CGS Aftermatch:dialer

Good day boys and girls, today we start series of post CGS interviews (about damn time). The players interviewed in the series will obviously be CGS 2012 attendees and possibly players that are planning on going to CGS Winter in February from both .eu and .pl communities. First one to go is the leader of CGSWINNERS aka team that won CGS 2012 - dialer.

PS.:Name the person you want to see interviewed next in comments.

Chat with 'flaming dragon'

Today I would like to invite you to read an interview I made with The Last Resort's engineer, man known for his LAN bar performances and being not so light weighted. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you R0SS.

Hello R0SS, why don't you tell us a bit about your non-gaming self first?

to Make Krein even

Last weekend I decided it's time to go and make an interview with some guy. It had to be someone known, skilled, someone that achieved something and is playing active. I also thought it would be nice, if it was a rifler. This is the outcome of that thinking. Ladies and gentelmen, I give you Krein.

orignally posted at

translation by Robaciek and Krein (mostly his job :D)

NC: 5on5 or 6on6?

Note: This is only about swaping NC to 6on6, rest should stay 5on5

After my last column with my views on ODC it's time for something that people actually care about: the 5on5 vs 6on6. Both formats have their pros and cons and we could argue forever what to use for everyday gaming. But what about the "fun" tournaments like the Nations Cup?

Why is 5on5 good for ET?

What has become of One Day Cups?

One Day Cups, also known as ODC. We all know them, we've all played them. They are part of the game, same as trolls are part of Crossfire. And they have something in common with trolls - only few of them are decent, while most of them simply tries hard to be cool but fails.