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The Demo Culture

This craze seems to be severely lacking in ET. Officials, cups or scrims - these matches rarely leave a players hard drive unless there‘s ETTV. Now personally I’m not a demo person, but there’s plenty that are. Currently great matches are lost stranded on a players hard drive never to be seen again.


This column is not about either removing or limiting mines![/i]

Implementation of ET changes in a voluntary way

Different stuff has been suggested for competitive ET many times. There were always flamewars about major changes, sometimes admins introduced things people were against and it turned out to be good, sometimes much wanted changes weren't done. Mostly things went well and after some whining at first people got used to it and the world went on.

Players or ETTV?

The question I have to ask is simple. Who comes first: Players or ETTV?

ET vs RTCW: A Quakecon solution

Somebody pinch me.

Had someone told me Enemy Territory would even enter the minds of Quakecon tournament director Nate Borland after last year's relatively poor showing I would have laughed. Not one of those feminine, "tee hee hee" laughs. This would be a hearty, "Ho, Ho, Ho," emanating deep from my bowels. In fact, the only thing I would rank as less likely than ET returning would be seeing Return to Castle Wolfenstein back in Grapevine.

Oh wait.

RTCW, Skilled?

Seems to be the RTCW players favourite rhetoric. Near every comment I’ve seen regarding ET from one usually contains these two phrases: “ET is unskilled” and “ET is spammy.”

This is a blank canvas, in the search of clarification. Now I’m told RTCW is skilled and ET isn’t. Justify this claim.

Wikipedia (the fountain of all our knowledge) defines skill as: “A skill is an ability, usually learned, to perform actions.” Hmm that’s vague, so ET players can't perform actions.

Identity Lost?

One of the great things about ET's past is that the big name teams who we have come to recognise and associate with the top prizes available have their alotted time space: from the end of RTCW marking the high point for teams like kreaturen, surrender or die and rewind standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the next generation of what might be called great teams coming from the birth of Enemy Territory, teams like DSky, Gunslingers and mythology.

Efterlyst up again

After almost two months downtime due to restructuring at lokalen, efterlyst is finally up and running again.

Bredbandsbolaget ET#1 (EFTERLYST)|2ms|

GET-Cup changes?

After we had a new peak of teams at the 4th GET-Cup we thought about some changes for th 5th Version, which will take place at the 26.03.2006

Limit of Teams
What do you prefer:
Fixed number of teams but not enabling everyone who wants to play to play (first come first serve) or enable all number of teams by giving defwins to random teams in the first round.

New Warleagues Season

Guys and girls, it is that time of the year. Sounds from the far has reached Europe that a new season is about to start. Wonder no more. Ask no more. Read further down and all your question (at least hope so) will be answered. May I present to all of you Warleagues.com Season 6[/b].

League Structure
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