1. Of the teams signed up for the LAN event, what is your prediction for the final rankings?
    Here are my predictions for the upcoming LAN event:

    Europe Elysium: They have consistently proven themselves as a top team and their experience and skill make them strong contenders for the title.
    Europe OG: With their seasoned players and extensive LAN experience, OG is definitely a team to watch out for. They have the potential to make a strong run in the tournament.
    Belgium v56: Despite not having the biggest names on their roster, v56 has demonstrated exceptional teamwork and coordination. Their ability to maximize their potential and their impressive spamming tactics make them a formidable opponent.
    Europe Exile: This team has shown remarkable progress over the years. They have defied expectations and continue to surprise the scene with their strong performances. Consider them as the dark horse of the LAN event.
    Finland Cat in a hat: Led by a captain I greatly admire, Smak, this team has displayed remarkable growth and impressive teamwork. They have the potential to pull off surprises and compete strongly against their opponents.
    Europe infeCted: Comprised of capable players, infeCted is likely to be the best of the rest. Their goal should be to aim for victories against either Cat in a hat or Exile.
    Poland Opus Magnum: Qualifying for LAN is an achievement in itself for this team. As I haven't seen them play in person, I'm curious to see how they will perform on the LAN stage.
    Italy SDC: As my favorite Italian team, I'm glad to see them participating in the LAN event. While their focus may be more on their off-match performances, they still have the potential to surprise opponents in the tournament.

  2. Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?
    That's an exciting aspect of the LAN event - getting to meet and interact with the captains and players you've been in close contact with. Finland Smak, Germany hAFER, Poland jAmaTo:o), Italy HeDo,Poland sonNy, Belgium mass and Belgium eron are some names that I am really eager to meet. I am forever thankful for their efforts during the last half year in creating a team. Meeting new faces and observing how people behave in real life can also be an interesting experience, as it adds a different dimension to the relationships built online.

  3. Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much that they will not be able to play the next day?
    Belgium chry, talking about going out on Friday for weeks now. Trying to distract us and sabotage our focus, but it will not work, mate! We are fully determined and committed to our goal, and nothing will sway us from it. We have a strong bond as a team, and we will stay focused and dedicated to our preparations. Anyway, let us see if Belgium chry will show up to LAN to begin with.

  4. Are there any particular matchups you are looking forward to?
    Yes, I am greatly anticipating the matches between Europe OG and Belgium v56, as well as Europe exile and Finland Cat in a hat. These are matchups between teams of similar skill levels, and I believe they will be intense and closely contested. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely watch these matches attentively and take notes that we can use to our advantage in future games.