1. What is your confirmed lineup and the roles of the players?
    Our line up consists of the following players:
    Netherlands GiZmOoO: Last man standing and player with the highest playtime % from the entire ET community. Reviving medic in many positions and does his role like none other.
    Netherlands Jay: The one with a different playstyle to others, which fits in perfectly for us rambos. Having a different perspective every now and then is really helpful to us as a team.
    Belgium Jere: Our one and only rifle man. He will be leading us with his great riflestick. The best in game friend of outlAw
    Netherlands iNsAne: The player who is able to multiclass, create openings and overall a very all round player
    Netherlands outlAw: The beast himself
    Netherlands Sebhes: The engineer of the team, does all the dirty laundry

  2. How did the team come together?
    After experiencing defeat in the LAN editions of 2015, we made a collective decision to join forces and form a team comprising skilled players who shared a common language. I distinctly remember reaching out to iNsAne to discuss the concept of establishing a new team. What makes our journey truly unique is that the original lineup from 2015 remains intact even after 8 years.

    From the very beginning, we demonstrated strength and resilience, which has been a constant theme throughout our journey up until this very day.

  3. What's your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?
    Our ultimate objective is to secure our third consecutive LAN title, and anything short of that would be considered a disappointment. We hold confidence in our abilities and firmly believe that we possess all the necessary qualities to emerge victorious. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to showcase our talent at the event. The anticipation has been building over a long journey, and now the time has finally arrived.

  4. What would you say was your best performance as a team to date?
    Winning our first World Championship in 2017 undoubtedly stands as our greatest performance to date. I am still filled with extreme pride when reflecting on our first title, especially considering the tremendous final against none other than United Kingdom R0SS and his team. To this day, that moment remains the absolute pinnacle of happiness in my life. The realization that we would be crowned the best in the world at something is truly indescribable.

    I continue to be incredibly proud of all my players, and the anticipation of potentially securing our third consecutive title fills me with excitement. As the first team to achieve such a feat, we are carefully building on prolonging our ET Legacy.

  5. Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?
    I am grateful that my team has never let me down. The support and trust we have in each other are crucial factors contributing to our success. We stand united, always ready to rely on one another with confidence. This unbreakable bond is what sets us apart and enables us to overcome even the most challenging moments. We remain steadfast in our belief in our collective strengths, even during the darkest times. Together, we will always overcome.

  6. How do you prepare for games?
    Typically, our preparation begins the day before a game. We gather as a team to engage in talk-active discussions, evaluating our previous performances and identifying areas for improvement. This reflective process continues even after the game, as we remain committed to conducting post-game discussions on team speak. I believe this practice is one of the reasons that sets us apart from other teams.

    Additionally, ensuring a proper warm-up leading up to a match is crucial, and it comes as no surprise. We understand the importance of preparing ourselves physically and mentally before stepping into the competitive arena. Adequate warm-up sessions are integral to our routine, allowing us to be in optimal condition when the game begins.

    I think our biggest pitfall is our lack of focus and it has shown. If we are all fully committed, no team is able to stop us from achieving and fulfilling our dream.

  7. What has been your team's biggest challenge leading up to the LAN event, and how have you been working to overcome it?
    One of the major challenges we have faced leading up to the LAN event is maintaining our focus. Since our return, I have noticed a slight decline in our level of concentration during games. This can be attributed to the fact that we are getting older and have taken on more responsibilities in our lives. However, we are actively working on overcoming this challenge by maintaining open and honest communication within the team.

    We have made it a priority to stay connected with each other and have created an environment where we feel comfortable providing constructive feedback. While we haven't completely resolved this issue, I am confident that during the LAN event, we will be able to perform at our best. The competitive atmosphere and the magnitude of the event will naturally elevate our focus and drive us to deliver outstanding performances.