[img|right]http://www.deman.co.uk/images/i34/ntt.jpg[/img]After all the hype and predictions before AEF you finally delivered at TEX with a victory from the Lower Bracket over LowLandLions despite some unstable group stage results. What do you put this down to?

Well for whatever reason that day felt like an off-day to us, poor play and communication on our parts. Losing 13-10 to Pandemic is anything to scoff at but being the rivals that we are some of us took it harder than we maybe should've. We played CPH about an hour later and our minds just weren't in the right place. We also haven't been so lucky on crash as of late.

You had and gave great support with Pandemic at AEF and TEX, Do you think these events brought the two teams much closer after being rivals for so long in North America?

Yea i mean we've had our issues w/ Pandemic in the past but that's all behind us now. I really enjoyed their company and support this trip and i think they felt the same. I guess coming from NA, each of us knowing how hard it is to practice over there, we know that we are each others reasons for doing so well; we push each other constantly

You're famed for the twitch style that drives people nuts when we spectate you, can you explain how this all came about?

Haha well the on-going joke is that its just a gimmick of mine to win over people but in all honesty its just the way I've come to play. I've been playing games with wombat for ages and he can tell you the same, I've been doing it since the first time we played together. Maybe I should look into some ritalin? :0

You managed 3rd last time at i33 and saw the big stage pressures of the final, if you reach the final will this phase the team at all?

If we make it to the final this time instead of falling short you definitely wont see a team affected by pressure. We've been doing this for so long that its just like any other match, we just want to win. I actually enjoy the big matches more because usually we go into them with an advantage being that we don't really bat an eye at the circumstances

Your playing on Laptops throughout the tournament this time, have you had much chance to practise on them and do you think it will hinder your performance?

Yea we've got these beast Dell XPS m1730's we'll be using in the byoc. These babies are 12 pounds heavy sporting SLI'd graphics cards. The shiz is hot. We've got monitors to use as well, something i was worried about heading to England but it looks like it all worked out. These laptops actually run better than my normal computer so I don't think it will be an issue whatsoever.

Gemma Atkinson or a night out Partying with Joe Miller?

Joe Miller's Penis knocking over stray bikes in belgium

List your top 5 for I34

Top 5 in any order would be:

Benelux LowLandLions
United Kingdom Dignitas
United Kingdom MYM
Sweden Fnatic
Canada Team EG

Any Shoutouts?

The EG organization, all of this would still be a pipedream had you not believed in us. Our sponsors within the org, Intel namely, unpararelled support for us and this eurotrip. It's greatly appreciated. And to everyone who has supported us thus far. We're doin' our best! Miss you pandyz