New shoes

Just got my Ugg's

Fucking awesome!!!!

image: resize?sq=350&uid=2207309930

€290 and love them

also got new pair of converse

image: CO4-mzw-0026-99__default__1

€90 and awesome

Now I need advice on buying a nice jacket(coat) max cost €350

Greetz adeto <3

off to grandparents now then to girlfriend

party hard nerds :D
ok Finland blindi m8 :)

Ps. Looks horrible lol
looks like a dykeshoes
please tell me you're joking.
i feel for you then
looks like a dykeshoes
Capitalism is rofl'ing right now I guess.
best comment :)
*LaughinG OuT LouD*
Manly shoes for manly men.
omg all the black boys in my neighbourhood wear those shitty uggs to , dude for real, they are for girls!
niggers are shit anyway
buy sum real boots, ya poof
90eu for 'converse' :'D
YOU PAID 290 EUROS FOR FUCKING BOOTS?????????????????????????
there was a sale on converse shoes earlier, half off now £10. I saw those exact same shoes.

90 euros for £10 shoes.

290e for this piece of shit haha
uggs are not shoes.
i dont know what to say, +1 on the above comments...
For 380€ I get 5more (much better looking) shoes here in hungary.
haha you make ppl angry, you buy ugly santa boots for a pruce of gold : D u got trolled

get a taste and diet plz
things happen
image: wtc1

btw you were this retarded before or perfos anime hair pussy group made u ?
Wtf is this shit? Gypsies?
kamz forgot to turn of his curry
pretty usual to buy girl boots and post this on crossfire
lol plz get normal face and muscles :S
image: m_nike_airtwilightmid_shoes_blackwhitemidnightfog

bought them today :b
Deichmann oder ebay?
skateladen ~ sponsor :XD
kumpel fährt flatland bmx für titus =D

aber um mitn board dahin zukommen hab ich zuwenig zeit :(
wohne 30km von da weg ;) Mutter vom Kollegen kennt den titus persönlich weil die bei der Zeitung in Münster arbeiten geht kriegen da immer fett Rabatte ;)
den guten dittman :D
kommst aus münster? :p

haste die fotos vom skaid-aid gesehen? der typ mit dem BMX? das der makka :b
yo münsterland halt :) fahr aber net so gern in der halle mit meim bike lieber iwo im park ala winterberg

deswegen war glaub 2 mal bei so grösseren events im skaters palace bin da "net so interessiert" :PP
achso coole sache :P

komme aus Dortmund :o also so neben dorf =D

kenn mich mitn bike da nich so aus was events betrifft :D
:o dortmund <3

also im pott is man mit nem dirt bike eig ganz gut bedient in essen steigen mein ich wo ganz gute events
ohja dortmund <3 ;D

in münster auch also wenn dann im palace die events sind so .. bei mir außm dorf sind auch mitlerweile mehr biker unterwegs ( einige habens echt drauf ) als skater , was schon truarig ist so weil ich ständig mit den im stress bin xD , bei uns is das so dass ich king of the park bin :D sagen zumindestens die anderen skater von uns und joar wenn ich die anschnauze hören die und verpissen sich , =DD
hab ja deine videos gesehen :D!
=D sehr gut xd

das foto was ich hier bei cf drinn hab is aus der halle in dortmund :b
am I the only one thinking shoes journals are gay?
i love shoes :(
But you're a woman, that's ok !
but i like journals about as well cause there are a lot of nice sneakers but he failed :(
you are not alone
290€? a lot imo
dont like sry
They're normal here in Rotterdam, but I still think that they're gay.
so u paid 290 euros for a pair of shoes
290 euros for THAT? and you bought the most ugly converse ever:D
Looks gay.
Converse are ok :)
Enjoy your new boots Hagrid
made me laugh :D
you just made my day haha
you fail so hard
90€ for the ugliest pair of Converse I've seen in my life... and the boots aren't even worth mentioning.
that guy/girl who sold you those uggs is laughing all the way to the bank LMAO
first one wont even make a comment ...
second ones the converse :s looks like the females one's XD
nice converes, dont like the uggs though
you must be a fag or a complete fking moron -_-

uggs are shit and pretty gay, converse are shit and pretty gay.

that you even post this shit here, i hope you dont hang yourself after this journal -_-
Why would I hang myself? This website is filled with people who have no clue about what looks good cause they spent their time here instead of outside...
need a nice parka aswell, anyone knows a cheap hookup for canada goose? pm
tell me ure joking..
Do you is serious o.0.
need more shoe journals
nee man

image: green_vans

ik veracht uggs
door die kk oppervlakkige oegstgeesttrutjes
mijn vriendin komt uit oegstgeest en das de minst oppervlakkige persoon die ik ken!!!(maar daarom zei je wss ook oegstgeest :P)

[e]: moet ik wel eerlijk zeggen dat zij totaal geen Oegstgeestse is hoor :P ik begrijp wel wat je bedoelt(ken der genoeg)
ja ik doelde op die kutverwende kutmeisjes
er zullen vast ook veel goede meisjes uit oegstgeest komen maar degenen die ik ken niet
ja ik ken ze :P de tutjes haha.
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