This interview is taken from the French website where Clown is answering about his career, his gameplay and his best line-up all seasons mixed.

image: clown2 - Hello Clown, could you please introduce yourself?

Clown - Hi, well, I think everyone already knows who I am, but just in case, I'm 21 year old guy from Latvia playing ET in my free time. - Why did you choose ‘Clown’ as nickname ?

Clown - When I was young I used to play a game on PlayStation called Twisted Metal and there was a character called "Sweet Tooth", an evil clown. When i started playing ET, which was my first online game, I saw a lot of people playing with weird nicks from other games, so I just thought to take this. Now that I'm 21, though, I regret it a little bit, but I'm not going to change it for ET :) - Could you describe your career into gaming from the beginning to present?

Clown - Well, as I said ET was my first online game that I played a lot, before that I tried RtCW on a 28k modem, which was horrible. I had 500 ping and I had no idea how to play it, I just played panzer or sniper on an assault public. I played it maybe 1h in total, since back then dial-up costs were very high in Latvia.
I still loved single player, and the whole RtCW atmosphere, so I just kept playing it over and over again until I got my DSL connection. Ofcourse first thing I wanted to do is play RtCW but I couldn't find any cracked servers since I didn't have a cdkey. So i just searched for other game to play. I wanted to try CS but then I found ET, which looked great to me back then, it was free rtcw with lots of servers to play on and lots of new things to do. Basically that's it, if you don't count few months trying out ETQW and COD4. - About the way you play the game nowadays. What would you say are the noticeable difference in your style in play in comparison to when you first started playing 'professionally'.

Clown - Hard to say, but I guess my style hasn't changed much, I'd like to think that I'm playing smarter than back then, and more patient. - Did you give Wolfenstein a try ?

Clown - Yes, I played it in one 1day cup, where my mix team finished 2nd behind mamut. The game was pretty bad, so I never gave it another chance after that. I just somehow could never get back to it... ETQW at least had fun publics, and even some maps in competition, but here, it felt so empty. - Choose 3 adjectives which describe you

Clown - Purposeful, Honest, Friendly - Your best moment on Enemy Territory?

Clown - Winning CPC2 lan. - The worst?

Clown - Losing CDC4 felt really bad, because individually it was my worst lan, so I felt kind of responsible for it. - If you could change something in Enemy Territory, what would you want to change?

Clown - I would want a better anti-cheat, but it seems that my wish might be granted very soon.

image: pha2 - Enemy Territory is an amazing game and yet this game is not very popular in e-sport in general. Low cash prizes even when they exist, few LAN events etc... Do you have any idea why E.T is not as popular?

Clown - Because it's fun for everyone, it is a fun public game for casual players, and it's "deep" enough for more advanced players. I think gaming lately has not got that right, most games lately are only fun for casual gamers, and don't offer enough to us, competitive gamers. - You have an awesome list of achievements, why don’t you change game for one which has better cash prizes, hardware rewards etc.?

Clown - I honestly don't want to be the owner of gaming, I'm happy playing an active game that I enjoy. If there comes another game like that but that has more prizes, I will most likely switch, but otherwise, I'm not going to play a game I don't like just to TRY and get some prizes. - I guess you know some top French players. Who is the best one according to you and why?

Clown - I know there are few around, but I guess Francekarnaj is the best right now. Haven't watched him play, but he is very noticeable when playing against him. - Who's gonna win the EC ?

Clown - TAG! - Could we see ButtonBashers back in business knowing that dAv1d and aCoZz are inactive with mAus and XyloS are playing others games, is there the possibility of a reunion ?

Clown - Most likely, yes! - Do you think that you could repeat your performance with team latvia during the NC XI, finally losing out during the 3rd leg of the competition?

Clown - I'm always highly optimistic, but I can't see us doing that in the near future, maybe in a year or something. We had the perfect mix back then and every player on the team was active, so it was really nice and the reason why we were playing good. - What would be the best line up in the game for you, all seasons mixed ?

Clown - Hard to say and Ill try to be unbiased:
  • Spain Winghaven (Fop) Gotta have his annoying, rambo, dmg giving abilities!
  • Estonia Night (Rifle) Can't have a dream team without him.
  • Belgium mAus (Medic) Aim, and smarter and more teamplaying than people think he is.
  • Estonia RELOAD (Medic) Fast, awesome reviver and a great fragger.
  • Finland Mystic (Medic) I'm going for aim in this dream line up, so can't miss this guy!
  • United Kingdom Sheep[CDC4] or Germany Zerender[CC5] (Eng) They both were amazing at their perspective winning lans. - According to you, what does a team need to suceed in results and gain a strong relationship between players ? Is there chemistry from the word go or is it all down to practice?

Clown - Could write a lot about this but the short answer is:
Everyone needs to know their role, and excel at it. - What do you think about the fact that the community is frozen because of the game (no more ETpro updates, no new maps, and no new competitions) and ETQW and Wolfenstein did not meet the community expectations ?

Clown - Maps are being tested all the time, but nothing really great has come out of them. Would be nice to see some improvements on etpro, and I'm hoping antipro will do that. But other than that it isnt that bad, some other games are in a way worse state.
ETQW was actually a very decent game in the end(if you ignore some maps), just not my type with the vehicles and stuff.
Wolfenstein was just a bad console port with no effort put into MP. Which is sad :( - A last word ?

Clown - Thanks for the interview!

Thx to FrancePhaLoiD for providing banneer.