There are few among us who would be willing to die for our countries; There are few amongst us who would be willing to kill for our countries. However, there are many among us would love the opportunity to play ET for our countries right? National pride is something we hold for the country that has kept us healthy, kept us from going hungry, and provided is with that which we require on a day to day basis. Some may argue that their nation gives them nothing, and that they have earnt what is there's, and i'm not here to change their opinion - I simply believe that to represent your nation for something is a great thing, and that we should all be proud of the nation we live in!

So what's my point - well, as many of us know, in ET each nation will have a representative captain who selects a squad of the best players he can find from that nation, and then competes against other nations of similar caliber. However, who decides who's best, who decides who makes these decisions, and how do they choose? Well, having thought about this myself, i decided to write an article, informing the nation of who various players of the community decided they felt should be representing their nation.

How were these votes performed then? Varying from nation to nation, in each situation either the previous or current captain was asked to vote, and players who've competed in the team before. People were only allowed to vote for players considering their own nation. As well as this, players competing in division 1 teams, just short of Nations cup level for some nations were also asked, providing a warm mixture of votes. At the same time, 'friendship groups' were avoided, to help prevent multiple people voting for friends and clanmates, and helping to make the whole survey with as little bias as possible.

Having asked various people from various countries, i had sufficient information to categorise the votes into an article for you, my fellow crossfire readers, to read! Enjoy!

Quote by hentai I would like to clearly remind everyone (despite having stated it clearly in the article), this is based on a VOTING system, NOT on my opinion - Do not ask me to change it because someone is better, and don't criticise me saying my opinion is wrong - This is not based on my opinion.