Fuck school.


So I'm thinking about dropping out all together, cant be bothered with studying anymore when 90 % of the stuff you have to learn is not of any relevance later on anyway. (When you're actually doing your job that is.)

People here who used to be / are in the same situation?

I don't mind working at all, it's just that I have this prejudice of the "uneducated university dropout that ends up with a shit job that doesn't pay anthing".



Edit : I would like to do a job that "matters", something where you can notice how you are improving the world. (That sounds very philosophical but I mean it in a more down to earth way if you know what I mean).
I actually have got the same atm. Thursday is my last exam, then 3 months of vacation. But i dont feel like studying at all, thinking about quitting etc.. just bored and id rather be working aswell.
image: tumblr_ll80dyJbCs1qckz9so1_500
are you studying or going to school? well ,anyway, both is important. i know that "just-gtfo-feeling", but after failing hard with that attitude, i feel so shitty about it :/

hope you will learn too :/
yea i'm studying Law atm, 1st year. It started off really well, first 4 exams was an easy pass. After that i lost my motivation and just started fucking around. I can still go to the 2nd year probably but just lack of motivation.
I have this vision in my mind when I think about dropping :

Uneducated, doing a very low-paid job, doing a very hard/dirty job, not respected by people in general, financial troubles all life long, not being able to buy an own house ( my n°1 goal in life I think), etc

Fuck me.
the exact same shit can happen after you are done with studying
really, seems like you experienced something like that? what happened?
never bothered studying

im trying the "working my way up" method :) but i know some people that studied for 5-6 years and finished and are jobless now
true. well, i have a profession as "verlagskaufmann", but wanted to have a real good job after my studies (which i really loved). i didnt finish and now i try to start YOUR way ;D
aren't you working for your father's company?
if you think so
yeah thats the exact same reason im still studying tbh
maybe theres some other things that cause your demotivation, i dont know. at least i had, but i regret. but if your really really not into law, why bother going on? sounds hard, but why not starting to study something you like/feel good with in the first place? got some presure by your parents or so?

and btw. what kevin said, is exactly what im going through atm...unfinished studies suck...but i had some other things that caused my demotivation, because i loved my studies in the first place
well its not like i dislike 'Law' but i just dont feel like studying at all. There isn't a better fitting study than law i think.
so. man. you have to go on, i tell you! else you'll regret!
Yeah, well atleast thanks for the advice. You're not the only one telling me to just go on and pull through. I hope my last exam on thursday goes well, because i will go into my vacation with a good feeling.
pushing my fist up for ya!
xD up in the air! like black panther movement or such
tbh study time should be best time in your life! freedom and all that.
true. but sometimes you really need to lay the fun-stuff aside and do some :D
true ^^ next year my real "hard" studies will start (translator) so I'll guess I'll then have the same feeling as these guys
watcha translatin then?
gonna go for dutch - english - chinese with probably taking french aswell after 1st year (if everything goes according to plan)
seems we have one genius for languages here :D
good luck with it!
well every belgian (atleast in the dutch part) almost always knows atleast 3 languages, most know 4 (Dutch,French,English,German) so I guess it's a bit easier for us.

Now i want to learn a new language, always wanted to do finnish but it isn't offered in the 2 schools that I want to go to so I guess i'll do chinese
i always wonder why loads of dutchies can speak german, but not the other way around xD
i would go for spanish, but thats just me
You're quite delusional if you think most Flemish people know atleast 3 languages. That may be the case for the students from ASO, but most in TSO and especially BSO can't speak french for shit. I have a sister in BSO and she doesn't even has French or English lessons.
mmh perhaps :) i'm mostly in contact with people from ASO/TSO..
2much freedom -> no studying :D
Gotta take time to study aswell :P going to study in Antwerp next year and I alrdy know quite alot of ppl/bars there so will be a challenge ^
Well kevin, you know what you are studying for. Even thought some say you can end up in misery with degree aswell, you have less chance of doing so. But anyways if it doenst interest just quit. Remember, your chosing to do smth till your 70ties.
You've got cancer in your brain, congratulations!
I'd take into account two things:

- How long you got left until you finish?
- If you are not planning on working in the same industry/profession that you are studying for, will your qualification help you get a job that you would like to do?

People do well for themselves all the time without degrees/many qualifications, but only if they are motivated/lucky! If you are just going to bum around i reckon you might as well finish it, unless you really hate it..
haha made my day!
thats exactely what i thought, u learn more staying home at pc, or juping school :D
what studies? and I know that feel but sticking through the shit will be worth it in the end I guess!
I started with lawschool a couple of years ago, it might have been a bit too difficult for me although I don't think so, I just got very, very, uninterested and I failed a lot of classes then.

I started with international marketing in february this year, but now I already know most of the classes here don't interest me one bit and will have nothing to do with the kind of job marketing gives you. ( Accountancy, Law, Media). Though there are some interesting ones aswell, ( Logistics, general marketing, strategical marketing, languages), they just don't outweigh the bullshit ones.
so why dont you start something that supports the skills you already have and even more important the interests you have?
My parents forced me into lawschool, it was either that or medical school. (My intelligence is way above average without sounding too arrogant, but I'm not a genius neither, still they pushed me so hard ).

They only allowed me to start marketing because they had a deal with the school that my entire first year would be skipped, because I had already taken 14 out of the 18 classes. They will never let me restart somewhere fresh.
wow. that so reminds me of my "earlier times". my parents forced me to have a professional education first (like learning a profession). was for 3 years in total and after 1,5 years i hated it, but still finsihed. glad i did.
after that i started my studies (the ones i really was into) but couldnt finish, sad panda here.

everyone still says: "you have your profession already" but i hate that direction! going into the trading direction (not my thing) :/
Age: 20 ( 1 December 1990 )

seriously mate :P
You gotta make your own decision on what to study. Else its a waste of time anyway.

Maybe start studying something in the logistics area as you seem interested into that.
I'm not allowed to, I can't magically summon xxxx Euro's to go to university when my parents don't want to pay for it.

Still, what does my age have to do with any of this?
In my personal believe if you reached the age of 20 you shouldnt let your parents decide on what to study.

And if you parents wont support you while you do something you personal like they need to be shoot anyway. Its not like you are wasting your life if you study logistics.

Doesnt the goverment support you students when they need money? Or go and find a parttime job.
The Belgian government only supports students who don't have people to support them. This rule doesn't apply to me because I'm still living at home therefore the government expect my parents to pay it.

If I wanted support from the government I would have to move out and be independant, though without a job it would be impossible to find a place to live.
well, german students tend to do 2 or even more jobs while studying, to pay for their studies and residence ;d
How is that even possible? I don't know about the university schedules in Germany but in Belgium they are fulltime ( or very close to it ), you would only be able to work on satur- and sundays.
hmmm. depends on where you are studying i guess. theres always time to have a job...
try my study :D
guess its different in some countries. dunno bout it. so you need your parents help? isnt that strange too?
well atm im getting just a little bit of money from the government and the remaining part is a "cheap" loan from the government.

point is that I leave for school at 8:00 and get home mostly at 19:15 or so (about twice a week I have school untill 21:30 so then I wont be home till 22:30/45).

And in the remaining time I need to do my homework (if not finished you can stay an extra hour at school for every time you didnt finish it :))) ) do assignments, find a place to do my internship, exercise etc etc

so ye the time I have left pretty much go up in my pc cba to work those few hours aswell.
i was spending looooads of time in the first semesters aswell, but received "some" money from the country aswell. but after that support ended, i needed to have a job, but also the daily study-times were decreasing. cant tell anything bout your system :/
well my study is 2.5 years instead of 4/4.5 so my schooltime will only increase next year :) but ye I got a semi high loan now but I get to work 2 years earlier which should pay up for that loan :P
hope so. do your best!
lol welke unief is da :x
Sorry, but that's wrong. Almost everybody can apply for a scholarship, ofcourse those with financial difficulties will receive much more than the more middle class students.

Also, you can do a summer job (~1.500€) which you can use to pay the rent of a cheap studio for a while. If you live alone and have to pay for studies yourself, you can expect a scholarship fee of atleast 2 to 3.000 €. And as always, universities are really accomodating for those with monetary problems.

Ofcourse, this does mean that you'll have to live quite cheaply for a time and not everybody is willing to do that.
haha. funny. because i just told you im trying something from low level. and i have a promising offer in the logistics ;D
im an educated fachkraft für lagerlogistik and right now im doing my logistikmeister :P

dafür gibs niemals englische wörter :P
haha! viel glück for your logistikmeisterism. (SCHENKER?)
school? what school youre attending?
for me personally i couldnt finish my studies, since i failed one important exam. and thatreally sucks! so now im having a hard time finding a decent job...so...
you learn more staying home at pc etc

but the guy who is receiving ur cv wont look at what u learned at home but more at your diplomas and your graduation

but i guess it doesnt really matter at the end of your life you will finish alone

like everybody

i wouldnt advice u to stop school but more like do what u really want to do and think about the consequences
sums up my oppinion pretty much. and you even made the step to the end of life ;D
but you really should feel well with what you are/were doing
i cant say i feel well with what i do but i can say that i am doing well in other terms
its important to feel well. thats what counts imo!
you cant feel well with what you do

its the other people that makes you feel well (family,..) in my opinion you can do the worst job in the world and comeback home and be with your family and be happy

but too bad god made people thinks only for themself in most of the situation
well, i could feel well with selling icecream in jamaica and have a proper home and stuff...but that will be neither supported nor possible ;D
You learn 4x more of 1 year of work than you do in 4 years of school. But the only thing that matters is a degree, and without one you won't go far. I don't know how old you are but I wouldn't want to start working already when im 20.
too bad i missed my degree in the last months and now im starting from felt 0 :/
but you are right
And even worse. Thinking that your diploma is just the "entry card" for a job. When you finIshed your study you still gotta learn a lot to fit the job, prove that you can do stuff..
kanker scorro hatelijke schijtzooi
Nearly dropped out, but then finished with very high grades

If you want to do something relevant, take a year off and go help poor people in Africa or something, maybe boosts your will to finish up your studies later on
Quotecant be bothered with studying anymore when 90 % of the stuff you have to learn is not of any relevance later on anyway.
i reall hope you wont quit cuz of that. i used to think the same from highschool, why the f am i learning this stuff, like ill need it. the worst was when i had to learn "its a tight blue heaven today" in german, i was rly like WTF DO I HAVE TO LEARN THAT FOR. till 4 years later i helped german customers and they said the exact same sentance as i had to learn. ive been working for a long time, and certainly not in important jobs or anything, but ive had more and more and more stuff wich i thought was useless in high school

thinking that what you learn now is useless as fuck, is gna be the biggest mistake you'll make as you will find out after youre done with school, and got into a job, thats its far from the truth

just saying

e: even the half a year of lawschool i did proves to be very usefull and i am gaining alot from the knowledge i got there
guess loads of people were thinking like that, especially in maths ;D
but hey i made my ABITUR with 2,4 with only learning 2,5 weeks ahead. could of done better though
i didnt pass with awesome grades either, im on of the most lazy persons youll meet regarding school, and i hate it as much as kevin describes it here
same here. but its like "trial and error" and after failing hard, i think a bit different bout it. im still a lazy fuck though ;D
No its always: omg this semester ill start a bit more sooner to learn. But ive been saying that too myself for the last 5 years, rly!
yeah kinda. but i had a "girl coincidence" too, that put my out of track. so i failed :/

image: Super+Mario+Brothers

A pic of us
needs some hair on luigi, but i accept :DDDDD
Well gonna go sleep for 10 h

Gnight bro
nn homie :D
A chuj ci w matke
Stay in school. I don't know what your studying for but if your bored and feel it's irrelevant you should maybe switch to something you enjoy more. Last year I started lawschool but stopped halfway through the 1st year and last september I started studying Media. Changed my attitude towards school 100%, I actually like going to lectures and reading the books and articles etc now.

Don't start working now, like you said you will be underpaid and miss your college years.
Actually I have to say, dropping out isnt as bad as it sounds

I have a few friends that stopped studying and decided to go working. As long as you really invest some time in getting a decent job, you will find something. The most important part is being enthousiastic and showing u want to learn and improve in whatever job u want/get.
One of my mates is a salesman in A.S. Adventure now, wich can be a great job if you're interested in the stuff they sell. He had another job before (night shifts) and he got tired of that, but he already had the new job at A.S. before he even quit his previous one.

I always thought that u are fucked when u drop out, but from what I see around me it looks like u can end up quite well if you're motivated or have a great idea. It really suprised me how 'easy' my friends had it, without any kind or degree.

Anyway, either way study hard and just try to get over with it (depends on how long u still have to study ofc, read as: how many years) or quit, but quit before you're almost at the end (wich sucks).


AS Adventure:DD ive never ever seen someone working there :P(except registers) in Hasselt
my "brother-in-law" had only basic education. and few months ago he was awarded "worker of the year(!)" at DHL Europe. so basically, if you hang yourself into it...
I guess you need really good social skills if you want to find a decent job without education
Couldn't agree more
read mine above. he had a really minor education...but now going big!
man reading this journal and seeing others going through the same shit im going through is weird :o
wanna watch this? www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NG5G1guARg
nah! its weird isnt it?
seems like we all have very similar thoughts :D
we all are lazy fucks? :D
we are all gamers, it is to be expected :D
You have the rest of your life to work your 9-5 job, should take advantage of the easier laid back college times. Think everyone feels like dropping out at some stage but ya just gotta grin and bare it.
study beer, fuck bitches
Thats how we roll

On cf
been thinking a lot about that too. fact of the matter is, you need money to realise your dreams, and you need a diploma to get decent money :< i HATE studying but ive been holding on for my life just for laters sake even tho im constanly thinking of dropping out (i also work in weeks and actually think its funner then school (construction))
and you even have the same name :O
true dat dawg
I'm also tired of high-school, not because of the stuff i learn aren't gonna use later on, but just tired of transport it takes 3 hours to get there bus=>train=>bus and sometimes when i arrive there, they tell me "the teacher is sick so you got free" FUCK OFF couldn't you just give me a SMS instead me wasting my time, anyway i will continue no matter what, cuz it could be a big HELP later on. gn :>
guess your disadvantage is the distance. but for the rest: go ahead!
Same here tbh..But I'll finish this semester and see what I'm gna do then..
finish the next semester foool!
No this! Getting too late to switch or do sth else if I wait much longer..
I dropped out halfway through my A levels. Even though I did well in school I found non compulsary education difficult due to too much freedom. I would skip most lessons and chill with my mates because I was told "if you don't want to attend, you don't have to, we can't force you anymore" which was too much for me. Once you fully commit, you are tied into it for the next 4+ years of your life, because if you quit you will be left with debt for nothing & there is also the risk you could complete the course & be in debt & work in a shop like other people with less qualifications than you.

I'm doing alright now and hope to have a decent salary in a few years time. If you don't enjoy the subject, would you enjoy doing it as your job? If you are fairly smart you can make a lot of money without degrees & certificates. If you want to be guaranteed a job you will need to study for 10+ years to obtain your masters/doctorate etc. Is it worth it? I didn't think so & I'm thankful I made that discision.
you cant even be sure to have a decent job after 10+ years. thats what happened to my cousin. fucking smart and still not able to get a decent job as professor, only beeing traded around universities. but i guess finally he has found it. and i hope to do so aswell. :D
Yeah it's not 100% certain, but it gives you a huge advantage over the majority of people. My cousin is the same, he has his doctorate & is working for Deutsche bank in London on the stock exchange & he loves it. I wonder sometimes why I never got the same genes as him :(

Gl mate, hope everything works out :)
thx man. it always makes me amazingly sad when i think of my unfinished studies. but hey, at least i have some qualities. might get it to work someday. hopefully pretty soon, as im getting old ;D
Never too late man. I blame ET for most of my wasted life, I've played like 4,000 hours, which is like 500 working days. Feels bad man :(
its not ET for me. i wasted most of my life in uni after a relationship that failed (with a fellow student). that made me go the "FUCK YOU! WONT GO WHERE SHE IS!"-style and had loads of alcohol. when i finally settled, i had huge amounts of exams to fullfill. and only the last one i failed hard (3times). i could of done it, but i failed hard. and im always smashing my head when thinking of it!
Can you not re-do it? That sucks man, I dated someone in college who was in my lectures, when we split it caused me to miss most of them because of the awkwardness & the "bad terms" we split on.
well, maybe i could (and let all of what i have done in my previous studies counted in). but i guess its too late this year. because i was looking for decent jobs all the time and failed. maybe i cant restart this summer, not sure though
Goodluck anyway man, hope you get yourself sorted. I'm off bed now mate, gn :)
gn man!

and thx :D
When studying to every fucking job in this planet, its a standard that you have to learn something that doesnt really have anything to do with the job itself...

Im happy I dropped out of university and started studying practical nursery instead. I graduate faster, I will find a job most certainly and I will like what Im doing...

Although I have thought of continuing these studies in university but lets see. :D

And Kevin you are only 20, just do whatever you like but I think its a bitch to be 20+ without any kind of profession. Kind of disturbing to hear your parents told you what to study...

And all the people here who plan on going to work instead of studying, I highly encourage so. Countless of times has one gained back his motivation for studying after being knee-deep in some shitjob for 6 weeks.
wanna be my night nurse?
Sure, want your enema right now?
gimme few minutes, son :D
nah, you know im kiddin. its always difficult to say and you will never get a 100%-solution for everyone. if you found yours, im glad. now get me that enema!
join the military :)
thats the worst solution ever. you earn big money though...
why is that the worst solution ever ?

- poor salary
- lots of moving
- you are working with people who dont give a fuck what they are doing. Neither will you soon.
- you are most likely socially retarded, your head is full of complexes. If not, this will follow in the years of duty.
- Sleeping in the forest (no pc, no internet, no crossfire)
- And like Hanso said, its viewed as a job for people who arent capable of doing anything else :D ( although I disagree with this )
wow, that a different point of view
because its the solution for people who cant even get a professional education nor a place to study at!
well, you can get both at military, thats why its sad. military...your last chance-a-like
Belgium has a world-known top-notch military university providing officers-to-be with master degrees (civil engineering or social & military sciences) :

-paid pretty good during your studies ( and promotions ) + after
-cheap loans & governmental benefits
-adventure/feel-good when on mission
-shapes you into a fine young man

And those who aren't into studying can get various types of training and get the same benefits and get the chance of making a carreer in the army.

"the solution for people who can't even get a professional education nor a place to study at" is bs.
same in germany...
but think of it as "last-chance"-way
no offence
In belgium you're not forced to go to the army, so the people who do go are motivated to do so and are actually interested.

I can study at any university I like but I prefer to go to the military one (and so do loads of other young guys : with a total of 300+ people taking the entrance-exams for 51 spots).

Don't know what made you so narrow-minded about the military, if it's just to become a soldier I can understand the "last-chance" thought, but if it is to become an officer or NCO I think its the biggest bs ever lol.
Geef eens meer uitleg, welke mogelijkheden hebde binnen het leger precies van jobrichting, en zijn de voordelen groot genoeg om het te overwegen?

kijk maar rond, te veel om uit te leggen:p
Also dont forget you are in the Belgian military, so absolutely zero chance of going to war!

We belgians do go on mission but are most of the time in the safest places doing the safest work :D so yeah that's also a good reason to go tbh (+ the cash you get when you go on a mission)
mission as in deployment I guess - British Army does similair, although I am not 100% sure - it may already be included in basic salary, think it use to be referred to as 'hazard pay' :D

Sadly Britain like to send troops into hot zones, so British army is quite a risk ¬_¬
yep deployment :) and yah you brits like the americans a tad too much :P

and yeah its quite a crazy amount tbh:p
Belgian military goes to Kosovo, Afghanistan, etc. Not the most dangerous locations in the world, but still, really safe I wouldn't call some of the destinations :P

You going to study for officer? Captain Sup3r, olé.
Afghanistan is ofcourse an overall dangerous place, but the positioning of the belgian army compared to the american army is SAFE:P.

En ja als ik binnen geraak eh :p
1. drop school
2. ?
3. Profit!

Quote by idiotit's just that I have this prejudice of the "uneducated university dropout that ends up with a shit job that doesn't pay anthing".

Why would you stop, you're already aware that ur futur job will be real crap
if you don't get your degree you'll end up having a shitty-paid job unless you start a business of your own
noone likes to study but it is important.
I suppose I'm lucky, since I'm one of the few people that would rather stay in school as long as possible just so they wouldn't have to work. Work sucks a lot more than school, so don't quit school.
I have exactly the same
"uneducated university dropout that ends up with a shit job that doesn't pay anthing".

That would be me :-)

Quit university in 2008, enlisted in some VDAB-courses so I'd atleast have some stuff that could help me find a job but I've been unemployed for over a year mostly because I didn't have any experience and no exceptional qualities to do the job I was applying for (regular desk job). After almost a year I started applying for everything, and I've worked a while as a telemarketeer, a mailman and a few random warehouse-jobs.

After 3 years of this shit I've decided that dropping out was a bad thing to do, so I'm going back to school in September.

Two remarks that won't apply to the normal university drop out:

1) When I dropped out of university I was in some kind of depression (for a few years already). I gained 20 kg's in 2-3 years, was really insecure, even a phone conversation with one of my few friends would leave me sweating from uncertainty. This lead me to being doubtful of every jobopening (could I do this, weren't my qualifications too low, etc) which in return lowered my chances of actually getting a job. I also limited my searches for a job to those where I wouldn't have that much contact with other people.

2) I'm going back to school because I've realised that with my current qualifications and experience the chances of finding a job that can nurture my dream (travelling around the world and living abroad) is almost impossible. I think every country has more than enough uncertified warehouse-employees. So I'm going back to school to study for a teacher.

So, to sum it up: yes, dropping out of university is not the smartest thing to do. But if you WANT to find a decent job you don't need a university degree to do so. You just need patience, luck and you must be willing to do a few shitjobs in the meanwhile.

Whatever your decission, good luck. I sincerely hope you won't do as bad as me.
You're looking at this the wrong way.

Sure, there's stuff you don't like/need. But if you start working now, there will also be stuff you don't like to do or stuff you like better than other stuff.

If you stay in school (it's only a couple of years) you will get a better/nicer job in which you will have more stuff you'll like.

So +-5 years school with stuff you don't like/need or 40 years of work which you don't like.
dont do that mate.. u will be regret
i had the same feeling past semester, dropped out & started somewhere els
now i got exams here & i rly rly dont feel like studying, i dont mind taking classes, pretty much went to every1 of them, but i just can't study >.>
this is why i didnt join an university, became independant and am now enjoying my life
did u change ur name at LoL?
Quoteuneducated university dropout that ends up with a shit job that doesn't pay anthing

what about people who never went to university? :D

Because I didn't - instead I now got 9 years work experience and contributions, getting a job for me is really easy and while Ive been working I have pretty much constantly been doing on the job education (which, imo, is far more beneficial than university) where the next step would be doing a degree for me (I may do it eventually, not just yet)

Where as most people I know who went to university are now having problems getting a job 95% cannot get it in the field they are educated and are getting paid less than me. I felt that in general uni was a big risk as I could drop out - where as working even if boring and shit pay counts for something on a CV.

Also, most people I know many of whom went to uni are really jealous of my job, so win! :D
what's your job? seems like you're living the dream ':D'
Im working 16 hours a week getting 18,000 euros a year. I do media development basically video, fliers, newsletters etc :) I definitely lucked out.

biggest bonus is that as I am only 16 hours per week I can do part time school courses from time to time when I feel motivated =)
18000 bruto?
£14.5K - so around 18k euros =)
'Bruto' is the dutch opposite for 'nett' or 'after tax', so basically, do you see 18.000 € on your account every year or has the British government still have to take her cut.

And you got really lucky :D

But most people who didn't went to university also have a shit job!
ahh yea thats after tax.

I cant complain about the work I do, sometimes it is repetitive but I get to do some video editing which I enjoy a lot and I get paid to render video at home! :D cant complain about that =)
Thats not really much money if u ask me, mabye u dont have many pay offs for now, but that should change when u get "older" ..

With 18000 pretax a year it should be hard to realise your dreams :p
for 16 hours a week, 18000 is very good without any sort of university qualification - most people I know work 40 hours a week and only just get more than me after tax my age. :)
Didnt say its not good,i would even say that its pretty good for now,was just thinking that u will need more in the future :)
yea no doubt - maybe some contract work on the side to get a bit more money :)
gl with that , gonna get some sleep now .. cya ;)
Why would he need more? If 18.000 € is not enough to get by, you're doing something wrong.
? 18.000 a year pretax for paying an apartement, car tax, fuel , food , and other bills´? Dont think there would be much left for trips and other "hobbys"
But thats just my point of view ;)
Seriously, if you can't afford a vacation and a hobby with 18.000 € a year you have no financial control whatsoever.
this is why im always fucking around with school, only at this semester I've got around 300 hours of absence (it's about 2 months) and still i got pretty decent results, only some problems with dense economics since it's hard to understand without teacher. In the same time many of my class mates going to school almost every day and got problems with mastering materials. If you're clever, inteligent and you know how to talk with teachers jumping school will be easy, don't leave it paper is important nowadays. cheers
kinda curious about how many people on this site are at the uni
Was thinking about the same thing too, but realised i couldnt be bothered not going to school since its quite important for the kind of work I want to do =)

Uni next year it is =(
das belachelijk eh man.. nu stoppen..
ge leert gwn algemene shizzle, true, ma het is nu zo in België

gwn voortdoen en ni de dramaqueen uithange, kom eh :-D

ps: anders kunde zoals de spiro ramen gaan kuisen.. zlol
ahhahahahaha :D
lach maar jongen, ge moet ballen hebben om nen helen dag 150m boven de grond in een klein bakske te staan zene.. gij houdt et daar nog geen 3sec uit
Hebt ge iets gevonden ofwa?
haha neenee :p ben nu gwn examens aant doen zene, de worm was gwn mij aant trolle omdat em wist dak da bericht ging tegenkome van hem ;)
hohoho :DD
21juni 22juni 23juni 24juni 25juni 26juni

al die dagen sta ek aan u deur
24, 25, 26 zit ik al op mijne vlo :DDD
ma tom zal u met plezier binnen laten
You are young and although i dont know for how long youve already been studying, i think that there is still much time left to "try things out" . But if i were you my first step would be to try either other studies or make a break to get some practical work experience in a compony which deals with your the issue of your studies. After this practical experience you should be able to judge the things better and make an easier decision about your future.
its the mainreason why i quit college 2 years ago x
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