We all know Impact have been not performing as well as they could be, how will you change this for the LAN?

Well, that's a bit tough one, but the only way to get better is by praccing a lot. CPC2 is only 4 days away, will there be enough time to do that? No, but we will sure try to get the best out of the remaining time we have.

How does this current Impact team compare to that of Parodia/uQ?

We aren't even close to being able to match Parodia's level, although our team chemistry is getting better and better. Still our timings and teamplay are still a bit off, to be honest. The biggest problem for me is the fact that I have to speak English on voice comms.

Staying with past teams, there was also A-Monkeys. What was that all about?

Well we just tried to keep jauhis entertained before he had to go to the army. To some of us it was serious, to some it wasn't so serious. Personally I think gaming should never be so serious. It's mainly about having something fun to do.

We all know that you are somewhat 'famous' in the ET community - how do you think people will react to you in Enschede?

Well, I really have no idea. I didn't really ask for any attention, and I don't know why people pay so much attention to what I'm doing.

Does it affect you in any way?

Well, I think it's not really fun to be asked what is your this, and what is your that, especially since my playing has always been mediocre at best. Even if I would bother to get that information to them, they still might not be any better. At least that's how I feel during some of the matches, yes I'm having fun playing, and we might've won, but I still feel like that my performance wasn't anything special.

In response, what would you say has been your best performance so far in ET?

Hmm...Maybe it was the first time I played for Parodia as a stand-in.
It was versus u96d in some one-day-cup. The map was radar and they made a pretty nice time I think, and we had some difficulties getting through their defence. With 00:12 left on the clock I managed to grab the parts... those adrenaline filled 12 seconds when I ran for the truck must've been one of the most memorable moments :)

Are you one of these players who gets nervous for games, or can you cope with the pressure?

Well, I think I don't get really nervous, but I had to ask a second opinion about that, and they said that I was right, I'm not one of those who get sort nervous that their performance might not be the best.

TosspoT sends his love from i30 and is interested to know what you think about pro RTCW compared with pro ET?

Firstly, in pro RTCW the maps stayed almost the same, but in pro ET admins are pushing new maps constantly, no one can keep up with the updates. Second thing is the amount of LANs, in RTCW, as I remember, the only big one was the quakecon, but in ET we had the quakecon, and now there's a whole bunch of new LANs, cpc, shgOpen and so on. LANwise the ET-community is working better than the RTCW-community.

Let's fast-forward. What happens after CPC?

I haven't really though about what I'm going to do after CPC2, I'll play something for sure, but what the game will be I'm not sure, could be ET, could be something alse. I've applied for some jobs that could take me away from gaming and they should start like couple weeks after the lan, and I've talked to Drc if he liked to take my positions in impact, so they wouldn't have to search so much for a new player. He didn't say anything final just yet.

All work and no play makes mystic a sad panda, would'nt you agree?

Isn't partying what LANing is all about? Maybe I'll just follow the rest of impact if they have some things set up, I heard that tiigeri is quite a partyanimal so there's something coming up at least.

Anyone else in particular you're looking forward to meeting?

Haven't really thought about who'd be the one that I'm looking forward to meet the most, but maybe it's nice to meet some of the guys that I've played with and those who I've played against.

What is it that has kept you coming back for more?

I think it's the teamplay, I could've played 1v1-games like quakes, but in those games you can't really have fun, it's way too serious to play alone. And even if you could have fun playing quake it's still more pleasing to have fun as a team than just by yourself. With parodia the games were always about having fun - especially the attacks!