SAGE Video Interviews

taking suggestions of who to try and Interview, potty will be the man with the cam and will be trying to get as many people interviewed in 2-5min quick snippits as possible for some entertainment.

Some names would be good of who people want interviewed, possibly some questions as well if you want to suggest any

some I have had so far:

Netherlands pds, Netherlands tele, United Kingdom kamz, United Kingdom baggiez, United Kingdom kamz & United Kingdom baggiez joint interview, Italy XyLoS

dont bother with retarded suggestions like ask X why they have X colour skin, no one cares and you arent smart :(
just pick some skinny fin to interview, always entertaining.
ask perfo
Interview: mAus,sqzz,eujen,baggiez and kamz.

"How do you think the lan-event is going?" :pPpPp
eujen: stap askin so bad question, you son of a mother!
"How do you think the lan-event is going SO FAR?" ::DD
Finland peehoo the drunkard
1. pds - who gives a shit
2. tele - who gives a shit + already had some crossfire interview

rest are fine
chry & cherry
do everything, but pls dont make an interview with stray in english :DDD

.. oh wait
wat bedoel je daarmee? :D

edit: Also, if you've got the time for the coverage (which tbh you will have if you have able volunteers), why not have some team interviews? I'm sure WinFakt (the MGC) - amongst others - would appreciate the exposure, and they'll be much more viewed than individual interviews (just look at the Crossfire Gallery hits, teams vs. players)
this is ofc an aim, I personally would love EVERY team get some camtime as a team. This is mainly as the extras would be nice for people online between games etc. also people post event can have a look at stuff :)
that would be awesome
interview some cooler guys like loekino
Twice Kamz ?

ask: How did you react when you heard kevji landodges?
BelgiumSuP3R (+uNDEAd)
United Kingdomgriim

no idea why, just interview hard
agreed on the SUp3r part ^^
just talk to all teams once ;) even to the lower teams ;) I WANT AN INTERVIEW TOO ! Germany RAMOZYAA
why is United Kingdomkamz twice?
GermanyLevin !!!
Norway Eirik
Belgium mAus
Belgium uNDEAd
Poland zmk, frag, numeric
United Kingdom baggiez
Scotland razz
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands vanQ

or interview with teams

" How do you think the lan event is going? "
" How to look your preparation for the event ? "
" Top predictions "
" Shotouts "
Potty interview me on sunday when im going to spec!!!!!!!
i wanna see that! :D
Belgium Jere
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium AL1
Belgium chry
All LAN players
deryn, gav, toxic
Belgium SUp3R

what happened to you & your gf? what made you guys break up? was it ET? was it you constantly playing ET?? was it? "laugh while asking these questions" => enough entertainment for a lifetime !
that just plain mean im sure 'xxx (cant remember her name but was it sth with char?)' had a solid reason, no need to pick on the boy :<
XD no1 got ditched btw, was a mutual decision.
soz to hear but good stuff you didn't get ditched. I alway remember seeing some random sander with some random girls name in his nick on MSN, didnt realize it was you untill i restarted ET. mutual decision are good cuz if you are together for a long time startin from a very young age it might get boring or you may want to explore new things ;-)
Oh well, ander en beter

e: nerd op ne vrijdagavond op cf zitten!
That was me idd!:p

en haha ge hebt gelijk, kwam wa sleur in, happy single!
mja kheb t al vrij dikwijls gezien en is ook perfect logisch e, als ge al van u 16jr ofzo vast zit aan 1 persoon... t kan daarna altijd nog terug groeien als ge alletwee t er wa van gepakt hebt. Party hard in de zomer dus
Pds isn't going?
seems he joined wnbpro

E: vanq for sure !
NetherlandsVANQ :D

everyone else is stupid!
especially jere :D
Need some interesting questions, not the same boring shit like always "how is the event going" who cares about that crap anyway

While I flame here I don't have any good questions myself so :)
i prefer eujen!
perfect question for Belgium Sup3R

how do you feel now you've won your first lan ?
everybody possible :D + NetherlandsjaCk!
If you're going to make team interviews as suggested above, i'd love to see an interview with Squirtles since they are the only polish team on SAGE! :)
interview deryn, interview of 2 hours atleast
Sup3r for sure
Night cuz of comeback and stuff
b3ck + me as e-partners for life
United Kingdom razz
Iceland phyzic
Netherlands joshua
Belgium chry
merlin, is PHX Lan going to be official??
it is official :)
Polandnumeric/zmk/frag ;D
deryn and sqzz together
I want Green_Clon since I'm his biggest fan!
gav & deryn !
Finlandpeehoo & Germanykresti & flopjehz
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