Stupid & embarrassing stuff you have done in ET

Tell some stupid things you did as a beginner in amazing world of ET.

- For the first 5 months or so I used to write server-ip's on a piece of paper and then type them to console... This happened as late as I started playing wars and I remember people wondering why it took so long for me to join server. :D

- Same for the class & spawnbinds, I used limbomenu and I always missed the change when someone called me in vent to change quickly class or I had to change spawnpoint.

- Netlimiter - I really thought it helped me somehow to play better.

- Too high sens - wasted my first year learning to aim better because of it. :/

- Changing sensitivity after losing one duel

- Searching for my first clan and some guys at #et-finland told me to pm Mulsu and tell to him that I could play mg-42 very well

- Joined Ruipperis clan

- I recruited OldenSan into some of my 2weeks-clan and I was excited because I heard he was an amazing player

- downloading hacks
help me setting up my netlimiter, thanks !
Just use some torrent-program and cap your upload. Where you have to cap it depends on your connection so experience with it.
What do you mean by "cap"?
set a limit

you have 1meg upload, set a max uploading limit to 0,5meg
- used to think getting skilled opponent meant the opponent was skilled
like u got a clue what skilled is :D
like u got a clue what skilled is :D
Never had any problems, was med+ from the start.
I don't fool around.
when I was a kid I used to watch this TV show where the "games guru" used to tell you all the new online free games (usually browser flashgames) and I'd play them for a few hours. I would write down the website links as they came up on the screen, one day I saw W:ET (2003) and stared at it thinking: "OMG! It's like a better version of that game my brother plays because you can drive a TANK!!!" - anyhoo, I was so occupied watching the video of the tank driving through fueldump and allies vs axis firefights that I forgot to copy down the link and never saw the game again til around 3 years later when I saw my younger brother playing it on our laptop. :D (of course I saw my brother playing but I never really focused on what was going on)
supposedly I said perfo's name when I was sleeping 2-3 years ago
would run around on publics playing vs bots in my early days of ET and would chat to them without knowing they could not reply! :D
same story with writing down the IPs on paper. ;P
would spend weeks with my first clan to arrange scrims versus other public clans. =D (and did not understand competition settings at all, such as: setting a time meant we won a point, even if the opponent beat ours. :D)
man same about the bots, i used to insult them because i was so envy, because they were ALWAYS playing and i had to quit to go to sleep because i had school.
oh shit :DDD
Wet dreams about perfo, who hasn't had that I wonder
got to ET from thats tv programme :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
I remember the first time I went on it, it gave me like 5 EPIC free games and after playing it that day I knew where my new home was xd!
Used to memorise all the IPs of publics I liked instead of just adding them to my 'favourites'. Took me almost a year to figure out how to change the colours of your nick. Played with 30 sens on a ballmouse, because optical mice made me aim worse.

Can't really think of anything else!
I could write like 10 ips out of my memory :D and same shit with the colors. damn man i remember i got so happy when i firgured it out. also when i got it all figured and some guy with an uncoloured nick killed me i was like: "damn a noob with white name killed me-.-"
-Jumping in firefights regardless of situation.
Yeah I used to memorize some public ip's as well :D

I was a happy man when I learned to write ^7Aki^4[^7FIN^4]
did the same about writting the servers ip:D but didnt remeber about it till i u mentioned it :XD.

I dno what else tbh... when i started playing wars i kinda knew everything about configs tho i didnt know how to play wars at all.
+thinking exceed was a good player
-rivatuner with external crosshair
-Started playing jaymod

- I used to write server-ip's on a piece of paper and then type them to console...

and that :Xd
i used to know [NMA*] server ip off by heart :D
[NMA*]pimpmyaim or pimp w/e his name was back then showed me the server and he thought me the ip :DD i kno him irl
started to play with invert mouse cause i thought its forced
after 6 months of pubbing i found options -,-
played with invert mouse since then
- for like 3-5 months i wondered how others got fancy weapons like fg. then taz showed me how to change weapon from limbo menu

- when we wanted to play on same server it went like this:

1. go to ET's server browser
2. connect to server and memorize it's name
3. run to other guys house and try to find the server you just connected to (i live right next door to him and we didnt know about instant messaging back then)

+ handful of other really stupid shit i cant remember right now
lol'd at 3, even if I don't believe it :P
We had same tactic with friends except we used Skype for communication :D
yes XDDDD like "its 3 o clock in the morning NEED TO SAY MY BRO WHICH SERVER IM ON OMG then running out only in boxershorts" :D:D:DD:D:D:D:
I love people who think that people with unstable connections actually gives them an advantage, and I use the term love wrongly.
mh it depends really, someone wrote a great article about lerp and crushed madscientists little theories.
Seeing people playing against those with 150+ ping complaining about getting killed round corners is irritating. Its as if they don't realise if they have a lower ping the only difference would be that they would have died sooner not giving them any illusion that they got away.
difference being that you would've taken cover earlier if the hits would register earlier but cuz they didnt you start running behind the corner too late and end up dying behind it unrealistically. maybe not valid reason for whine, but getting pissed at someone who does.. :D
Where is this article?
I believe it might have been that reyalP on the etpro forums, altho I'm not sure
idk, i remember linking it into some other big discussion about the matter, probably before the cf crash, think it was from techniquegeek or mlgf or smth alike.

also as gamma said i think reyalp posted some counter but it was nowhere near as endeavouring and it did not take up lerp and was focused on ET.
Obviously I haven't read that article, but I'd still put my money on madscientist.
Well even before it, I saw what madscientist took up/ignored stuff in a pretty biased way. :P
agreed. annoys me that people I was playing against since ~summer 2010 would complain to me about my connection like I was gaining from it. :D
When you have packetloss you need to be twice as accurate to stand any chance of winning a firefight.
unstable connection sucks....people used to whine at me that i was unhit,they didnt realise that it was twice as hard for me to hit them too...all the fucking hits were delayed really made et frustrating to play
1.yes sometimes, since people said ip and shit in comms, probably everyone did it back then.
2.things like that didnt exist then, no problem really.
3.didnt exist
4.yes, tyvm mango :q
I quit RtCW to play ET.
Good choice, RTCW is shit.
Have you even played the game?
Well it would be pretty foolish of me to judge a game I've never played wouldn't it?
Parent mananger told me that i could join ( OFC he was joking ) and i belived it :DDDD
played with 12fps for 3years on a pIII 600Mhz with a riva tnt32

played about 1 year with default cfg

pubed for too long

i made a clan that lasted 5/6months but that clan never played oc
i don't remember any
i once teamkilled a teammate before disconnecting the server.. that was lame

- Searching for my first clan and some guys at #et-finland told me to pm Mulsu and tell to him that I could play mg-42 very well
" =DD
Thats not lame

Thats funny
Im still doing it @ mixes, after 7 years of playing
time to grow up ? ;P
changed my ingame name every 10 mins when i found out how to color my name
i couldnt decide which color :P
same shit with writing ip's on paper ;P

at the very beggining I had my favourite server, and even if there wasnt anyone on it, I was building everything, planting mines and stuff and waited till somebody will connect :XD
was talking to bot but never get an answer
knew ip of my favourite pub perfectly :D
We had a LAN once and we found some public full of bots with tags and names... We thought they were real players and we were really excited because we owned the shit out of them :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
i tought they were a team full of nerd gaming all the times with teamspeak & stuff :DD

didnt know anything, its my 1st online game :D

they were tagged with german colour -=[BOT]=- Gunter, etc

It is a relief to see I wasnt the only one writing IP's on paper. I seriously thought I was the only one enough stupid not to use ctrl+v :D
when ur new to something and u try out stuff ppl alwasy rely on the good old paper, its more comfy at the time xD after sometime u learn tricks, but at first ur like affraid of losing those ips from the pubs which u liked so much.

I basically wrote them on paper because i was trying servers out, and i remeber i wrote down all the servers where i began with all aiming medals given so i could get double akimbo luger or whatever to rambo around.
made horrible binds full of gay colors becoz i just had figured out how to bind the vsay shit :D
Still playing with a mouseball and having max 30fps
i smell a troll...
nop true story :p
oh shit :DD
do it work well?
what do you think? :p
no! xD
but why do you still play with that? you can grab many good configs here and a cheap laser mouse costs around 5-10€
nop still playingg with it :p
u so hard =D
For the first 5 months or so I used to write server-ip's on a piece of paper and then type them to console... This happened as late as I started playing wars and I remember people wondering why it took so long for me to join server. :D

ohh boy so much nostalgia in this thread :D

i specced a friend of me irl hours while he was playing. that was at the time when they brought ET out. they could only play the map Beach in the beginning^^
then the 6 originals came out and i was hours at him just to spec him how he throwed airstrikes at railgun!! :D
i was like OMG he kills everything now :D:D
later he got the flak jacket (cuz he was so cool building everything around)
THEN HE GOT MEDIC LVL 4 and i was OMGOMGOMG while he gave himself the adrenalin needle and then rambo-medic all the way xD

i really thougt that he was the best player ever.

(his name was SFG|DonBubu [StrikeForceGermany])

today i think, i would kill him with np^^ but it was awesome back in the days ^_^
I enjoyed ET more when I just messed around publics and didnt care about clanwars and stuff
same :[ would love it so much if my original first clan members were still playing and we could go back to those old times of playing on publics all day and abusing server admin. :D
nah u dont, thats just your brain playing tricks on u. u just remember them as more happy times but they were not, if not u wudnt have moved to clanwars etc.

i also remember when i was playing on Whosgaming and i made that clan with the best players on the server recruited even some guy from south korea, i was like "h3h3h3" i have the best clan and i didnt even know how to speak english.

and i think those times are better now but they were not. if they were i wouldnt have moved, good memories always look twice better than what they actually were.
Used to bind stuff with colors and then bind a voice command with it so it said some message like "owned bitch" and then u cud hear greatshot. had shitloads of them and i didnt have keys left to bind more so.

I remember my first game ever, it was on radar, my dad showed me the game (LOL) he was like: "go medic!" i was like "nonononoon i only wanna shoot, because if i go medic i need to revive teammates and i dno whats going on" i basically was scared that ppl would get mad at me so i never went any other class besides being a soldier with an mp40 (i didnt like panzas, not even when i was a newb, even back then i thought they were lame)
QuoteFor the first 5 months or so I used to write server-ip's on a piece of paper and then type them to console

so true, i didnt know how to copy+paste server ip from TS

default cfg

camping 24/7

flaming really hard everyone who kills me/thoughts of cheating
i had a very dark cfg, didnt know we could have other than default, so the idea i had was to shoot with mp40 /thompson so i could actualy see where i was going ( with the flash :D ) .

u cant beat this!
dark cfg, braundorf hahahaha

same here, fucking dark & cant see shit ;D

i was complaining on server-forum about that shit " hey remove that map, its too dark and i cant see there" :xDDD
Quote- For the first 5 months or so I used to write server-ip's on a piece of paper and then type them to console... This happened as late as I started playing wars and I remember people wondering why it took so long for me to join server. :D

1. Didn't know how to trick-jump, so I would always ask my buddy to stack.
2. Didn't fully understand the power of the rifle.
3. Thought I was skilled when I did oasis wall jump.
4. Felt like a security guard when I received admin level.
security guard :D
i have thought intensely for the last 10 or so minutes, all i could come up with was that i didn't start playing etpro from the start, and possibly that i cheated once and got busted for it.
played et 1 year without searching on google for the game;discovered on my own that u can shoot better from prone; that u can time a nade
playing 1st war and saying "omg they can see threw tank smoke wtf "
1st config was just "bind k kill"
had that "bind k kill" too :D was awesome!
-playing ET with me playing keyboards and friend playing mouse (or other way around). Panzer was the best class to play!

-playing with configs and getting some red triangles - stupid but responses i got were hilarious

- used my first 1000xp screen as wallpaper for months!

-getting wireless mouse for ET cuz i though it wud be better

- had played WoW for months and when i finally came back to ET i just though i had a bit rustyness. Game just didnt feel the same like it used to but i continued to blame wow. Just played CWs and got highest fragger & dmgs every now and then but still felt i didnt play good. This continued for few weeks before I noticed i got mouse hz at 125...
still have the same feeling but I can't change the fucking usb rate.. Stuck with 125Hz forever :(
hahaha, i did that aswell with a friend. didnt have inet at that time so we played each at a turn or like that :D
walking around with panzer instead of the colt

did that as well
you're such a noob
Losing the CIC7 final.
Fanboying a pubnoob in rtcw because he could revive more than one person in a row on a 40 man public.

When I started out rtcw I played with a guy who owned everything with what looked like a high sens. So I put my sens to 15 hoping I would own. Was playing with a ballmouse and no mousepad.

I've never bothered to learn to properly use spawnselectors, only in utmost need do I try to use them. I even played on lan while selecting classes through limbo because I was too lazy to make proper binds.

Lagging out during a war in midair, one centimeter infront of truck on radar because I pulled my cable in all the excitement. I had east and my teammate had west but couldnt return it because I was 999-blocking the entire truck, both got secured.

Changing sensitivity after every lost duel? :s

Quote- For the first 5 months or so I used to write server-ip's on a piece of paper and then type them to console... This happened as late as I started playing wars and I remember people wondering why it took so long for me to join server. :D

same, I had bank letters just littered with ET ip's :$
- Used to think High Ping was the best ping
- Wrote Ips
- Only knew Fops Class / passing ammo to shoot more....
- High Xp more respect
- Optical mouse shooting randomly up or down didn't know gaming mice existed
- Default X hair with red meant custom CFG ......
- Stock maps / objective
Took me 3 weeks to figure out I had to strafe while I was into a fight and a year and a half with default config on superserver [1337] !
Same about the IP's.
Played with a superlowsense using a Logitech Wireless Lasermouse for 2 years :_D
-Memorized IPs
-Didn't understand how spread works
-Still using Limbo Menu
-Still not using spawnpoint hotkeys
-XP = skill
-Got kicked out of my first game in railgun as axis shooting my teammates with a flamethrower. Or was it one of those bitchy 'Server has disconnected for unknown reason" kicks.
Quote-Didn't understand how spread works

99% of players still don't
Played soldier only cos I was afraid that counterparts whould whine if I played medic and didn't revive.

Lots of binds with vsay

In the very start so high sens that is just did 360s while trying to shoot.
Dunno, I was born 1337 lolz
Still makes me giggle when I think of you back in the days :D
My first 6on6-war was at Saturday-night with and the map was Goldrush! I even remember the tactics we had in attack, I thought to myself that "oh boy this is serious business" :D
Tactics? Doesn't sound like riots :D Maybe some chaotic plan, which would be remembered for first 2-3 spawns.
"Ok slarto ja jokumuu ottaa covon ja nakkaa savut mainille, muut menee engeinä sen jälkeen sisään" Olin ihan ällikällä lyöty tuon masterplanin kuultuani!! Sitte käskit mua vaihtaa classin äkkiä medicciin mutta mulla ei ollu classibindei nii en kerenny. :( Muuta en muista.
translate plz :dD
you were pro when playing with nfp :$
Oh those old days.
best days of my life pubbing on ETPub with United KingdomNoedel, United KingdomDark(AKA hvk), FinlandKape, NetherlandsBigsmoke, NetherlandsTerifire and moar!

As for most of us I thought exp = skill. So staying behind cover throwing arty and passing ammo to teammates was amazing.

When wanted to connect to same server with friend i just told him the name of the server and he had to find it from serverlist :)
begging people to let me join a clan i'm not good enough for

'gaming mode'
-went to an ettv server and tried to join
watching demos of possible cheaters on a standalone puter with a wallhack cause i was to scared to have a wh on my normal puter cause of pb.

r_shownormals ftw
- used to blame every death on some external factor (lag, friction on mousepad, FPSdrop, etc). Oh wait, I still do that.
Changed my config too many times, this time it forced me to quit, haven't played in about 16 days, so I am passed the "2 weeks" period.
Actually the IP's & paper thing isn't too absurd because you can't ctrl+v anything into the "connect to IP" box, unless you know how to use the console, which is intuitively impossible to know without experience, it's actually the fastest way to connect.
Minimizing ET and typing the IP with notepad open would've probably been slower on some crappy 2001 PC's which take a minute to vid_restart
Went to play Jaymod after Firebird and MAKs have gone down
what ThunderThighs said
i was always so afraid to play with guys from other european countries...didnt want to speak english because i thought i'd make mistakes and embarrass myself. i was very shy :x

changed my cfg too many times :I and always wanted to change my nickname to something else.
losing EC final...
was 12 when I started ET, had really high voice.. I made it into my irl friends' clan 1 week after I started.. it was called Suomen Vero Virasto (-=SVV=-).. then they didn't let me play one game and I decided to quit the clan and make my own clan (Childrens from sky).. yes childrenSSSS :D.. I recruited ppl from public.. we were 12-15 years old, except one was 26 years old :_D Im still in contact with some of those guys :D

haha and my nickname was Term!te.. once I met other Termite on public and forced him to play duel against me to battle who can keep the name.. I won..

we went to public servers and forced ppl to play like 6vs12 against our clan or kick. I also played et so serious at that time.. I whined pretty much in teamspeak with my high voice. I just made CFS to beat my friend's clan and actually we were better than them!

after all this I found out that u can change settings in options.. I talked with my teammate who made "configs" for us.

later on I had to change my nickname to "_M", because nobody let me to play mixes with them in et-finland coz I was flaming so much in clanbase match reports.
Great story :)
Great journal :)

journal of the year maybe??

oohhh good old times :))
Good old times which will never come back... Although I have to disagree with Thomm

Quote by Thomm on 21/03/11, 10:09:33

Still makes me giggle when I think of you back in the days :D


- i remember when my friend told me about the game, so i dl'ded it, took me ages with like 60kbs, eventually figured out how to join a server, jumped in and i spawned with players and i was like wtf! and just started teamkilling everyone because i thought they were the enemy (LOL) got kicked pretty much instantly, then raged uninstalled being like that games stupid.
Same with me, was playing on a server with a friend and kept team bleeding. I kept saying "lol, sorry thought you were on the other team" until my friend got into a rage saying "dude, one team is green and one team is beige wtf..." and left the server :s
had played with deafualt config for 1½ year, only changing the settings in escape > options. had allready played wars n stuff. then fisken asked me "whats your fov on" and i was like wtf? :D wat is fov.. then he teached me all about configs

did the same with ip's

wrote "no fair" on a public server but what i meant was unfair. :D
Also writing IP's on paper before i knew splatterladder.
In my first year or smth i didnt even aim on the head.
Calling something my own cfg after i had changed gamma and overbrightbits!
Played with mAus wars at low+ while he was high, still dont know what he thought of that;o
QuoteIn my first year or smth i didnt even aim on the head.

what did you aim for then :D
dunno, just aimed, everywhere:d asked myself why joshua was better (rl friend), but then i figured it out!
In my first year or smth i didnt even aim on the head.

same :P
took me 1 year to figure out how to set an arty
"Scroll up until you find binoculars... then right click with your mouse... then click where you want to put the artillery"
I started playing with AL1, it ruined my gaming-carreer and my real life.

on a serious note, I loved being a covert on goldrush to throw smoke in the bank where they most of the times had a 12 man defence at the gold, then take a uniform and sneak in behind the gold and start to knife as many as I could, was fun :) !
- also wrote down all ips
- used panzer only to destroy tank
- played for public clan, which had msn meetings every week for important stuffff
- took me 5years to know that u can defuse satchel!
you can defuse satchel ? o.0
HAHA once I did this by accident on braundorf when the opponent put a satchel on the dynamite, I was like YEAH ALMOST DEFUSED and the satchel disappeared then the dyna exploded =DD
How the fuck do you defuse a satchel ? :P
that you can defuse satchel is in the game manual!
put a toy car inside a comdom, up my butt, took xrays


Iceland sAs joined the jaymod clan I was in, whilst I was on holiday or my computer was broke, and was a huge fanboy, even tho he'd never seen me play or spoke to me. left me like a dozen messages on our forums ":D" saying he was a fan and he had heard so much, when would I be back and would i like to play with him sometime

now he owns me ;(

TL|Public 4lyf

would spam crouch constantly in duels and wonder why I was losing :(

I used to think i was amazing when i would rape people with fg and think I was pro, but couldnt do it with smg

watched my first ettv with stewie shoutcasting match vs helix, when tekoa was in idle and razz was in helix, and i remember saying to my public clanmates that if we prac'd we could be as good as them even tho we were all still on .55 :(

and when i first downloaded the game i had no mouse because i was on a laptop and tried to play using the laptop pad :(
Made 2first things tooo :))), usually wrote those to some school notebook!(same guys still think that I do so)

Didn't know I couldn't play on ETTV server, thought there were so many players so I could try to play there!

Still I don't have any idea about ./commands etc. Have used same configs since in the end of 2005. Thanks to hazz/Slayer!

In my the beginning of clan matches we didn't use any kind of voice. Team chat tax :(

Thought guys would reduce different amount of HP whether I hit finger,head,stomach,hand etc...
- i thought highping is better than low and joined the worst servers i could find :D
- When I finally joined a clan called [SAVO], I was so happy with my admin level and used to spam /admintest

- Around 2 months later I came back from a vacation, joined the server and said "HEY GUYS, YOUR FAVORITE ADMIN IS BACK". The leader was on and said "sorry mate but we had to kick you, because you can't speak german" and took my admin level. I was pissed off and left the server and tried to find a new cool server

- A few weeks later I joined a clan called |KD|, and they said that I had to download TS2 and use it while playing. I was pretty shy(12 years old at that time), so I muted myself and told them that my mic was broken.

- Never played medic in |KD| since I heard that they had kicked a guy, because he was a rambo medic. I was afraid, that they would kick me too, so I just sticked to engy/fops

- Once I forgot to mute my mic and started whining every time I got killed, even whined on my clan mates. Luckily they didn't understand it, because it was danish. Then I had to explain myself why I lied to them and they wanted my to explain some danish words.

miss those awesome days :(
Sent tompsukka my gameface picture....
Shouldnt have spent 4 years on jaymod (some good memories tho) but on the other hand, who would have wanted to play wars with 10-14 years old.
Spent 4 years on 2.55.
Tought that wallhackers can shoot through walls.
Though xp = everything.
use to think that some players are as good as me
Had multicfgs with different name's colors, changing everytime I pressed j (vsay sorry), k (vsay hello), p (vsay cheer), etc, with 20 different keys. Took me days to work it out, everyone was like how the fuck can you do that :>
have been playing with only one bind (+ forward) for weeks. Always funny when i think i used to rush pressing mouse 1 and using my mouse to change direction.
best journal ! :D thanks for the good memories
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