ATI Catalyst problem

Lo everyone,

I just bought a ATI Radeon Sapphire X1900 XT for my new computer (check my hardware profile), and I installed drivers & software (ATI Control Center + hydravision) that were on my CD.

The problem happens when I play ET ... if I press the windows key, or any key that bring something over the ET screen (caps lock, sounds volume...), my game lags like hell and it seems my cpu is crying a lot. 4/5 seconds after that, all is back to normal.
It's happen as well with any graphic thing external to ET which go over ET screen while I play, like new MSN conv, IRC pm, etc ...

Considering the fact that my hardware is pretty strong, that I can play with stable 333fps, it's a bit annoying that I have such cpu problem... I think it's due to ATI Control Center's way of manage graphic stuff, but I'm not sure.

Do someone have same problem ?
Any hint for fix that shit ?

Thanks for any help (soz for bad english ...)
maybe u created a shortcut on some keys?
hint: buy nvidia
simular problem
u have 333fps? :O i have a x1900xt 512 and i only get 200fps stable... ok.. my cpu sux a bit compared to your.. but... :x
Dont install the ATI Control Center's. Use the standalone driver and get ati tray tools to tweak any settings.
k thx, I just removed ATI stuff, and update Catalyst drivers ..

I will test with ATI Tray tools ^^
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