Clan of the Week #3 *updated*

Since this "Interviews" -section here at crossfire ain't getting that much new items and this one is still on the top, I thought that maybe it's better just to update this one than make a new post every week. If you missed one of the previous parts, they all can still be found from

BFB - LB Round 2

Loser’s Bracket Round 2!

The tournament still has 12 teams competing – 8 in the Loser’s Bracket and 4 in the Winner’s Bracket. Sunday is the day for our next games and we will be seeing the teams in the Loser’s Bracket fighting for the spots in top8. As before, I've written previews about all the games along with Baggiez, who wrote the last one. Read the previews below!

BFB - WB Quarter Finals

Match week two begins!

The first match week went smoothly and now it's time for the second one! Four winner's bracket matches will be played on thursday and TosspoT will be casting one of the games again so be sure not to miss the action! As before, I've written previews about all the games along with Baggiez, who wrote the last one. Read the previews below!

BFB - Round 2

Match week one continues with loser's bracket games!

After the first round we have 4 interesting loser's bracket games coming up on sunday. Here's my preview of each match to read while waiting for the games:

Game #1

BFB - Round 1 (Games 1-4)

Match week one is here!

Battle For Berlin is about to begin and we have loads of interesting matches coming up! I'm going to cover tonight's games along with Baggiez. Here are my previews of games 1-4:

Game #1