No Turkey at NC XIV

It is very sad that i have to announce this, but Clanbase doesn't allow us to play. Leave all the hate and trolling away for a moment please and try to answer to this journal in a serious way. I would really appreciate this !

I have talked several days with the Admin of the Nationscup XIV - Lion - about the participation of Team Turkey. It is commonly known that at least 3 players of the Lineup have to live in the Nation. This rule forbids us to take part, since there arn't enough active turkish players, who are living in Turkey. Last year we could "participate", because of an extrarule which was made specially for us, but this year it isn't possible.

We all have the turkishNationality. We can show all the proofs you need, but Lion says said that the rule is the rule and it would be unfair towards other nations. In some way he is right, i know. But in another way it is unfair, that we dont have the possibilty to take part in this Cup of Proud, because we arnt enough players. I really wanted to take this Nationscup seriously. I really wanted to built up a good team, where i didn't mind to be spec. It wasnt important that i play or that i am the Captain. It was important that i have a goodworking team! I wanted to let players play who fit with their gamestyles to each other, who know each other for some time and who like each other because it improves the teamspirit. I tried to get some respect by the community with this team. I wanted to show everyone that there are turks who can actually behave and arn't whining, insulting and cheating nonstop. Too bad that i won't get this chance this time. In my opinion there should be something like an exception for that "3 players rule" for all the nations, who dont have enough players, who are living in their own nation (e.g Latvia).

Just a little sidenote:
I just saw that we are again in the Qualifiers. Ye sure, i knew it before i even signed up. It is because we are a nation which they dont want in the Cup. It was the same last year and this year again. I guess we are in the Qualifiers, because you guys from Clanbase need some more time to organise the groups and you already know that we cant participate, so you dont even put us to the groups, because it would fuck up everthing. Nice ! Last year you allowed us to play with an exception, which actually wasn't allowed by Clanbase. You tried to help us - or at least tried to give us the feeling - to take part in this cup. You tried to sneak us around the rule and since you knew that we would have barely a chance against Team Norway, you let us play against them in the qualifier. Great ...

I dont want to blame Lion, because he is actually doing a great job! He just follows the rules and he is one of the less, who is doing his job right. I am blaming Clanbase for their strict and stupid rules and it is not possible to talk with them about it. They think that everything they do is perfect and that they dont make any mistakes. My opinion.

I repeat: do me a favour and dont spam or flame in this journal and take it serious. Dont do it just for me. do it for the lineup with very nice guys, who deserve this.

Im sorry for Tanq, kaZer, kaze, banaan, shaky and al1.
I tried my best.
If team china can. Team Turkey can too!
not the first time, isnt it?
whatever i love kebabs!
pictures of passports* or gtfo
u can find passports on the inet -.-
rly? show me pls.
banaan :xD:X;D:xdXd;X:dx:D:xd:XD;X:D
same thing with china i believe?
thats why they let china play against ukraine and turkey vs columbia. so that they can let ukraine and columbia join the groups ...
to many stupid rules, should just let teams play this should just be for fun anyways.
colombia, legendary et nation

though ClanBase should actually know the history of Turkey and the levels of emigration as well as the culture of Turkey. Just doing that is enough to see how retarded the rule is for you.
lol stfu nub
sup EscobarX?
you saying you'd lose vs COL?
we would lose because they wouldnt allow us to play
i love turkey

we always eat it with christmas
kebab en die dronken avond maaltijden op zaterdag avond? :D
ik eet nooit dronken avond maal :D
Eet je kebab en turkse pizza op kerst? :P
bad news :(
why u pick all the turks that are in other countries :x?
This provocation goes to the wrong direction..
convience lion to actually let you play the qualifier...
im talking for already 3-4 days with him.he is just following the rules and i dont even blame him for that. but i wanted to let the community know what is actually going on there..
over talk it with killerboy as well, he is game supervisor and probably knows more what is possible than lion, who is just following his rules... I am pretty sure killerboy also knows about last year and can take that into a decission, since I don't think turkey failed that hard that the whole cup was fucked up last year?:)
its obvious a case of corruption so colombia can get in groups
I think they actually take it too serious, I mean, fun and competision shloud be like the most important in NC, right?

just let belgians play in Team Netherland, Polands play for Germany, Swizz' play for Austria, Americans play for Canadians, and Latvian play for Russia. Congraz, now u have a second EC which is still called NC
Actually that happens now sometimes and I don't feel like it hurts me. For me its ok until they don't beak ethical rules, I mean like almost whole team being from other country and faking nationalities just to play in NC,then its too much.
allow kebabland :(
boe hoe hoe
fucking immigrants
punishment for being immigrants :D
its a simple rule and if your nation has not enough eligible players why there's need to whine about it? you can always play serious cups with your players if you feel you need to "prove" something lol
It isnt just a randomcup. It is the nationscup. Do you know how it feels to represent your country ? It feels like you are not playing just for yourself, no. its like playing for everyone else. the teamspirit is much higher and you are proud to be part of this team. my problem isnt the cup, it is the rule. and even if it would be a 1 day cup, the rule would be shit !
go to turkey then, problem solved.. no?
How does it feel not to live in ur own country then?
i smiled :)
its not something he can choose, what could he do if his parents decided/had to move to other country?
I'd agree if anyone in Turkey actually gave a fuck about this NC that you'd be proud to play for your country since loads people would actually be watching but that's not the case so it sounds more like you're just ego'g.

Don't get me wrong. I think the rule is stupid aswell. Just imagine if let's say all Japan players decided to come to europe to have better pings they wouldn't be able to play.

Proof of nationality should really be enough imo.
You won't be making anyone proud as you obviously don't have enough players in Turkey.
thx for the +1, feels awesome

here something for u

image: beer
wtf is that? beer with an et logo on it?
wtf lawl
image: IM001273
Why the fuck are you playing real-life ET at home?
jews don't like muslims, you should know it
made me laugh ;p
if there really isn't any players living in turkey you should be allowed to play with emigrants

at least I would allow you
there are some ET players who are living in turkey. but 95% of them are playing just jaymod and have no idea of crossfire or the nationscup. all others are busted or in my lineup (-> living in europe)
ofc(I hope) that non-etpro players aren't even considered, I guess if you could yield at least 1 resident it would be good

I, for instance, didn't know any turks whatsoever besides kazer and tanq, and I only noticed now that you mentioned them :XD
Quote by 3on3 NC Exceptions
eujen will be allowed to play for Romania because of lack of players from Moldovia.

need homer
just let them paly lolol
Is niet mijn winkel vriend
too bad, kazer is whining @ vent already. ;__;
i love this new rule. Now there arent a team germany#3 (turkey) and a team germany#2 (russia) anymore in NC :D

sry for u, but its a good idea that a minimum of 3 players have to live in the country they are playing for.
why the fuck its a good idea ? Just because im born here in germany it doesnt mean that i am german.

then go back to turkey :>>>>
100 % agree :)))
brb moving to Turkey to play NC
yeh like moving to other country is too easy to do something and why the fuck would he do only for ET? are u a nerd or smth and do u know what the fuck are u talking about?!
well, actually it does :)
Why dont u go back to turkey then dickhead?

I fucking hate this shit, u immigrants get it all and so on, yet u fucking have zero respect against the country that made it possible.

QuoteJust because im born here in germany it doesnt mean that i am german.

Fuck off then.
in some journals he claimed to be german now he is turk
dont mind him he is full of shit :s
you are ffs.
Nice integration dude. You get some advantages from being born in Germany (bigger wealth or at least a better payment for the same work, international education...) as well as some negative effects (racism, not being accepted as real Turk nor German...). Wanting both is just unrealistic and immatature. You still got the choice to move to Turkey.
Ah and I'm politically left orientated.
Sure i get some advantages but that has nothing to do with our problem here. They dont allow us to play, because of this unneeded rule and Scorch agreed with it, with the reason that i have to live in the country that im playing for. I have a turkish passport but i was born in germany. What am i ? A turk obviously. Proof ? My passport. SO i should be allowed to play for team turkey.

Your argumentation was just wrong. Sure i love germany. I was born here. I am totally integrated. All my friends live here and i have more to do with germany than with turkey. I totally agree there. BUT my passport says that i am turk so i should be able to play for it. Look at football. nearly ever 3rd nationalplayer isnt playing in his own country and they are still allowed to play for their nationalteam. So why are we using it here ? its just stupid for small communities like the turkish one.
cistic is that
Sorry I misinterpreted your sentence. Made me imagining you as a different person.

I also gotta agree with you about the nonsence of this rule. In every other 'real' nations cup (football, athletics.. well everything) the rules are different. I feel sorry for you guys.
u mean politically right? righties are the racist lol.
Where is the racism in my post?
And I do know the difference between right and left, thanks.
i guess i miss read or u edited, because i understood "and im not left politically oriented"

while what u wrote is more likely what a rightie wud say so it didnt make sense.
I didn't edit anything since you answered.
I posted my political orientation to kind of show that I'm absolutely not anti-immigrant.

And I'd rather say that my answer was just analytical and not politically afficted.

and im leftie myself
What a shame. Hope next time you'll get lucky and find some active players.
just get some active players like L3thal..
im not sure about this, but I'd prolly have to agree with you. in sports there usually isn't such a rule...
so becauseSpain fabregas has been living in ,United Kingdom england for 5+ years he isnt allowed to play for his NC team?
this rule is just stupid , if they can prove their nationality with passport they should be allowed to play PERIOD
at least 3 players of the Lineup have to live in the Nation.....
what about brazil ? how many players in football are playing for the nationalteam and in the brazilian league ?

i was just stating the fact that hes talking bout ONE player :)

am not gonna interfere with the rest ;)
Thats your blemish.. send your turkeys back and play.. btw after your drop out stay in turkey.. no1 needs them!!

Maybe your people should stop migrating so much then and instead try to build up their own country.
lion is a straight goof.
Most of the CB admins are goofs, they make up retarded ass fucking rules.
lets ship lion to afterica in the desert to live with the rest of the lions. so he cant play for any team.
true story bro
i eat Turkey
Thats just a retard comment, if you grow in a poor country you didnt have a choice and if you get to live outside there no one can blame you for staying, you dont fucking know how life can be sometimes in the called third world countries. And stop saying stupid bullshit about the inmigrants, because your countries depends on our natural resourses. (not only drugs here as a fucking joke)
if you dont have enough players to fulfill the ruleset all teams have to obey (and this one clearly makes sense in an NC) then you shouldnt play
Hey eiM, you still alive? :D Haven't heard from you since... last year. :D
my irc 30day-trial ran out so I kinda cant go online anymore and I am too lazy to find a differnt program to work with (mIRC is broken)
Try Drone Script. That's what I use. :D
gimme link cant find
delete last run ;)
Run -> Regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> mIRC

Delete 'LastRun'


do it every 30 days!
I cant use mIRC, its not about the 30 day trial here but the simple fact that mIRC aint working at all on this internet connection (do not ask why, noone can find a solution). I was using Xchat, probably there is a solution alike to remove the trial.
ah shit that's indeed a bitch - have you tried

or as you said, use XChat :p
well I wont be using webchat 24/7 thats shit :D and well xchat ran out and didnt find a suitable crack yet
ClownBase whine starts once again(like every NC for 3 or 4 seasons) :<. I rly dont understand why CB crew r such formalists :/
QuoteIm sorry for Tanq, kaZer, kaze, banaan, Australiashaky and Belgiumal1.

commenting on a journal without having any idea of someone's nationality is something retarded really :D :D ali and shaky are turkish if u dont know or not sure about that plz gtfo and learn it or be sure then come and comment..
wtf TanQ mate? :/
Why so mad @me ..?
sorry dude its nothing personal, i am just mad at cb and this fucking system :/ didnt want to break ur heart but i hate ppl when they prejudge..
If they have Turk passports then they should be allowed to play.
That rule is kind of pointless..
Just follow the passport rule.
finally someone understood what we have been trying to say for 3 years :D goddamn cb and dumb ppl don't get it but u did thanks a lot :)
You really couldn't find any turkish players actually living in Turkey? Just get 1 more ( you got now only 2 i suppose), doesn't matter the skill and if you qualify, just switch 1 living abroad every match to let everyone play. Imho.
Like it does too much harm to let them play? :x
Too bad :(
Too bad for Turkey.
But I guess same thing gonna happened to Team China.
Can't agree w/ you more, If we drop, i would say same thing.
GG :)

World is changing so fast, why can't we change the rules?
QuoteIt's time for CHANGE -Obama
i guess that noone is going to check the players of china because.....its china and not turkey.

i hope you understand what i mean, eventho you are probably living in china and there arnt so many "hated" turks ;)
k ic :)
gl in the future.
no turkey :/
ESL > CB np
Now I can steal ali
Clanbase & some of the admins can kiss my ass
Nice post & nice talk, maybe next time with a better supervisor!
omg its just a game, imo turks should be allowed to play only because of the fun that we should have while playing this game and its not RazZaH fault that turks are mostly immigrants and the rule should be changed for Team Turkey... This rule fits to countries where a lot of players playin' ET: c
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