Poland in NC

its so funny to see how all Polak nation cheers for its nation cup team, lots of "kurwa :XD:XD:XD" spam on ETTV/Gamestv, writing useless and boring ugly-banner-with-russian-tank posts on CF, shitload of journals, polak fucking rising.

That polandball meme is so full of truth about this nation, just amazing how it suits in every aspect.

no hate in this journal involved, just funny to see ur all happy but when ull get raped by one team u will just shut, damn.

image: bqoec02bmwnqpzwby
i wonder for who do you cheer for, for poland or for germany, if for poland then go back to your homeland cleaning toilets or for germany and ride a bimmer mercedes s666
Weird view :p
Let me get this straight, just because he doesn't cheer for Germany in an online first person shooter's half-assed 5on5 nationscup he should leave Germany? IT'S A GAME.

I'm quite happy I don't give a fuck about the nationscup. I'm a Germany/Poland as well.
fuck you nobody talks to you random
No polak talked to you either and you made a journal.
Quotepolak fucking rising.

Why's the madness on me? :)
very social
poland wont lose
u think they can beat fin :D ?
ban you + ban them.
ban them for using polish + vulgar language + spam
ban you for racism
problem solved once for ever
poland race now?

image: LikeButton
better,but there is still racism involved in your journal.
Quotepolandball meme
h3h3h3 u rly fucking bitch :D u mom know that?
ye im mad :D but u too when u dad fuck your ass :D

then when u check a poland ettv match on gamestv website is filled by polish comments evrywhere while other nations somehow try to respect the language and write the comments in english, french and polish ppl dont.. its alwasy the same: french and polish.

theres more like those, usually super patriotic countries where they dont really know other languages besides theirs.. poland is just the perfect example, so is france, and spain too but u dont really notice em(spain) because its a small community but when some spanish guys play some match theres spanish comments all over the place too.

also when u play polaks, frogs and spanish they flame u in their language as if they think evrybody speaks it or smth:DD or everybody understands it, while nobody outside their place do.

its kinda funny because spanish ppl does the same irl with foreigners, i dont know about poland and france.
+ fucking 1 with the comments
Oh believe me, baguettes wont bother speaking english. Even if they are in your country they see french as the language to communicate
T'as un problème?
You mean IRL ? I don't think it is true, whereas americans and english never make the effort of speaking French when they are in France, they start in English as if they were in a colonized country where it would sound normal to speak english ; most of them don't even ask if you speak English/don't even try to speak in French, this is tad narrowminded
i would do the same if i went to france 'cause i dont understand that much of it and barely speak french. English is the universal language so stop to pretend like french is. we all know that you hate english ppl and don't support them, but you must get used to it
You get me completely wrong, I do not hate English people at all and I'm not so much stupid so that I'd consider French as an universal language come on, that'd be tad narrowminded !

I'm basically against the fact that when an Englishman wants to talk to a Frenchman, he does not even make the effort of trying to speak in French (this goes for every country), he directly starts talking in English, without even asking if you uactually understand it : and the English man should know that the English language is not mastered by a majority of French people.
i.e : you go in a foreign country which is not used to speak English : you make the effort to speak the language, or at least make sure the people will understand you.
english is the universal language, and when im on a trip i use it as my language.
In a country where people do not master the English language (France obviously) you'd receive more answers if you first try to express yourself in French in this case, or ask if the person speaks English, and it is first of all a matter of courtesy, countries do not belong to England/USA, they are right to use their national language after all
there is a lot of countries who dont masterise english and if we should learn a bit of each language it would be pain in the ass, thats why there is an universal language to make things easier. u could try to say few words on that language like to thank him or telling him how is he, but definitely not to comunicate or express something beyond what i said. thats why there is english and learning french, spanish polish, and many other languages from places they dont really speak english would really be pain in the ass, its easier if u all use english universally.

and i do know for us, latins, its harder to get to know english but hey we both did it.
ye, Germany and France NEVER do that, they always type in English :)
? i said french ppl does it. fr/spanish/pl
That's also cause the everage education level of the French people playing this game is pretty awful (maybe even more awful than those of the other countries), too bad you cannot speak French, you'd easily notice that :(
yeah possibly.
indeed about the part of the spainish ppl talking their own language irl. per example spanish ppl understand portuguese ppl but when you talk portuguese in spain they pretend to be stupid and don't even try to understand. well, then when some stupid spanish talk to me asking something irl (and i understand spanish perfectly) i tell them that i dont understand and tell them "fuck u" in portuguese and they get mad at me eheheh :P
+ fucking 1 on the polish flame.
someone nice braindamge no job in poland but mad in greece np
zamknij się, pojeb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

polaks are great, always betting on their piece of shit teams cos they're so patriotic
KRP rolling polaks easily 100-0 ---> big money for me :D

agree with you tho
Ahw u poor boy :(
would love to see

ENSAM Sample Matias olBaa sQUALL roll them,would be great
wanna see

monkey rockstAr rossko anim shaun roll them?
I see nothing wrong in cheering your country. It's actually really nice and rare to see in ET. I am quite sure that even if we lost they would be still supportive and cheering. Keep it up compatriots, you are doing great job!
but not like this
QuoteI am quite sure that even if we lost they would be still supportive and cheering.

you are just poor russian shit
keep posting about poland ;]
and the question is what the fuck is your problem? can't you just get over that spam and don't give a shit about it? Every time i see you posting about my country you're attacking it like sick bastard who get raped by 10 homeless polaks. You have to look at your fucking self, you're wnb jewish scum, playing for the Russian team and you're living in estonia, who the fuck are you to judge anyone?
decent troll feed mate.
it's not a fucking troll stop fucking around, that guy always has a problem with it
it's a troll and you constantly make your self look unbelievably stupid every time (this is not your first time, you might want to change your attitude or kill yourself)
even if it's troll this is my opinion about this guy and its nothing stupid in it
leaving in estonia

He is dUNZy, dont feed the trollllllllll :D
he's rent boy without national identity trying to be funny on iNet
zomg real JYRKZ :OOo
dunzy, ur my cf hero
So the point of this journal is "lets make polish community mad" ?
Who gives a fuck about this fat nerd with cheesburger in his mouth ?
there is a pic with a fag nigger with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeee cheeseburger :)

Just wanted to fill ur shitbox
obviously to newb on cf to remember fat dunz with cheesburger.
obv too newb on cf to spot a i dont give a shit about ur retarded comments comment
am sorry for you, person who actually doesn't turn off chat @ ettv XD
i watch ETTV matches over years, but the last matches with poland teams were the firsts when i had to turn off the tvchat
are you kidding me? saw better spams before you've even started 8D
Dont look at my profile date, my PBguid is also already from 2005 :P
tr0ll3d h4rd
wanna see #SQUAD.EE rolling the world ?
big community
bejbi gonna cry :'(????

poor poor u :(((((((
if you knew polish you would see how hilarious those flames/dialogues are ;p
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