Mistaken voice of FPS-Radio

[img|left]http://wolfenstein-central.info/images/mistaken4.png[/img] Over the past year the North American Wolfenstein Enemy Territory competitive scene had seemingly been read it's last rights, loaded into the back of the hearse & sent on it's final ride to a hole in the ground. Long gone are most of the great NA teams of the past, replaced by random patched together teams composed of somewhat or completely unknown players.

ET's Future

Lets face it, Wolfenstein didn't turn out to be what roughly 95% of us expected or wanted. While decent in it's own right, it hardly lives up to it's predecessors. Most of us play this series because of the feel, the movement and the speed of RTCW or ET. We play it because we enjoy fast paced objective based team play. What most of us expected from Wolfenstein was nothing more than updated version of this. Some new maps, updated graphics, some new models and maybe some weapon variation.

Heaping Bowl of Truth

Time for a long needed heaping bowl of truth

This was an article I was originally going to post after reading a colum that has now since been removed. After it was removed I changed my mind about posting this but after the days events with the PunkBuster issues at hand & the seemingly inept Anti Cheat admin that has done nothing but badmouth PunkBuster in an effort to further sway a community down the wrong path, I have decided to post it after all.

John Carmack: Making the Magic Happen

Looking back at some of John Carmack’s earliest efforts, such as the Commander Keen series of lighthearted side-scrolling action games, it’s hard to imagine that he and his fellow developers would later create the Doom, Wolfenstein, and Quake series of violent first-person shooters.