There will undoubtedly be a multitude of team changes after this final summer event for Call of Duty and with only EasyBash currently on the horizon we may even see some players disappear altogether. I hope they give it there last best shot at I34 to give their teams a proper send off for the support they've shown covering the costs of their European tour.

You can of course catch all of the coverage from the whole QuadV Team as we bring not 1, not 2 but 3 TV streams of all the action from Call of Duty 4, Counter-Strike Source, WCG UK Qualifiers and the plethora of games Multiplay is hosting throughout the event. If your not coming to the event then get yourself in #quadv as the tournament schedule will be very much on the fly once again.

Thanks for reading another 10 page epic and please leave your thoughts and predictions in the comments! See you at I34!