Flags, flags and more flags!

Always providing a selection of fantastic players, the belgians will provide you with a choice for whatever it is you wish to see. My personal recommendations would be, if you wish to see an aimer, to spec Belgium mAus, and if you want to see intelligent medic play, Belgium dAv1d. Another excellent player to look out for is Belgium lio, a good all rounder.

For Finland imilarly providing a great variety, anyone wishing to spectate an aiming player should certainly be watching Finland Squall. To see fantastic medic work, Finland jauhis is also noted in the lineup. Former incomplete player Finland Stuka is also a notable player worth watching for very solid medic play.

Missing the likes of Estonia Reload and Estonia r3vers, one can only say that this year Estonia has disappointed. Maybe they'll gel and play well as a team, but individually, there are few who stick out of the dark. Whilst Estonia Night is an obvious choice to watch, Estonia LudA is also likely to be providing an excellent show of aim, also worth considering!

For Germany, aiming central, Germany butchji is likely to be putting on quite a show, but i must highlight that having recently added a third eurocup title to his name Germany sNoOp may be the one to follow! My personal recommendation for anyone interested in watching a rifle must go to Germany haZer though.

Team Latvia, almost entirely a team made of undervalued players, Latvia Clown, whilst not exactly an award whore is an intelligent player who any engineer could learn from. Latvia fuzz & Latvia vinyl are also excellent players to spec. I'd generally recommend watching anyone in the team for a player who wants to see how a team can play. Living proof that aim doesn't run the ET scene.

Unfortunately missing Netherlands M1lk, the dutch team is one short of a great player to watch, but none the less, pretty much anyone in the team is bound to be packing 50% accuracy. I'd recommend watching Netherlands perfo, always with a trick up his sleeve.

Since most of the poland team has been banned due to Poland gnajda, the team is missing a lot of top class players, as well as the likes of Poland kot & Poland buzka. There's still Poland wiesiek, who's a great aimer!

Sweden - What can i say, Sweden hellgoat is epic! Sweden savage is probably the better player to watch.

Switzerland gifty, a fantastic rifle to watch, teams up with Switzerland rapt6rr, both a great field ops and aimer. Two experienced and skilled players to watch. Switzerland dabster may also be worth watching!

United Kingdom The brits will also be coming in with a fantastic players, from all rounders such as United Kingdom Mztik & United Kingdom razz to up and coming players United Kingdom griim & United Kingdom w3st, but i don't think there's any way to deny that sqzz is the one to spec should he be playing, always an entertainer. Not to mention, rtcw legend kye makes a return for the nationscup!

Thanks for reading!