got the motivation back on the very moment. And amenti, well they perform quite good and still increase their gameplay and ofc they got MR MARV. So i´d say 4-2 for amenti.

United Kingdom Ste: This game wil be one to watch. I can see this game going either way. I was suprised to see amenti beat cdap - pi and with this in mind I feel they can cause zeropoint alot of problems. However, after a hard fought battle I predict zeropoint coming out 4-2 victors.

Netherlands Cash: so if aMenti can give zP an early punch to throw off their game, their chances will increase considerably. aMenti has in my opinion the uppe rhand as they have the resilience to bounce back when needed as they have shown before. The outcome might as well 4-0 or 4-2, but i think aMenti will pull through.

United Kingdom Sheep: I think zeropoint will take this game, only by potters cats cock hair though. Both teams are strong, but I feel potter and his cat will make sure that zP will win. 4-2.

United Kingdom Mashed: I predict a victory for ZeroPoint though they have been inconsistent they truly are a very strong team on a good day, it'll be a close game but a 4:2 win for Zeropoint

United Kingdom Unknown CoD2 public cheater: The match between idle and zeroPoint really showed the gulf between the two sides and will surely be a lesson for some of the zeroPoint players whose arrogance does get the best of them some times, and they will go into this knowing there skilled enough to take a win and progress to met idle again. On the other hand amenti, have come from behind again and again, and really do look like they have the spirit of the goliath/nd team from last season- I think it will high depend on the maps chosen, but im going to go out on a limb and say a 4-2 win for amenti.