Queens Clown razz miNd perfo phyzic kot NuggaN | Anexis eSports R0SS sqzz Night squall XyLoS mAus | gaming2perfection chry Jere griim Bl4d3 kReSti sTOWNAGE |
- Surprise of the event - (4th) k1Ck eSports freeze mant subbi rAul monkey JyrkZ | - Disappointment of the event - (9-12) TAG Lightning Hope Krein dialer twidi urtier |
on article: Nice work
at BfB the extended layout has some errors, mouse control is Dutch and it said kick was 4th and above dQ was 4th ;(
As usual though its a great article and appreciate the time and effort you always put into them.
only if you count sqzz, but he wasn't part of anexis during the YCN / EC that they were dominating with 0 losses, and the only cup where anexis players jumped in was this EC i guess right? :d
#1 YCN - razz mind sqzz flopjehz toxic phyzic
#1 EC - razz mind sqzz flopjehz toxic phyzic
#1 BFB - clown kot mind nuggan perfo razzz
#1 EC - razz ross sqzz nuggan night flopjehz perfo mind
- @ sage extended results - you have to edit the nordic esport flag...add a dk to the [flag=] tag ;)