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The German-Swedish-Legends living with the name SK have been increased to a brand new team and very special game last week. The6Devils are the German team who have recently just won the first CoDQCup for Call of Duty 4, with an impressive performance. SK Gaming just picked up the best German and definitely one of the best in Europe. One week later the team is thrown straight into the fire to try and win this exciting tournament.

SK made a step in the direction to already add another talented team to their more than one million user strong website. This weekend, the pressure is on SK to represent their new brand the very top level and prove they have what it takes to represent the SK brand well.

With the new label in the back its just a matter of time until you reach more then just another level for the game you usually love to play, you will probably just receive one of the very best competitions out there and are participating with different top teams in the very best tournaments all over the world.

An organisation that has these achievements are usually one of the best around, when it comes to the eSports community:

WCG SEC 2007
KODE5 Finals
CPL Winter 2005

Those are just three out of hundreds of awards SK have received in the past and with picking The6Devils up definitely means they can't get be going in the wrong direction.

[img|right][/img] Team captain of the latest SK team, Germany iFEAR has been the base of the team for a very time and has the full support of his manager Germany Creepy, who is around like nearly all the time. Scotland Pedro caught up with him alone, for a few words on the upcoming match:

Well, the easiest question to ask first would be about your game with Fnatic. How do you think the match will go for you guys?

iFEAR: It really depends a lot on the knife round. For us to have a real fighting chance, we need to defend first. We haven’t practice this map much at all as we practiced more on maps we thought we were weaker on. The problem that we have is that this map requires solid tactics, which means we have to cover absolutely everything and have every single idea/tactic ready at a moments notice.

Has anything changed with you guys since your win in the CoDQCUP

iFEAR: Nothing has really changed for us since then. The only real problem that we’ve experienced was to do with not knowing if we could even attend this LAN. That means we haven’t practiced as much as we wanted to, not nearly enough. As a result, the game with fnatic will be hard to say the least, considering what great preparation they have put in.

What do you make of CDC4? Are you guys liking the setup and the atmosphere that comes a long with it?

iFEAR: The schedule always seems to go out of the window at these type of events but for us it’s not a problem. It just means we get to experience more of the event, when normally we would be too wrapped up in our own games to notice anything else going on.