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Anime Interview

There aren't enough interviews on Crossfire. The most recent was almost 3 months ago and we'll need another 4 interviews posted after this one before we finally manage to displace m1ke and b1bub4bu from the front-page.

Consequently, I present to you an all encompassing interview with the much maligned Anime Linux Nerd Club clique. Answering my questions will be:

Baggiez (yes I'll be answering my own questions)

CC5: R0SS's flame and fun

Star player of re-play, R0SS has joined me in Baggiez corner to discuss the last minute substitution of toNi and his replacement Crossfire veteran Kitty.

After two wins and two losses your time in the ET tournemant is over. How pleased were you with your personal and your teams performance?

CC5: And now you see

Not all the stars at Crossfire events are players. Doing the thankless tasks behind the scenes and not on the screens are the hard-working admins who ensure the smooth running of the tournemant.

One such person is unblind. Now attending and assisting at his 4th event, I caught up with him to get his opinions on the tournemant so far.

Hello unblind, how are you finding CC5 so far?

CC5: Oldschool lesson with Ron and Mav

Ronner and Maverick888, you're both veretans of Crossfire LAN events. How would you would compare this to the previous events?

The SOPA Saga

The last time I wrote This Week In Gaming was one one month ago and the leading story was that of SOPA, also known as the Stop Online Piracy Act. To save recapping what's already been written, this is what I wrote in that newspost:

Skyrim: Fantasy Warfare 3

Tomorrow will mark a full week since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released and we will have our first weekly view at worldwide sales. So far "Skyrim" has became the year's second fastest selling videogame behind, ofcourse, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. "MW3" smashed all sales records on the first day and became the highest-grossing entertainment launch ever, totalling over $400 million in the first 24 hours alone. Skyrim, on the other hand, sold over 3.

BFB - Round 1 (Games 5-8)

Match week one is here!

The Battle For Berlin gets underway tonight and myself & twidi are here to bring you in depth previews of all 8 first round matches. Here are my previews of games 5-8:

Game #5

Get Minecraft

Minecraft is great. In fact it’s better than great. It’s so great that it’ll crush your other hobbies, ruin your studies and your marriage, and if you’re not married then it’ll ruin something else. It is quite simply a hugely addictive game, unique to its own genre. Minecraft is a game about co-operative construction, exploration and adventure.

EA Origin's sinister EULA

The Battlefield 3 Beta launched recently and for the majority of PC gamers, this will be the first time they'll have used EA's new digital distribution system, downloader and online store - by the name of Origin. For those who aren't too familiar with Origin, it's EA's answer to the popular Steam network.

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The Past[/u]
Enemy Territory is the spiritual successor to RTCW - a first person shooter played competitively (by the majority) in the 6v6 format. Once ET had taken it's baby steps and finished teething, it too adopted 6v6. This was the accepted format until Quakecon '06.
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