Many many thanks to Finland PetriP-TNT for this.

Belgium TeK-9 - Davy
Our preparation? Not very good. Knaller's internet has been down for a couple of days now and sko has been very busy with his studies. We've only managed to prepare 1 map in fact. This is a pretty horrible preparation compared to the other clans who are bootcamping, attending lans. But still we're going to try to make the best of it!
We'll have a really hard time against the well prepared Copenhagen-esport team. I don't know how suxus have been doing lately. Didn't play against them nor did we hear anything from them since shgopen where they gave us a really hard time, so it'll still be a team to watch out for. I don't know anything about scubadivers but we are not going to underestimate them and try to play our best game.
We're a team with lots of lan-experience. We'll have to rely on that factor this lan since the preparation has (again) been pretty bad due to the mentioned circumstances. We're still hoping for a top 3 spot.

Netherlands Serious Gaming - zemme
We've just played as much as we could to prepare
I'd love to see oxid losing to EDiT ;)
You tell me where we'll come! We are just gonna play how we normally do, and we'll see how far we come

Finland Team Logitech Fi - sec
We have been playing intensively for a while but during the last week or so our activity has dropped quite a bit as stim has been on a vacation with his family. However we are looking forward to gain back the activity and lost days during the next few days before CPC2. Approximately we've have played 2-3 matches a night, except for the vacation week of stim's.
I pretty much only see Dignitas as our only threat throughout groupstage, but either adocom or interaction/neophyte whatever they are thesedays should not be underestimated. The reason for the fact that i am not that afraid of these two is that iR/nEophyte's LAN experience is close to zero and adocom haven't really been what they used to during the good old days.
So, in the end i see us finishing either 1st or 2nd in our group. Either way, it is going to be us and Dignitas deciding the group winner.
We are mostly a LAN team, as that is where we perform the best. We are aiming to do that this time aswell so i am looking forward for a lot of intensive and though matches aswell as meeting the fellow CoD2 players.

Netherlands Edit.BenQ - deimos
Well, we are not so well prepared as we wanted. Our lineup has been together now for like 1 month and we had to practice for codqcup and ips qualifier the last weeks. So we hadn't really made tactics yet than the 'basics'. We will train the last week as hard as possible and make it the best of it at CPC 2
We aim for the top 2, but that will be hard. It depends on what map we have to play against each opponent. But our goal is to advance to the playoffs. Against serious and oxid will be very hard.
Well for us, it's ment for LAN experience. After CPC 2 we will try to attend more LANS in foreign countries like wonderbase, and maybe we will attend one of the stops of WSVG in the USA. Like i said, maybe.

Denmark Copenhagen eSports - fRiJeC
We've had a week long bootcamp in denmark just 1 week before cpc2. Also put more time into our play and teamwork.
Hopefully that we advance to the playoffs and tek9 aswell, but there is of course 2 teams that want to advance aswell. So we'll see who put enough time into the preparations.
We want to be top3, to prove that we belong in the top with the rest. Only bad thing is the Single-elimination, so it can get a little random.

Netherlands h2k - MITOX3
We went to netgamez a few weeks ago, which was a good preparation and we didn't perform bad. After netgamez we just played a bit online but I've been on vacation for two weeks so we just have a few more days to prepare.
I hope we play at our best and qualify in our group, I also expect alot from Speedlink and Reason. Don't really know what to think of inFlux, never played them.
We'll Just do the best we can and I hope we reach top3.

Germany doubleSLASH adocom - sKaLt
We didnt train much for the cpc2. Last time we trained very much to show our best at lan, but it didnt work! Now we dont train, instead we try to win by luck and teamplay.
With teams like neophyte, dignitas and we have some very good teams in our group. Dignitas and showed that they are very good lan teams and it will be hard to take them down. Neophyte is a team which can be beat every team in europe online and it will be hard to take them down too. At the end of the groupstage we will be the 1st or the 4th. Hopefully the 1st.
A rank in the top 6 would be very nice, but thats my opinion not the opinion of my team. Right now after the CPC1 we lost our skills or and now we have to make a comeback. The netgamez 2007a was a warmup and ixus showed us were we stay. We cant lose anything there we are the underdogs.

Netherlands rubberduckies - LiquidFire
We're trying to revise all the maps, in the time we got. Which is only a week. Besides we've been undergoing some lineup changes which affects our teamplay. We hope we've got some basic teamplay for the lan though.
In our groupstages I think we got a good chance to become second, depending if we got the flow on our side. Think we're underestimated, but we don't care we like being underdog.
We're aiming for number one but seeing our preperation and the other teams, its going to be hard. So we would be statisfied with a top 8. Well shoutout too yazzy, the guys in my team, suxus, lindonz, and everyone who liked my smoke art cya at lan :D

United Kingdom Reason Gaming - dallow
The team have been practicing online and competing in online cups leading upto CPC2. This weekend we have been at the i30 lan in the UK. Here the guys placed 2nd taking dignitas to 3 maps in the final. I feel this is good preperation for them. They will also be attending the pre-event bootcamp 1 day before CPC2 starts, in order to get some practice games in against some top opponents.
I feel the group we have been drawn in is one of the toughest. H2k and Speed-Link are both top class opponents. Hopefully the guys can win one if not both of these games and make it through to the next stage.
I wont be attending the lan personally, but i hope that our squad enjoy themselves and play to the best of their ability. It is their first european lan together as a team but after recent performances they will be hoping to get past the group stage, after that every game is like a final, so who knows lets wait and see :)

Sweden Teamoxid - FlowsteR
Been practicing hard the past month to get the relatively new lineup to work together, Get all the strats optimal and the teamplay to work perfectly. We've also had a one weekend bootcamp at the Southpoint net cafe in stockhom to work on the final touches.
Our group can go either way, like in every cup its all about making it to the playoffs and thats what we intend to do, Serious stands as clear favourites in our group, however both Esuba and Edit can prrove to be a hard task.
Our ambitions is as always to win. Why else should you compete if not to win. We're gonna do our thing, play our game and hopefully it will be enough for us to stand on top once the tournament is over.