Did u guys know?
17 Nov 2010, 11:28
90% of smokers will have lunge cancer...
100% of people will die...
Feel free to smoke as much as u want then
100% of people will die...
Feel free to smoke as much as u want then
Wanna have a long life? Stay healthy.
I bet ur IQ is 10!
haha if mine iq is 10 urs is 1
What would be the meaning of life if you would smoke all day?
Don't exaggerate so much plx xD
but ofc the amount matters like u said :)
no but really u aren't the smartest guy for what I've read. I bet u are one of the type that wants to die before 30, right?
Did u know that researchs tell that ppl are most happy in their life in age 60-65
get wasted more often fuckface ull thank me later.
ull get to do nothing in life. fucking nice kids, hope u grow someday
just a hint: i dont need any help but before trying to help someone out just make sure u know the guy.
u know your life is about waking up eating some rice as breakfast going to school and get home again.
your awesome days (thats when u feel like a true life winner) is when after school u do something with your mates.
shut the hell up u did nothing.
When you'll be 50 and you'll need an oxigen-bottle to breath, i'll run 10kms daily.
And you'll die in pain :(, sad, isnt it?
My country is also superior to yours. :D
hahaha pwnd
but whats the point of not having a joint every now and then just to enjoy in some occasions
ull just die and do nothing
and anyway u are all bunch of hypocrites as im sure u drink. and if u dont do anythign at all u are just a bunch of nerds tbh.. because if u go out u do drink
anyway weed isn't unhealthy, you can get addicted to it but it's not unhealthy if you keep moderation.
+ Listening to some good reggae while smoking weed is the best relax for me and my friends so peace bros :D
I hope my dreams'll come true :((
eventho i prefer fuckin bitches, lots of vodka and cigs :-)
u dont know shit about life man. u think u do thats the funny part
stop replying.
okay mr catholic only boys school.
and the only thing u got close with lisa simpson is that u are yellow aswell
i laughed so badly at your statement about your age and your "looking-like", sack of shit
btw, i dont smoke also, feel trolled, no? go back doing the lady boy in the street, shit mongol asian
I never considered you a smoker, just a moron fyi!
Who the fuck feels superior when they don't smoke?!?!?!? LOLOLOL
:DDDD after all those replys u still didnt get shit
P.S. saying that smoking is ok and life is good with it IS PROMOTING SMOKING, OK?
dont say that "ive grown with videogames" if u know absolutely nothing about me, thats what u want to think.
and yeh its called making shit up since its pure bs.
cant belive a total drugg addicted with mental problems gotta tell u that man.
did u already do your homework kid?
No, I have not done my homeworks. And I have lots. It is 8:30 PM and I do quite need to start now.
fucking dipshit u know nothing about life at all(neither do i) and u go around saying that a 15 yo guy gave u a life lesson. they dont laugh at u because they are geeks they laugh at u because u are pretty much a dumbass.
dont take it on your househelpers man.
they drive u in a cool mercedes yea? black one.
(fact is that smoking weed doesnt effect ur lunge as much as it does a cigarrette, but it fucks up ur brain :D but tbh both is unhealthy)
its simple like 2+2
so do you
you are a potential terrorist
most of earths population eats bread... yet only few are terrorists
still waiting for decent arguments
because it must suck with your tiny asian pennis
by saying "life is killing us" you are generally-talking
- smoking weed since 2-3 years now
- going to uni and got a great job where u need brain (developer & admin of the servers at my workplace)
Sedierung, Euphorie, gesteigertes Wohlbefinden, Dysphorie, Angstzunahme, Angstverminderung, Depersonalisation, Intensivierung der sensorischen Wahrnehmung, gesteigertes sexuelles Erleben, Veränderung des Zeitgefühls, Halluzinationen.
2. Kognition und Psychomotorik:
Fragmentiertes Denken, Störung des Kurzzeitgedächtnisses und der Aufmerksamkeit, assoziatives Denken, gesteigerte Kreativität, Ataxie, verwaschene Sprache, Verschlechterung/Verbesserung der Bewegungskoordination, Abschwächung Hyperkinetischer Bewegungsstörungen.
Nicht wenn du nichts geraucht hast!
Gibt auch postive Punkte.
Wenn ich geraucht habe... und dann anner Arbeit vorm Pc hocke kann ich mich besser aufs programmieren Konzentrieren und werd nicht wegen jedem scheiß abgelenkt.
Ich habe ja nichts dagegen wenn leute sowas machen...nur man sollte es nur ab und zu tun und nicht jede woche ;) ...ich trinke ja auch ab und zu mein kühles bierchen, aber gebe dem körper auch seine zeit sich zu regenerieren. ich denke bei drogen (gras etc) geht das nicht so schnell bzw "garnicht ??"
Für mich ist es sowas wie ein kühles bierchen. Man hatte nen stressigen tag und will sich einfach nur entspannen... setzt sich hin trinkt nen bier und raucht einen dazu.
Hört sich an als ob ich total der suchti wäre... ist aber ganz und garnicht so.. ich mein 2-3 rauchen im Monat is doch garnicht schlimm.. ich könnte auch ohne ist aber einfach mal schön zu abwechslung.
smoking weed since 2-3 years now... seems like i smoke every day.. but no.. i just smoke 4 times per month..
for u its the beer after work... for me its smoking..
p.s. beer after work wut?
I'm younger than you.
u are 15 and u dont know what u are talking about. u are one of those retards that will not do anything besides doing what your dad tells u to. those dont get to do anything. if uve got enough brain u can just have few good moments and dont abuse it.
smoking cigs is retarded.
are u retarded?
u dont have any problem at all besides doing your homework. neither do i.
u have weed as some real hardcore shit i guess, like all kids, its hilarious tho so cute aswell
and a bit more than u, (i travel around europe pretty often u kow..) u sir got a total uselless boring piece of averaged shit life. just like me, have a good day.
signs of an addiction much? trying to justify why you smoke and connecting it to life quality.
Might be hard to understand but smoking cigs/weed does not improve quality of life for everyone, nor does everyone need it. dont see what smoking or lack there of in your mind refers to "wasting your life"
I dont smoke anything, but I dont see how my life would be better if I did...Im perfectly happy as it is and wouldnt trade it for anything.
Best moments of my life have been when I was sober...dunno why you're trying to make someone believe as its a good thing to smoke, its all in your state of mind.
im not even a smoker, i barely smoke weed and i dont even smoke cigarettes.
i really dont feel like writting a wall of text for ppl that doesnt get it on the first time. im not saying to anybody that smoking is good. im telling to a kiddo that doesnt know shit to shut the hell up on saying how others are and to stop giving his "life lessons"
u dont get drung at the weekends? well so those nights u get drunk i smoke a joint with some close friends.
are u addicted to drinkin?
and hey, if everyone misunderstands you maybe its not cause we are "dumbass" but because my 10 year old niece writes better English ;)
and i bet i smoke less than u drink, hypocrite.
punctuation+grammar+spelling :D
because i write stuff like "writtign" instead of writting? oh please kill me. I probably speak better than u do, and i could perfectly write correct english aswell including those commas and all that bs. if id see the point in it just for my cf comments.
the thing is, the sentences arent wrong at any point except for punctuation and u arent so smart if u say that somebodys english is bad because of that
hah hah cba to scroll up on my phone but the rest wasnt any better ;)
I drink less than that for sure :)
yeh i think u guys are dumbass and hypocrites (thats the "theres more im sure" u talking about) if u start talking crap about ppl who smokes some joints at the weekends while evrybody u know does teh same with alcohol.
Thats the grammar/spelling I was talking about...me and him together are 1 dumbass? :/
and maybe you should read what I said? I never "flamed" anyone, smokers nor drinkers, I merely said not everyone needs it to feel good about his/her life or how it could effect your life quality, thats not flaming smart ass :>
that what it was all about and guess u got answered
not gonna reply u if u have me as a smartass or whatssoever this is retarded as fuck, since u bring up a diferent stupid lil flame on each reply u make.
I take ur Dad for example :P
May sometimes ur dad had an hard day at work, so he may is drinking a beer after work, its called "Feierabend Bier" dunno the excatly word for it in english may "Finishing time beer". Its just to relax.
If i had an hard day at work, i am sitting on the coach.. drinking a beer .. smoking a joint and watching tv. Just to relax, clame down and stuff.
and ur m8s are like"WTF what did u take and stuff :D"
i like smoking weed, i smoke about 5 joints per week which is nothing at all, when i gotta do exams or whatever i just stop and evrythings fine, i dont go around telling ppl how awesome weed is tho
i dont smoke at all - no cigarettes nor weed. i dont think that it is very smart to pay for destoying ur body :]
i used to smoke for some month cigs but that was shit, and when i felt liek smoking more i just stopped, only weak retards get addicted to cigs.
just so u know drinking alohol is just as fucked up. im just saying.. u guys have certain drugs as normal liek alcohol but then ppl freaks out about weed.
weekends are there to get wasted.
Alcohol is technically worse than weed, e.g. you can't addicted from weed.
All the things you listed there are even worse when drinking alcohol.
Still alcohol is accepted by everyone, especially by the political bases.
Why? Cause it's a "community drug".
It's also not true that weed won't let your body regenerate :D
You wake up the next day and feel totally normal, guess you can't say that about alcohol do you :D
Also I know a lot of people taking drugs who sell, grow, and smoke weed HEAVILY and non of them ever heard about one or happen to have a flash back.
and i think weed can be addictive, atleast for some people
Scientifically proven.
You can get addicted to the tobacco which you put into you joint, but not the weed itself.
e: sorry i didnt see your post :D
Instead of getting physically addicted to basically nothing like with cigarettes(you don't get any high or any sense of well being) You rather get addicted to the state smoking weed causes, and that can be a lot more addictive to many people.
What you pointed out was the psychological addiction, which can take place for everything as I stated before.
It's easier to get psychologically addicted to things that you like/make you happy (I'm missing the correct term here), like with weed. But the same counts for e.g. winning, fun, masturbating, for mentally sick people murdering, beating others up, shopping, etc..
Weed is no exception.
So you're right, it differs from human to human.
No matter what effect it has, it always depends on the person having it. Period.
It's a fact.
Your post however is an opinion.
What does me stating a fact have to do with accepting your opinion?
Basically everything has at some point been scientifically proven.
and the chance of getting schizoprenic is increased by 1% with weed and only developped by some people
but who cares, when you smoke weed its to chill
Major problem is the cause -> effect relation. Does weed trigger psychosis or are teenagers who are more likely to get a psychosis more likely to smoke weed?
they dont think about the effects, after their first smoke, they notice the effect and are probably "scared"(not really the good word) and they think about some consequences (what if my parents notice?, what if i go to school like this, wouldnt my teacher notice it?, and if i get caught by police etc) some stuff that might trigger a bad reaction to the "chill" effect and might ends as a bad trip, they could developpe maybe faster some psychose than other people because of the consequences that it can have on their life and after some time, they dont think about it anymore and it looks normal, but that psychose effect still got them and they dont really notice it, or really few one :p
eh i dont know if you really got my point, but still, i think its because of their age and they think too much about the consequences is can have on their life, not really because of the weed effect
i smoke menthols and chew gum when going to visit her ... bitch is whining anyway
tastes like shit and its expensive.
weed every now and is great tho
100% of persons running amok eat bread
It's all in your head man.
These are the facts, smoking is obviously terrible for fitness, skin etc. But when it comes to plain old dieing, well there's more to worry about.
tl;dr version?
how fast do you want to die ?
but i bet all comments are like "oh noez smoking killz"
eventho i dont smoke cigarettes youre totally right