There are many tutorials to help you through the various phases of the game but perhaps the biggest fear of people taking up CPMA is that they will be easy meat for established players. Well, what can I say, it's very true :). Imagine if you could own some guy who has played for months or maybe years. It wouldn't be fair, would it? Rest assured however, that you're not the only one. There are new players picking up promode every day so you can find competition at your level. Advertise on IRC for low skill duels or join a Clan Arena server (there's less pressure on new players there). Don't forget that playing better players is the best way to improve though!

During my time I've seen a lot of players develop from newbies to experts so it's not as if it's impossible. It just takes dedication. I think the best example is kodds from Finland. When he first started playing CPMA he was just an average player but now he's one of the best around, recently winning Heffa-lan. Gellehsak, the Painkiller pro was just another player in the first Challenges tournament, easily smacked around by Apheleon in the early rounds. By the time of Challenges 2 though (a few months later) he was one of the best players in NA! The same can be said about Brouken, nego, mistral, Massman, deflt, the xG guys...they've all improved since they first started. I can list so many here but the point is: you work hard, you improve quickly :)

For your own pleasure, I've caught up with xG | element after posing as a girl on MSN and managed to get this interview, where he discusses the difficulties many of the new players have to face.

1) What was your biggest problems when starting cpma?

I played cpma 2 years on lans and sometimes with bots before i played it the 1st time online so i had no prob with hard opponents and bad movement. I mean i was bad
and my movement still sucks but i gave a fuck about that.

2) Why did you continue play it?

I continued playing cause i had so much fun playing cpma.

3) What would you advise new players?

New players should found a clan or join a noob clan. I was in rookies (rookies is a clan created for the purpose of introducing new players to cpma) but only for 2 weeks or sth like that, then i founded eXp with p4n rDmr and phos4. I think playing in a clan is the best and funnyest was to learn cpma.

4) What about those who get beaten badly by better players? :D

lol i still get beaten badly by better players. I think u can learn more by playing better players then by playing some random noobs.