Royal wedding?

Seriously who here cares about the "Royal Wedding" like come on!
The news makes it seem like it's such a biiiiiiggg! deal, but in actuality, it isn't who else does it effect other then England. like wtf...
You gotta have some excuse to not do work!
there are better ones, a certain administrator here in germany who wants to stay anonymous, has mmastered this over the years :D
not 'crossfire' admin, just admin, and not chosen, no^^
just expressing my admiration for this certain person xD
day off, so fuck you.
apparently english people love to support royal family's rich life with their own money. that's such a sweet gesture, especially when u get nothing in return
welcome to modern economy :D

those morons at buckingham palace are nothing more than a cheap crack whore sluts, who do coke every day and fuck all the maids in the palace and from time to time they travel to africa to pretend like the care, and on top of that they pretend to be royalty. as long as the people are stupid buckingham palace will live. and people say balkan is undeveloped huh
lets just say... imo there is no point in those royals, do they do anything special at all or can do anything? apart from being rich in the first place tehre is nothing much out of ordinary is there?!
They are blue-blooded!!!111 :D
They actually do have many roles and duties to carry out. Head of the Armed Forces, Head of the Church of England, Public Relations and other Government duties.

I am neither for or against the royal family, but seeing as it's been around for hundreds of years I don't see an issue.

If you have any intelligence you'll be able to see past your nose. If not, then you'll probably come back with a typical crossfire remark.
i got intelligence but I choose the 2nd one, cause it's more fun

yeah they do all that symbolic crap and nothing that matters. and they are a pretty big expense for doing nothing. but since u like it. i hope they stay royal for another hundred years
wow, you really get a day off cause royal wedding? :O
rofl, so basically you just get day off and so whole england can follow the royal wedding? cool
yeah but I won't be following shit xD
kate is hot :o
monday is also a "day off" ("" because every day is a day off if you're a student which a lot of crossfire is)... it means we've had 2x 4 day weekends in a row, it might be good if i was working but it's just gonna be like any other day except i have to hear about this shitass cunt wedding
I dont really understand all the shit around the wedding. It just costs millions of money to get two human beings married :|
It is being watched world wide by 2.4 Billion people. It's like the olymics opening a few years ago. This country and the royal family are right under the spot light. So to not look like a massive flop, they kinda need to do a lot of what they do
Yeh, i know, its a waste of money if you ask me tho :p
But was you speaking out against how much the Bejing olyimpics spent on the opening part with all those fireworks and well... It was fantastic and probably cost a fuck load more then this wedding.
That's true, but I guess the olympics made quite alot of money aswell from all the sponsors and commercials and so on. Dunno how much these weddings will "make money"
I am guessing BBC are selling the rights to other countries to get money from this. Plus, around my area, there is so much going on. I am not going to go down and join the "celebrations" because I couldn't care less about the wedding.
Yh, propably. I wonder how much the weddings will cost at the end after all the money they earned with them, like that bbc selling rights etc.

Or maybe they just get money instead of losing it >:OOo
It will cost a few million I would of thought. Either way I see being in the european union more of a waste of money for the UK (Costs us over 20 Million a day)
20millions omnom, I could use the money so much better
oh and I forgot about all the tourest revenue into the Brittish econamy which is worth over a billion I would of said!
like 2.4billion ppl have access to television.

africa 1 billion ppl who do not care
china 1.3 billion ppl who do not care
india 1.2 billion who mostly dont care
rest of asia ~1.5billion ppl who do not care

that means that the whole rest of the remaing human poupulation would watch sth like this.

due time zones i doubt that the majority of either

north america ~0.5 billion ppl give a shit
nor south america ~0.4 billion ppl give a shit

not even mentioning most of european (0.75billion - uk = 0.69 billion) ppl wont give a shit sonce theres something called like work.



sry maybe few hundred million are watching, since tv is full of it but not > 2 fucking billion.
750 Million watched Charles + Diana's wedding and that was like 30 years ago....

I see you did some time to look up figures, so why not just go to like websites that have all pretty much the same predictions? I have seen 3 big websites (BBC, CNN + ITV) All saying between 1.9bil up to 2.5 billion.
who is counting that? its just a guessing. u maybe will come over 1 billion viewers that is right ye, but simply because of the fact that the tv is full of it. u dont have a decent alternative since nearly everybody is broadcsting it. and most people really dont care (besides uk and former colonies ofc ^^) about a wedding that much. they just cant avoid seeing it :<
There was 4.5billion people on earth in 1981. Present day there are around 7.1billion people. Which is over double when there were 750million viewers.

So if you want to bring facts and figures into this and if the trend carries on you should have over double 750million viewers so over 1.5billion people.

Therefore putting the figure at 2 billion (reports from BBC and other news websites) is far from being really un-realistic..
doesnt change the fact that most peopl never wanted to watch it ^_^
I don't think that's extremely realistic since most of the people who were born between 1981 and now were born in poor countries where they have almost no tv sets.
simply a waste of money.

african people are dying cause of food and water austerity but the best thing people do is investing money to see a stupid wedding of two people.
whats wrong with it?

you can't deny that this event is a waste of money
i dont give a fuck about the wedding but 99% of the things we buy is a waste of money and would be better off given to a poor african child
every random public event is a waste of money when compared to donating to needy starving children, stop talking about these people wasting money and go fucking do something yourself.
Shares the same IQ as a carrot.
not very nice :(
Look at his reply to you... He must have the same IQ as a carrot! :D:D:D:D
you sure are matured and intelligent yourself, I see
You are saying that this is spending too much money on a royal wedding being watched world wide by over 2 billion people? Correct me if I am wrong, surely more money every day is spent on "luxuary goods" that we don't need?

For me, If I have money I want to spend... I spend it on myself. I go to work and put the effort in to earn my money. It is then taxed and I pay my bills. If I was rich I would donate, but, I am not rich. I give my £5 a month to cancer research and that is all.

What have YOU done to help "african people are dying cause of food and water austerity"?
QuoteYou are saying that this is spending too much money on a royal wedding being watched world wide by over 2 billion people? Correct me if I am wrong, surely more money every day is spent on "luxuary goods" that we don't need?

Don't excuse dissipation with dissipation. I never stated that "luxuary goods" are better than this event. Read the posts correctly.

QuoteFor me, If I have money I want to spend... I spend it on myself. I go to work and put the effort in to earn my money. It is then taxed and I pay my bills. If I was rich I would donate, but, I am not rich. I give my £5 a month to cancer research and that is all.

Thats nice. I am doing the same (but not for cancer).

QuoteWhat have YOU done to help "african people are dying cause of food and water austerity"?

-Buying something from a firm that was spending money.
-Spending money

and so on.

If an event is taking place and every person that is taking part in this is spending money to cover the expenses, its a nice thing and don't hurt any people.
But why should I pay for a wedding of two english people? I could have spend the money or it could have been invested to research.
Rough cost of the wedding - 60mil to 100mil - Generated revenue made from tourists 1.1billion.

At what point is this a waste to the Brittsh economy. Because call me greedy if you want, but, with the economy as rough as what it is right now. I see this as a pretty good thing for the UK. We give enough money to other countries and it is about time that we started thinking about ourselfs. We have given so much aid over the years to other countries and I can only see that getting larger. BUT, if we have the chance to generate 1billion in people coming from other countries to see this then why not spend 50 odd million on it? That is only what the UK GIVES the european union in 2 and a half days.
Thats good for the Brittsh economy. And its nice if your country gets money back (to higher the standard of living for normal people and so on) but I have to pay for this without being asked. There are people on this planet who have higher needs of the money than the everage western European.
I know that but have you ever thought about how much money football clubs spend every year? or how much TV shows cost? This wedding is costing far less than most of them. So why are you not bitching more about them?
I do ! ;)

A shame, but thats how the modern world works.
You donated on SLAC instead of to african children ;O
Yup to keep something I use and like up and running :)
every public event yeah. I never denied that.
Why should I shut up? Freedom of opinion is a right that every human has.

I am spending money thats the thing I am doing.
I didn't tell you to shut up. it's fucking annoying to see retards who expect everyone else to do something and don't do shit themselves.
Quotestop talking about these people wasting money

I don't expect that someone to do something. Never said that.
I simply think this whole event is a waste of money (including my own money).
every event in the world is a waste of money with that mentality. jesus christ.
spending £2 billion on a fucking aircraft carrier is a waste of money,

spending £billions of nuclear weapons is a waste of money, wel never use one.

billions spent on things what will never be used until the end of time. and you cry about 10p for the most watched event in history and a day off work.

campaign about the far more useless things our money gets spent on rather than one of the most significant events in modern history.
wrong-headed argument...
o plz.

il give you 10p personally if your that bothered about it. just watch and enjoy and be proud.

u cant be that poor that u need 10p that badly. if you are then thats your own fault.

dont base your life on crying all day everyday because ur money is being spent on things you may not want it to be spent on. That wont change so youl have to deal with it. just get your boss to pay you 10p more to compensate for the DIRE LOSS of money and stress this has caused you.
Nobody cares about the Africans though...
Charity starts at home motherfucker, i dont give a shit about the royals or this wedding. But id rather see the money spent on this wedding than given to africans, they dont even have shops over there wtf
You're a fucking dumbass.
u mad? idiot
Then ask for everyone to stay home in their hut, farm their patch of land, procreate and let's all go back to prehistory since everything people do for business or leisure seems to be a complete waste of money...
they have a queen :)
Makes a change to have the news focusing on something positive tbh. If you're not interested turn over.

I am not the least bit interested, so I won't watch it. But I do get given a day off paid! :)
Double time and a half baby. "£25 x 8 hours = £200" boom!!
I was offered double time but took this week as holiday so I only had to use 2 days instead of the 4 I work! :D:D:D
Day off ? Imma move to england.
Went to the shops about an hour ago to pick some milk + bread up. There is this massive street party right next to the supermarket with loads of food + drink. Pretty good atmosphere over there as well. Didn't stay there long, just had a look around!
do you live in london?
Yea like south London. I live in the really "posh" bit but don't think I am anywhere near being posh! :D
QuoteI live in the really "posh" bit

Molesey is a shithole haha. Epsom is a shithole aswell to be fair. Chav central over here
I am in the middle of richmond, esher and hampton! I just live in the shit town in the posh county! Epsom + molesey bring this area down boi! :D
ye and im right near Oxshot,Cobham and Bookham. The poshest places in surrey, we live in the shit parts of the poshest areas lol.

Leatherhead Hightstreet worst highstreet in the UK lol. 5 mins from where i live
Don't. We don't get a day off for Saint Georges day, its BULLSHIT
We've got less days off than most European countries.
Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were married on April 29th 1945. I'll just leave this here.
ill drink for that
comment of the day
Becks looked good. What a man!
David Beckham, great man or greatest man?!??!
Greatest. Simple as that. COOL AS FUCK.
Whole commonwealth!?
hey i was told United KingdomJoe will be representing there
:D:D:D:DD made my day !
lets face it, if this doesnt make you proud to be british you can just leave.

10p per taxpayer paying for this, if i drop 10p in the street i dont pick it up.

The most watched event in history.
Glad I'm not proud to be British then EH! :):Ppp

Harry looks like he's on roids now, should have worn his Hitler costume instead would have made it more memorable.
+1, can imagine him standing there now wearing that hahaha.

Kate looks FINE in that dress np.
Bit of a nipple hardon, wonder when the threads on 4chan etc ask for an xray of her LoL
your about to marry the future king of England. If you didnt have a nipple hardon then theres something wrong with you :DDDDDDD

Kates sisters is stupidly fit.
I saw Kate (didn't know her real name was Catherine loL) give a cheeky smile when they done their vows and Bill said 'for richer for poor' :ppp
Kate is short for catherine you douche. haha for richer or for.. oh wait :DDD

Literaly every single person in the UK is watching this, look out the window and its like its the end of the world.
But can be an independent name too! Nobody I know called K/Catherine are called Kate! =]]]

Luckily not many people give a shit about the wedding here. Few women I spoke to said they were just interested to see the dress of the bridge but that's it, everything normal here \o/
ye true, people are watching it for the scale and aesthetics of the event and to see the dress. The sight of the event is pretty incredible though u gota admit that, its nice to look at :D
Parent Keep refreshing if it doesn't load.
ROFL. look at the coverage, theres more coverage of the royal wedding than the Olympic games ffs :DD

but yeh lol, hes ginger
Shame none of them cunts are Welsh. Haven't had a 'true' Welsh prince for over 750 years ;_))):Pp
well the queens greek and phillips german..ohwell
I honestly don't give a shit about Prince William, or Kate Middleton, although she is hot. I don't give a shit about any of the Royal family, the queens just a little old lady in a shiny hat that we paid for, phillips just a demented old racist kraut. I haven't cared since they assassinated our Princess Diana <3 rip

Although, Bank Holiday too go sit in the beer garden all day? go on you royals
i'm actually watching it, feeling ashamed
im watching at while playing football manager cuz im bored
cant be bothered really.
My mother's watching it and she's not even English. >.<
And I'm sitting here hungrily.

If I find that bastard who broke her chain free...
It was I. Sorry :(
watched it coz of the hype.
Wait, what? India hype was there? Going to bomb those damn royals I hope!
was cool to watch, I'd be proud if I were British.
wouldn't you ? an estimate of 2 billion people will be watching how a middle-class girl marries the king-to-be of the UK. The glamour, the fans, the security, the budget, the paparazzi, the royal families & celebrities who are present, the prestige,... I can keep on going.

The entire world has its eyes on your country/your capital city/your royal family, no need to be a diehard patriot to be proud of this.

The first time a royal wedding is a wedding of love - not of families bonding together for benefits as I highly doubt the middleton family can offer much to the royal one - A true cinderella story !

Just everything together, the entire package, is nice to watch if you're not a bitter person ( not saying you are ! just some people tend to react very negative )
Well yes, I indeed don't care the slightest about any of this and wouldn't even think about being "proud" of it while I have nothing to do with it.

The whole royal thing seems to be the most unnessecary thing in the world nowadays except for some gossip papers who can fill in "content" for people to read while in the waiting room of their doctor.

But your points are all accurate for the 2 billion people I guess.
Understandable :) !

But I would say if you don't like it , dont watch it nor criticize it, let those 2 billion people have their joy.
Whilst I agree with both your points, this day has made a lot of people happy. Regardless of whether or not you believe people should be happy with the marriage of two people they don't know, it's still nice to see a country 'come together'.

If people can take happiness out of a day like this, then I'm glad it's happened. Even with some of the expense falling on the taxpayer.
representive monarchies cant be more useless than religions ever were and will be :)
What budget are you talking about?

The whole day was an utter fucking waste of money, regardless of their 'high status'. True they need (lol) security and the bobbies came out in forces but was just pathetic for what they classed as a low-key wedding.

I guess they got some money back with all these faggots buying the memorabilia and what not though.
Can't wait for the divorce party :)))
that's the difference between a royal wedding and a normal wedding.

This is what you get for living in a monarchy
How unfortunate hey :(

I'd gladly swap places with you next time a big event like this comes around, as I'm sure you'd be more than happy to watch it all and check out the coverage :Ppp
sure will :)
Prince Harry has literally hit the JACKPOT with that cheif Bridesmaid.

Go on Harry my son!!

Oh and yeah, I'm watching it. Enjoyable. Gotta love Becks there banging out Jerusalem. Nothing more British then that.
Thanks for that.
there's nothing more British than that
kurz und knapp.

hi2u :)
watched and liked it :)

would really like to be british :(
Bomb them i say
I'm not English nor do i support Rangers so I don't give a fuck.
pfft i didn't even give a flying fuck when dutch crown prince got married why should i give a shit about some other countries prince getting married -.-
Nobody is asking you to.
no but they throw it in my face every time i turn on the telly
Don't watch those channels then.
i don't wanna but when i turn my TV on it starts at the first channel pre set which shows a lot of that stuff :< watching comedy central now :D
lol all the nerds saying 'British and proud' :DDDddd
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