RIP. Wouter Weylandt

he fell in the 3rd course of the Giro today

inb4 cycling is gay/dope sport

e: he didn't survive.

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I didn't see the fall and I think I'm not gonna watch it.
I hope he survives but afaik they didn't succeed reanimating him.

Such a shame :(. He was one of my favorite riders. I hope he can still make it!
tziet er ni goe uit ze, bloed uit zn neus enz :/
bloedneus ?
kdenk ni da da stroomt gelijk ne waterval
charme kerel, ni gezien gelukkig
apparently his hart is working again.. some people have commented that on the youtube video.. let's hope so
Hope he will survive it, looked terrible tbh. Latest news what i got is that they were reanimating him for 15min already, 5 min later the hospital helicopter arrived.
dat ze zoiets filmen dat vind ik te ver gaan, die kerel ligt daar te creperen :/ hoop dat t goed met m komt
Looks terrible :(. Hope he will survive..
Helmen moeten toch steviger worden zenne
I'm sure he got a brain-damage. The blood floats out of his nose like a waterfall.
you're a doctor?
Studying paramedic.
occams response is "no"
ockhams razor?
BelgiumDe renner botste op zo'n 25 km van de finish tegen een muur en bleef roerloos op het asfalt liggen.
he didn't survive :(

RIP Wouter
De 26-jarige Belg wordt in september voor de eerste keer vader.
RIP :'(
Directie van Giro bevestigt overlijden van Gentse wielrenner Wouter Weylandt (26).
these kind of things just shouldnt happen

RIP :/

wtf man
Oh no :-(

I just saw the incident.. the replay shows him lying on the ground, blood coming out of his nose and mouth..

i just feel sick:(

Its a sad day.
I'm still wondering why they use those silly helmets. If safety goes in first place. I rather cycle a bit slower than dying when crashing. Those cyclers reach speeds up to 70/90 kmh when they go off a hill. No wonder most of the cycler don't survive those things..

what a stupid comment.

No helmet can save a rider from a crash like that.

Also you want to put a speed limit when they go down a hill?
Why do you comment on me when its stupid. His face wouldn't be injured when he had a closed helmet. He would still have injury's but I might've saved his life.
the last death in cycling was around 2003/4.. not gonna further discuss on this
Lucky you don't as you will keep defending your point as its a Belgium who died.
you think it's a good idea to let cyclists were somekind of Motor Helmets? I think that will injure people way more, because of the heath inside it etc, than what happened now..
Well in that case motercycles can wear the same helmet as cyclers :D
damn you're as stupid as I thought you were..

Motorbikers don't do races of 6hours I think right?

Also they race at MUCH MUCH HIGHER speeds.
If he had a closed helmet his face would've been this bad. Thats my point.

If there wouldn't be cars, there wouldn't be caraccidents
In fuckin deed. :-)

Anyways the point is that those helmest aint protecting the full head. but just the brainpart. Closed helmets are protecting the back of the head as well the face.

I wondering why downhill people where closed helmets as well bmxers
average speed downhill is about 70-80km/h, if not more. Even with a motorcycle helmet you would have serious injuries, not to mention if you would survive a crash like that
It's a risk we all take when cycling, it's not as if they aren't aware of this. It's part of the adrenaline rush and the pump you get from it

Related article

But RIP to him.
i want to see what happened
how the hell can you watch that sport without zapping to an other channel?
it's called personal interests
what do you like about it?
gotta be flemish to understand mate
I can't watch F1, box/wrestling or tennis either. I like cycling, thats why I watch it

everyone's interests are different
But why do you like it?
I wanted to post "It doesn't look like he'll survive" when this journal was just made, but I didn't want to be negative. Sad that he did die afterall.
lol thanks for the reply. Just replied back on you. lol :-p
Ik zat verkeerd ;o
Fuck man ! Ik geloofde het eerst niet..

Ik kende wout persoonlijk :(
mnne pa ook

kent uwe pa ook btw :P
R.I.P :(
I think you see worse shit happening in africa if u just go there and start recording for half a day but still sad to see this happening, rip.
hallo!! context ?!
kzal worse veranderen naar equally bad, ist dan goed ?
and if Hamilton dies in a F1 race or if messi gets a heart attack in the middle of a match, they would really be related to shit happening in africa

where did I say it was related ?

I don't think you have any idea what goes on in Africa, let alone in the world, there's a lot more gruesome shit going on than this accident(!!!!) so stop being so narrowminded.
I even said it was a terrible accident, and I mean every word I said, but just because not every accident that happens in the world is caught on tape, doesn't make them less painful/bad/gruesome/....
er komt precies ni alleen stank uit uw bakkes, maar ook dikke zever
open u ogen :)
zielig figuur gij
ahja ? care to explain ?
wa er gebeurt in Afrika is zot erg. wa er me Weylandt gebeurt is ook ziek erg. alleen is Weylandt nen belg, iemand die veel dichter bij mij/ons staat dan de mensen in afrika. daarom raakt da vele mensen veel meer, zeker op dit moment enkele uren na zijn overlijden.

da gij hier zoiets komt schrijven is gwn zielig. stel u voor da iemand zoiets tegen u komt zeggen als ne kameraad van u is gestorven..
Hij staat even ver weg van mij als een kind in Afrika want we zijn tenslotte allemaal mensen.

Ik heb toch gezegd da het erg is ma da neemt ni weg dat er geen even erg / ergere dingen gebeuren in de wereld ( nie alleen Afrika/Aziê whatever - ook in Belgie ) die veel minder aandacht krijgen dan dit voorval.

Als gij sews het nieuws bekijkt en er wordt gezegd dat der iemand is omgekomen in een auto-ongeval, dan gaat gij denken van "ah", tis gewoon omda dit live op TV is gebeurd en dat gij ne wielerfanaat zijt da da u harder raakt, ma da betekent ni da dees erger is dan eender welk accident.

conclusie :
erg? ja
erger als de rest van de tragische ongevallen die dagelijks voorkomen ? nee

punt andere lijn.
als ge bekke nadenkt dan weet ge ook da ge die mening ni moet komen verkondigen op dit ogenblik..
Kwou de mensen der nog is aan laten denken ipv te doen alsof hun broer gestorven is, de enige mensen aan wie ik mij zou verontschuldigen op dit ogenblik is familie/vrienden/vriendin van hem (omda het inderdaad erg is wat er gebeurd is) maar de rest staat er in mijn ogen te ver van af ( en as ge vindt van ni kunt g voor iedereen een journal beginnen maken en kunt g elke dag gaan rouwen)
I understand what you mean, but I think this journal is just to pay respect to a specific person that died. People die everyday, you're right about that, and that doesnt make one more important. But they all deserve the same respect, so I don't really think your comment is in place here. + the fact that he is Belgian makes us more related in my opinion.
I guess I could have said it in a friendlier/more gentle way ^^
something like that ye. ^^
Da had ik nu ni verwacht van u, zeer terecht punt (geen ironie)

Voor sommigen wrs ni het beste moment om zoiets te zeggen, maar ik ga volledig akkoord me u
kheb ook een serieus kantje !
Tga me vooral over het standpunt, 90% van de ET spelers zijn vlaams belangers (of nva of alvast rechts), dus ik ben da voor 'sociale' uitspraken hier ni gewoon op cf
He had won the third stage one year ago on this same Giro and he died on the third stage this year, fucking irony of fate
especially sad since he was going to become a father soon

words can't describe this :\
Hmm sad story. rip Wouter
Dear Jonasty,
I share your pain, i too am upset that this cyclist has perished but... i have a tub of popcorn so, vid please?
The worst thing is that he was about to become a father in september
Rip.. so sad..
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