Croatia Frozz from Europe Stronger than Hate

1. United Kingdom Impact.Gaming
2. Europe MVP
3. United Kingdom Dignitas
4. Europe Giants Gaming
5. Estonia
6. Europe STH
7. United Kingdom Aero
9. Europe Rage Gaming
10. Germany SPEEDLINK

Well I think United Kingdom Impact.Gaming is at the very top and as it stands now I can't see them losing any important official match. The fun part are replacements from 2 to 10, where it's pretty hard to decide who deserves each position. I believe any team here is beatable by others 8 but still I think that Europe MVP, United Kingdom Dignitas & Europe Giants Gaming have slight advantage in front of the other teams, Europe MVP because of activity and d. & Europe Giants Gaming because of experience in crucial games.

Estonia Mant from Estonia

1. United Kingdom Impact.Gaming
2. Europe Giants Gaming
3. Europe MVP
4. United Kingdom Dignitas
5. Europe ECW
6. Europe Rage Gaming
7. Europe STH
8. Estonia
9. United Kingdom Aero
10. Germany SPEEDLINK

My top 3 is like that from my personal encounters and it was a really hard work rating other teams, because every game can go either way, everyone are quite on the same skill level, but it turned out like it did, no personal offences to anyone.

BelgiumJere from United Kingdom Aero

1. United Kingdom Impact.Gaming They managed to be top-2 at all important tournaments since AEF. With the addition of mAus they seem stronger than ever, they are simply my #1 at the moment.
2. United Kingdom Dignitas obviously belong in the top-2 too. It was rather hard to put one of the teams in front, but I think United Kingdom Impact.Gaming have a better shape atm. United Kingdom Dignitas might be the strongest again next lan tho, time will tell I guess.
3. Europe Giants Gaming They are the only team who have beaten one of the top-2 teams in an official. Imo they are 'the best of the rest' atm, but I think clans are really close skillwise (talking about rank 3-10).
4. Estonia They are quite a tough opponent to play against when they are in the mood. They deserve this 4th place for their stability and 4th place last EC. I hope to see them on a lan tho, but unforunately I think that won't happen. :( (no I don't think they cheat xD)
5. United Kingdom Aero Gaming With recent additions of Lunatic, Toxic (back-up tho) and myself, I think United Kingdom Aero Gaming is ready to prove its value online too. In the past LANs went great, but online play wasn't superb, we are trying to change that now. Hopefully Sup3r can get inet soon so we can talk dutch at comms again :D.
6. Europe ECW They have a lot more potential than this current 6th place, but so far I think they are underperforming a bit. In top shape I see them taking over 3rd place from EuropeGiants Gaming.
7. Europe MVP is a good team and I might underrate them a bit with this 7th spot. They got the potential to beat everyone on this list, but somehow I don't see them ending up too high tho. GL to them proving me wrong.
8. Europe Rage Gaming has been around for ages and they are never to be underestimated. For this season I don't expect them to be in front, as there are more 'sub-top' teams than before and some of them will beat Europe Rage Gaming imo.
9. Europe STH With recent aditions of mind, nuggan and squall they certainly improved. If they can get this line-up stable and going, I see them reaching a higher position on next list. But somehow I doubt they will stay alive for this long. :P
10. Germany ewave is a decent team who can compete with the best. On a good day they can achieve a lot, but they lack the teamplay and brains to play every match at their best level.

France karnaj from Germany e-wave

1. United Kingdom Dignitas - Without any doubt, they are and they gonna dominate the ET scene for a long time
2. United Kingdom Impact.Gaming - Because they showed some really great performance but I don't think it's gonna be enough to beat United Kingdom Dignitas, except if they remove ross :p
3. Europe Giants Gaming- Kinda the same as United Kingdom Impact.Gaming, they got a great bunch of players but I don't think they got enough experience to be in top 2
4. Europe ECW - I'm expecting a bit more from this team, on the paper they got a strong line up except with dialer but they are not playing like they should, they must need some time to get in shape
5. Estonia - This team is the kind of team you don't expect but they are praccing and playing well, moreover they are playing together since a long time, they just have regret a great rambo player wich is gonna be a plus for them, all they need is to get jyrkz in shape
6. Europe MVP - It was really hard to chose between them and Estonia but I guess the estonians guys will be more prepared for this season, indeed you can't rely on polish guys to be here at time. And for me, they are a bit too much rambo.
7. United Kingdom Aero - Well this guys got 3 really good players wich are undead, jere and lunatic. I think the addition of toxic wasn't a good idea that's why I place them at the 7th position only.
8. Europe STH - They have surprised of lot of guys since their match against Anonymous ECW, but their addition of nuggan is a real plus for them, if they are keep playing like that they can surprise a lot of teams.
9. Germany ewave - I had to put us somewhere, well I think we got some potential but with mega rambo rockstar and our game speed, tbh I don't think we can reach another position than 9th. I just hope I'm wrong.
10. Germany SPEEDLINK - They are a bit like United Kingdom Aero , great team who are playing together for a long time, but their addition of potter wasn't the best idea tbh and we just rolled them so easily with Germany ewave which surprised me a lot. But they are still in my top10 ranking.

Germanyhumm3L from GermanyHighbot

1. United Kingdom Dignitas
2. United Kingdom Impact.Gaming
3. United Kingdom Aero
4. Europe ECW
5. Europe Giants Gaming
6. Europe Rage Gaming-Gaming
7. Europe MVP
8. Germany ewave
9. Germany SPEEDLINK
10. Estonia

Well I choose United Kingdom Dignitas because they are stable over year's with the results, United Kingdom Impact.Gaming is a great team with good aimers and always get managed to be on top by eVo. United Kingdom Aero played well on AEF and online as well they deserve it with Jere they are fit for the top 3. Europe ECW are mostly like a new formed team but with cc winners and EC champs, Europe Giants Gaming are having a great teamplay and with leading by clown