crazy idea....

ok, just thinking today about ET2, and the lack of it.

how many people are active in this community? and how many would fucking LOVE a real, viable, playable ET2? not some shit version made for the masses to cash in on a popular design, not an ETQW fuck up, but a real, designed, supported, new map released, updated version of et, better graphics, same class system, same xp system, real anticheat included (slac obviously as it does work), PLAYABLE GAME.

what would you do to see that?

now heres the crazy bit. the bit ive no clue about, but i think might be worth looking into. how much would this cost? really cost? £10,000? £30,000? £50,000?

taken from :

"Casual and social games obviously have a lower development cost. Development cost for most of these games (having a development cycle of 6 months) is between $30k and $300k."

but this is to develop a game from scratch. come up with an idea, develop gameplay, maps, systems to involve the player. ET already has all that. it has a platform, and its proven to work.

ok, so, how about giving a big lump of money to a game developer with a reputation, giving them all the basics and say "ok, you got 6 months to come back with a revamped, full on FPS taken and built around ET", draw up contracts (easy really), set them a realistic timescale, and see what they say.

ok, so where does the money come from? you. you , the et lover and player. sponsorship (speedlink paid chaplja for an anticheat, so why wouldnt other mgc's chip in?). im not selling this as a business / money making idea. im selling this to a gaming community that has stayed with a 9 year old game, and still has a regular player base of around 2000 - 3000? active players? this website has that anyway that all claim to play regularly. so why not put in say £10 each? youre not paying for the game, youre paying someone to develop it. theres your 30 grand right there. ok so some will laugh, some will say it will never work, but it could couldnt it?

the game would stay free, you get a whole new ET for the next 6,7,8 + years, and the community grows, gets bigger, stronger, better. thats worth £10 just to see it mess up surely? :P

how much do you want ET2?

this is just the beer fuelled thoughts of a half drunk old scottish guy (no, not you jelly), and im sure itll get "tl:dr" and the usual shit, but what if it worked.....

....brb getting my chequebook.
haha c'est retardé
what changes should there be?

if ET wouldn't be good as it is now, no1 would play it...
im not sure there should be many changes, mostly updated graphics id want personally. but the same maps. like i said, it was just a thought.
and who gets the money ? to get something really worthy ?
you mean who gets paid? the software developers. the game designers. we just get the game. non profit, free game, same as et.
i would support it!!!!!

and i wouldnt cry if i would lose 10€ for nothing.
just to see that sometimes things work.

everyone can see those facts... (many ppl still love this game)
Its a nice idea.

But Ill take the fps games that my pc can run good, so dunno about higher quality games
good choice ::::: retr0 = hetero
2:1 , what-'d--u-xpected :::::::::::
well if u want community to grow or new community members just update the graphics, np
the only reason et is still played is the engine

doesn't make sense to change what is already perfect
wow no wonder people say u so smart
agreed. im not suggesting to change it, just *tweak* it. there's already a dedicated community, screaming out for a little bit of development. that couldn't cost too much surely? would it lead to a community based game? a game developed for the community, by the community? that cant be bad?
many people have had this idea and there have been a few "projects" (eg, the xreal engine modifications, that axis revolution thing or whatever) but they never really get off the ground and there is certainly no funding

yeah you may get some people on here saying "yeah i'd pay x€ for new et" but in reality the majority of competitive et players don't want to pay for shit (and many are students), for example just see how many people here play LoL despite HoN being vastly superior and that's only 30$

and personally i wouldn't contribute because i believe that
a) money could be better spent within the community than a project like this, no amount of graphical improvements is going to magically bring a wave of new players, i just don't think there'd be any return
b) there are better things i could purchase for myself, i already have et and i like it so i'd rather get new things, the visuals of a video game are of no importance to me
so spend the money developing 6 new competition maps? that wouldn't cost much? i get what you mean, it is a student player base , and that means not much funding, but there must be some interest from companies? has anyone asked them? im seeing more and more cups and lans coming up than ever before, and with bigger games still pulling 1000+ on ettv, theres still interest. ok, its not like SC2 with 40,000 viewers per match, but still.....
to pay someone a proper wage for map making would actually cost a LOT, mapping is a very time consuming process. competitions such as the TLR one are good incentives but we are yet to see if they can be successful

it's one thing to make a map, but for it to be adopted by the community... that's the difficult part, it has to be good enough which many simply aren't (atleast, they are not viable long term), infact i'd say making a good competitive map requires luck

supply/gold/radar are never going to go away. hell even today in quake they still play ztntourney3 which actually should be almost 15 years old now if not already. only maps like adler/frost have a chance of getting replaced
are there any active mappers left? if so, point me towards them and watch me go ....
well i dunno, but theres a competition for the TLR lan, winning map is in the mappool and winner gets £150 or something i think... maybe ask Seanza
journal title sums it up
probably. but how long does ET have left if nothing new happens? a year? 2?
probably but i dont think et with new graphic would really attract a lot of new ppl without huge promotion, not to mention you will never get 3000 users here to donate 10$
well id donate a lot more than that tbh. it was an example figure. its not about attracting a lot of new players either. you've got a bored player base already who need something new imo.
I dont think new graphic/map would make em excited. If you want something new then i guess you should wait for brink
i think if you push up the Graphics, stay in these XP system and stuff, and getting new maps it would be very cool and i guess if its really get supported by MGC's or just Gameequipment names like Steelseries, Razer, Logitech and ofc the Old players of Wolfenstein:ET its doable
I would pay 10 € ...
and now kick someone from BiO i wanna play :D
E: Otherwise we had it once with this New Wolfenstein shit, Graphics that no PC can handle and you have to pay for it is anyone still playing this shit? :DD
Promoting the game would be one of the most important things to do. Its oké to boost up the quality, but the competative players will turn down the quality as low as possible to get proper FPS anywyas :p As longs as the engine doesnt get fucked around with :)
pray for miracle and ID making ETLive... Its the only option u nerds got :-)

zadrot ebaniy
honestly, nice idea but i would rather pay for bio priv pw (now thats a money making business) than that some "developer"
haha. a donation to the "buy kevlar beer fund" . lovely :D
ye cf, pls contribute, give me money, i will make new ET with paint 8)
That was a hell of a joke ! Gtz bro !
mais qu est ce que tu dis, dégage toi.
To be very honest, ET is fine as it is. We occasionly get to play new maps (Erdenberg for example is a new good map in my opinion) and have regular Online tournaments. What else do we need? Oh and R0SS - fuck off with your LAN argument ;)
what about lans

ok , fand den gut.
Just get the xreal engine + the game with some new community ideas. Pay someone to put the two together. = et Stealth !
seem like a good idea but game should not be free
Q3 engine >

For Brink to have a hope in hell of succeeding it will need another person like Bani and for all the CoD faggots to stay well away haha.
i can already see a SoF comeback....
Talked about it with Ste today haha, hes tempted and I think Marvel is to.
well ffs, baggiez was the lowest in SoF, and hes like some et god
haha yea he was such a support fire team killing noob!! We will deffo give Brink a fair pop and maybe ET another go for laughs. Now all we need is ukeg. for mega old school reunion matches. :p
yeah right. all that mob went n got lives n crap stuff like that :( homos!
accepting donations, started developing it already :)
very slim change for success in a project like that. i'd rather pay for 6on6 to come back.

buying etpro source from bani would help a lot more than starting full blown game dev project. if you had etpro source finding active developers for free wouldn't be a problem now after what, 4 or 5 years? without any updates.
i would donate :)
seems like a good idea :)
I love the idea, and would definitely donate. Although, I must say, I don't think a lot can actually be done for ET. It's pretty much perfect. I personally LOVE the graphics in ET. The only thing that went wrong with this game is cheaters. Clans broke up cause cheaters were everywhere, the community shrunk, and we're all that's left. As sad as it is to say, nothing is going to change :(
like 10 lans incoming, new serious esports multi gaymings cumming on ET so do we really need ET2?

Don't think so :o
sup with all the gayness in your comments ? Got sth to tell me son ?
sorry to disappoint you, but I'm straight :<
I'm not dissapoint son !
well, with all the extra interest that seems to be appearing lately, isnt this the perfect time to inject something new into the game? something to make mgc's and sponsors look at et and think "wtf has this game got that keeps it going and going" and invest?
hmm could work, but atm I'm happy as ET is :p
Brink will be fine.
brink will be a fail game like Wolfenstein .. Crysis2= 80% of brink ... u have a Energy Bar which u decide to do 2-3 slides or jump 2x higher ... wow awesome game better dont buy it ...
10€ by me np with it...

but i prefer 6on6 back and 2-3 new competition maps :-)
ET is having many many LANs coming, many cups lately, we just need to promote ET!
Quoteregular player base of around 2000 - 3000


anyway it's a nice idea but i don't see the guy in this society who would take care of this like supervise working on the game and making us sure that money wont be wasted
im happy with et how it is..

i dont need any new better graphic details and stuff due to shit pc and so on and i like the game how it is. just stay with the game and we will all be happy if we just support the game!!!

over and out :D!
rtcw2 is just fine
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