clownbase did it again ecw vs winfakt

they rage us at karsiah.

they get fullholded at radar.


We got west cp main flag( didnt blow up gate)

With 4min 32 to go we are with 4 guys rdy at east (on their respawn), and we got 5 mines behind main gate door...

So the map is like 99% for us, then ecw dont wanna play and clownbase tell us we have to play round again.

fair play is nice

Funny thing : cb admin LION asked during game if we wanted to continue playin, dailer and wiaderko agreed to finish map and play third map on other server if they wouldn fullhold us.

oh... hahahahah
lol, ur mad?
its funny cos your manager is the ec supervisor and he made a decision against your own team - he must be rly corrupt
baserace, tag, ecw... conspiracy?
don't get, why are you blaming clanbase?
because when ecw saw they like lost the map they start restarting and then lion said we had to play round again, but we allrdy both agree to finish it...( so because they are like lost and got name ECW we should give our "win map away" )
what was their reason for restarting?
Because ESL has nothing to do with it!
Oh come one give the kid some credit, he worked hard for TLR while on vacation in spain/portugal :P
u worked hard on your lan
dont get it! they restarted the server? or the match?
map, more or less like: all of them dead, 5-7 sec to their spawn, 3-4 of us alive (with shortspawn), me at the last part which was west, maingate NOT planted BUT flag caped, some mines(5???) from us around the truck/door.
ye ok the other guy already posted your situation but still, WHY did they restart the map :s
without any reason? wierd game is wierd!!
callvote restart or ref restart?
do not care. anything to make ecw win ec!
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