Song Recover!!


Dear Crossfire User's,

today me and my girlfriend anounce just 4 fun a new song,
what do you think about her voice? for me its kinda amazing.

Next year she goes to "X-Factor" german casting show,
dunno if she will be good or not i hope she will be awesome there.
I will push and support her wherever i can, doing my best still.

I really dont care about your german stupid kid flamin against me i upload and published for guy's like Snuble, schnee , kuraigu and many other which know's me from the last crossfire lan event's. If you dont like it or if you like it pm me via crossfire per Inbox.

Now it's your turn , cheers Daniel 'humM3L' M.

Thanks alot to Germany kuraigu for great editing prog's etc, and for the help and creating my beat's for the future. ty alot bro

atleast the quality in that video isnt that good, in real shes more awesome with songs like "Run" from liona or some songs of Kelly Clarkson. But we try today the german song.
her voice sounds average, hard to say when i dont understand a word what she sings + the music is way too loud.
Gl to her and you in the upcoming events.

this kinda talent show would be awesome:
the music is slightly louder than her voice imo ..
Quotedunno if he will good or not i hope she will be awesome there


e: sounds quite ok, but no chance to wn that casting show :/
No offence, but she will fail miserably. Stop making her hopes that she can sing or will achieve something with these skills.
But its nice that his supporting her.. all tho i have to agree with you ^.^
Her voice isn't awful but it is definitely not really outstanding either.
I also think that it lacks some post production and/or some good recording equipment.
ROFL is this a troll? :D Cringe at the maximum. Tell her to come to my vent and i'll give her some singing lessons
lol agreed.... when she gets to this standard try for the show
sry but i cnat listen to it
listend to first few secs..
might help if she learnt the text in her head
You should consider getting a better microphone.

Keep it up!
[ger] die stimme ist schon okay aber teilweise liegt der rythmus der stimme nicht auf dem rythmus der musik. ein paar pro-gesangsstunden würden zusätzlich die stimme noch ein wenig "pimpen" und der stimme deiner perle eventuell eine schönere klangfarbe verpassen. bezüglich des sounds des stücks - üben üben üben ;-) hört sich alles ein wenig semipro an :-) [/ger]
sry but tbh xfactor wouldnt be her place :D
X-Factor = ONLY4PROS
so does EACH casting show.
im smart enough to dont watch that shit:))
high 5 :)
love makes ppl stupid but i didnt know it makes them deaf aswell.
Kill it with fire
....? :D good luck to her, she'll need it.
Selten schlimmeres Katzengejammer gehört.

Da sing ich ja unter der Dusche besser und meine Duschbrause gibt sogar noch ne bessere Quali her.
ich liebe dich :D
Was ist da los, Inselaffe?
Ich seh rot.
typischer velerionlike comment xDDDD
Das ist ganz einfach nur die Wahrheit.
o rly?! velerions is doch nicht anderes als die pure wahrheit. also chill :)
ja. kann man schon mal bringen
image: notloadin

not loadin for me :/ tho im a bit curious about the title itself :O
average voice, nothing special :)
no offence but this is just awful.
wtf is this shit? :DD i can't handle it even with heavily cut drugs :C
i'm sorry to tell you this, but she's quite awful, especially at low notes

also going to x-factor, and those kind of shows is for people who need other people to confirm that they can sing good, in other words, insecure people

also, what's up with the fucking leopard clothes, is she a prostitute or something?
nice that you support her but I doubt she's gonna get very far in xfactor !
her voice isn't all that bad but her timing seems to be off by miles, so I guess she lacks musicality. nice effort though
seriously , with things like this you're just feeding trolls...
honestly, it's rubbish ..
Stimme normal, aber nicht genau zum Beat gesungen. Rythmus passt nicht ganz :o

pracc hard, rythmus, get better mic, profit
hm geht so :D
waaat? geht so?

junge tu mal was für deine ohren
ich wollte nicht so hart sein und wenn es ihnen gefällt dann is doch alles lässig
where is dunzy when u need him :(
Ich musste nach dem:"This song is produced by PIKAZETT" sooooo derbe lachen das ich den Rest vom Lied schon garnicht mehr mitbekommen habe! xDDD

aber sonst ist die stimme ganz nice ...

Is this shit for real?

I've heard better, to put things lightly..
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