Germany Anexis eSports

United Kingdom R0SS
Netherlands Jay
Italy XyLoS
Belgium mAus
United Kingdom sqzz

4:0 vs Next Evolution ESC SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 14.06 21:00
4:2 vs Next Evolution ESC SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 21:00
3:1 vs WinFakt! SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 19:30
4:0 vs gaming2perfection SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 12.06 20:30
4:0 vs squirtles SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 12.06 19:30
0:4 vs gaming2perfection SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 20:30
4:0 vs Enhanced-Gaming SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 19:30
4:0 vs Team-Refuse SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 18:30

Won 6 lost 1
86% wins
27:7 rounds won:lost

Anexis had a solid month of results after they re-added sqzz to their lineup with only one small problem against gaming2perfection, their first loss in months, a sign that they are at least human after all. Even with that loss they are in great form and go into the SAGE competition clear favorites, will they be able to live up to expectation?

United Kingdom Next Evolution ESC

Belgium chry
Belgium AL1
Belgium sup3r
Belgium Jere
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium lio
Netherlands Leonneke

0:4 vs Anexis eSports SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 14.06 21:00
4:0 vs WinFakt! SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 14.06 19:30
2:4 vs Anexis eSports SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 21:00
4:0 vs Team Dignitas SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 19:30
4:0 vs #ALMIGHTY.ET SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 12.06 21:00
4:0 vs Enhanced-Gaming SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 12.06 19:30
2:4 vs Team Dignitas YCN Spring Challenge 2011 06.06 20:00
4:0 vs teamoxid SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 20:30
4:0 vs Titanz SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 19:30
4:0 vs squirtles SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 18:30

Won 7 lost 3
70% wins
32:12 rounds won:lost

Next Evolution had a good month of results, narrowly losing to Dignitas near the start of the month and bringing it all back to beat them in the semi finals of the SAGE Seeding tournament. They went down twice to Anexis but finished second place in the seeding competition giving themselves a great chance ahead of the SAGE LAN.

Belgium Team WinFakt

Poland dialer
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands teKoa
United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom rahul
Poland wiaderko

4:0 vs NORDIC-eSport CB ET EuroCup XXIII 26.06 20:30
0:4 vs Next Evolution ESC SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 14.06 19:30
4:2 vs Spot16 SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 23:30
4:0 vs NORDIC-eSport SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 21:15
3:1 vs Anexis eSports SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 13.06 19:30
4:2 vs Spot16 SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 12.06 20:30
4:0 vs wnbpro SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 12.06 19:30
0:4 vs Queens CB ET EuroCup XXIII 09.06 21:00
4:0 vs NORDIC-eSport SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 21:00
4:0 vs Spot16 SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 19:30
2:2 vs Epic #epic-eSports SAGE: ET Seeding Tournament 05.06 18:30

Won 7 lost 3 drew 1
64% wins
31:17 rounds won:lost

WinFakt secured a top3 seed for the SAGE LAN event and a Eurocup Grand Final position where they will play Queens which is likely to happen next month after the SAGE event.