Being friends

hey crossfire :>

me, Sup3r & chizz6l are holding a little contest: the winner gets added to our buddylists here on CF

the contest is as follows:
you guys make random comments, the funniest comment gets a reply from all three of us.. and thats how you know you've won

may the luckiest person win

i think you guys are really cool guys and i would really like to be on your guys' guy-friend lists if you guys wouldn't mind
Totally gay
i've been proven otherwise by the world, for example: i always used women's moisturising facial creme, until recently when i found out that they make them for men aswell, which proves to me that there's nothing wrong in using moisturising facial creme
you guys are good at et
i'm rick james bitch
belgians, the world's excuse for autism
Ik heb met chizz6l porno gekeken :$
made one with him would be more funny imo
But I actually did watch porn with him :<
i was there :^$
As if had forgotten :P
what did the zero (0) say to the eight (8)?

why are you using a belt

i know its lame :(
why is 6 afraid of 7?

seven ate nine
I just killed around 20 russian dogs
im gona lol at the ppl actually trying to "win" this
How can you add someone who is already added? :O)
hoe gaat het in Spanje ?
One day, I looked up in the sky.

A bird came by and shit into my eye.

I didn't laugh. I didn't cry.

I was just happy, that cows can't fly
I've been reading this with the "I made it" rhythm; don't know if it was your intention :P
Dont want u on my buddylist, cuz ur idiots
let me be in ur budy list and ill be ur best friend for ever :) we can do anything all 4 of us, nothing can stop us, i am fun and strong, i can tell u jokes when u guys are sad, i can make you guys happy any time you need someone, so please will you accept me to be your friend too?

with much love, IMaG
een tas van iemand lag in een boom.
hij probeerde de tas eruit te halen door in de boom te klimmen.
toen viel hij.
Ik weet niet waarom, maar ik heb gelachen.. :S
1. You get to speak three languages, but none of them intelligibly.

2. If other countries want to fight a war, they will do it in your country.

3. You can brew drinks out of fruit, and still call it beer.

4. You are either
a. like the Dutch, just less efficient
b. like the French, just less romantic
c. like the Germans

5. Decent fries. Real mayonnaise. Great chocolate. The best beer.

6. No one knows anything about you, except for the Dutch and French and they make fun of you.

7. More scandals in a week than any other country in a decade.

8. You can drive like a maniac on the road and nobody cares

9. All your famous countrymen are either imaginary, or sex-offenders

10. Face it. It's not really a country, is it?

p.s.An Englishman, an American and a Belgian were on the Titanic when it hit the iceberg. and they all rushed to the deck in order to abandon the ship.
The Englishman, being the typical gentlemen shouted "Women and children first !!"
The American, being a typical American shouted "Fuck the children !!"
And the Belgian, being a typical belgian asked "Do we have time for that...!?"

image: 2u8weo5

shut up to Super 8D
cool story bro..

You are gays, wanna see Finland raping you @ NC. :)
AL1 was walking down the street singing. "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
Snappin' her fingers and shufflin' her feet, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
She looked good (looked good), she looked fine (looked fine)
She looked good, she looked fine and I nearly lost my mind. He came into a pub and said y0 mates i'm Sup3r cool, chizz6l my nizzle. "Now i go steal a bike"
hey mister emo u r in mine but u r too sup3r cool to have me in. (not meant to be funnY)
can itell a joke so i can be funnie, and then u comment on me, and then i can be on ur buddylist ?
ik stop me lul in je kinderbueno en daarna veeg ik hem af met mijn pown handdoek
klein pikkie heb je dan
i see a lot of AL1's there
changed picture :p
i don't want to be on your buddylist?
Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.
QuoteME & SUp3r are no longer friends.

something is a miss

22:52 @AL1 •:D
22:52 @Sup3r • to make it short
22:52 @AL1 • plz Sup3r :)
22:52 @Sup3r • I'm an ex HIV-patient
22:52 @AL1 • u banned
22:52 @AL1 •because u have hiv
22:52 @AL1 • :)
22:52 @Sup3r • I posted a journal with pics of my chemo
22:52 +hste • :D?
22:52 @Sup3r • well
22:52 @Sup3r • let me explain
22:52 @Sup3r • they were
22:52 @Sup3r • "offensive"
22:53 @Sup3r • and thought I was trolling
22:53 @Sup3r • but I wasnt lol
22:53 +hste • lol
22:53 @Sup3r • being an HIV patient
22:53 @AL1 • xDDd
22:53 @Sup3r • is nothing to joke about
22:53 @Sup3r • it really isnt
22:53 @AL1 • chemo
22:53 @AL1 • for hiv?
22:53 @AL1 • :d
22:53 +hste • xD
22:53 @Sup3r • yep
22:53 @Sup3r • :)
22:53 @Sup3r • brb game
22:53 +hste • shame
22:53 +hste • wat a crap ban
22:55 @Sup3r • hste
22:55 @Sup3r • lol I know
22:55 @Sup3r • they dont believe me
22:55 @Sup3r •even showed some scars on AEF
22:55 @Sup3r • they said I be trolling
22:55 +hste • lol wtf
22:55 @AL1 • xDdd
22:55 @AL1 • omg
22:55 @AL1 • xD
22:55 @AL1 • and the funny thing is :)
22:55 @AL1 • i also have hiv
22:55 @AL1 • but im not banned
22:55 @AL1 • haha
22:55 @AL1 • xDDd
22:55 +hste • :DDDDD
22:56 @Sup3r4 • AL1 ..
22:56 @Sup3r • seriously
22:56 @Sup3r • u should grow up sometimes
22:56 @Sup3r • im trying to have a fucking serious conversation with hste
22:56 @AL1 • ?
22:56 @Sup3r • do u even know how hard it is
22:56 @Sup3r • emotionally
22:56 @AL1 • xDDDDDDDDd
22:56 @AL1 • im sorry man
22:56 @Sup3r • to explain why I'm banned ?
22:56 @AL1 • i felt like trlling u
22:56 @AL1 • xDdD
22:56 @Sup3r • I get fucking mocked on by intenret admins
22:56 @Sup3r • u think thats fucking cool ???
22:56 @AL1 • OWNED HARD
22:56 @AL1 • !!!
22:56 @AL1 • :D !!
22:56 @AL1 • 3v3 ??
22:56 @AL1 • get 3rd
22:57 @Sup3r • ah seriously :)
22:57 @Sup3r • you crossed the line
22:57 • Sup3r set mode [-o Sup3r]
22:57 @AL1 • :D
22:57 @AL1 • !!
Zuig mijn lul.
you're shit
this is utter bullshit and completely sad
image: cda459b5e8441b04fb09969fef921762

best story ever :'D
Can't fucking believe I read everything :D awesome story
chances are you are as retarded as i and wasted 5 minutes of your life reading that, but just in case you didnt (but you did) and were smart enough to scroll down first (which you arent)

tldr stranded man fucks dead woman
kanker zwarte
What's the difference between a jew and a boy scout ?

The boy scout comes back from the camp. :-)
Whatever, I do what I want so I sit at home and play ET.
sorry, too retarded for my buddylist...
Here, have a mindfuck
fuck off leeches
you guys suck, here is someone AWESOME
image: handicapped
YOU WIN xDDDD congratz
YOU WIN xDDDD congratz
YOU WIN xDDDD congratz
image: UHa94

i like to move it
jamie dancing omg :ooooo
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