Tour de France predictions today?

Something special has to happen today

Contador lost a lot of time
Schlecks will need to win some time vs Evans (knowing Evans is way better in the timetrial)
Maybe Basso can surprise us

What are you thinking/hoping??

inb4 omg 2 journals
Doping, thats my guess.
clean unless proven false
prediction, until proven correct.
Or incorrect :P
every physical sport where there is alot to win is full of doping. Football has doping, tennis has doping, basketball has doping ...
ik ben clean
goes on to support my point about sports in general
ok I thought you were one of those people who believe that only cycling has a doping problem
France Sylvain Chavanel will pwn them all today :)
coming from a FranceFrenchie, doesnt surprise me :D
You probably went mad when Hushovd rolled Roy and Montcoutie yesterday
btw, why not Voeckler :D?
Cause Chavanel use to roll on this kind of stage, probably his day. And Voeckler cant do sh*t vs the 2 brothers & others good guys.
Problem Shleck, Contador, Evans, Basso ? Voeckler ftw !
i wasn't mad at all, even if roy deserved victory, hushovd was way stronger !

btw @ Chavanel, i heard that he wanted to do smthg today so that's why i posted this :)))
He is in the Tete de la course atm, gl!
Belgian powah
Tour de France predictions today
by NetherlandsKrii

Stop reading, only french could do that
Why? Because they are arrogant pricks who boo when someone beats them hard?
no cos tour de france is french, and french are so cool & strong, it should be reserved to french :)
epo will win
not watching anymore for about 4-5 yrs...
was amazing when it was armstrong vs ullrich... but nowadays? WTF!
Schleck vs Contador was epic last year
havent seen it :(
what kind of stage is today?
image: 248680

Contador lost a lot of time
Schlecks will need to win some time vs Evans (knowing Evans is way better in the timetrial)
Maybe Basso can surprise us

4 times in the last 15 years, the winner of this race was also the winner of the tour in the end
i watched a lot in the past :)
like from 90s to 2005 or smth

stages with the hills <3 tourmalet, alpe d'huez etc, so freaking exciting.. but nowadays, i dno. lost attraction to me :(
but i will watch it today i guess :)

on german tv they start casting @ 16 CET....
atm they show some shit with horses, WTF!
dont think vanendert is gonna win the tour :ddddd
Nothing compare to the US Postal (Discovery Channel after that) vs Ullricht, tbh :)
Remember the team.. Hincapie, Popovych, Landis (even if he's a moron), Heras, Azevedo, Ekimov..

It was a great time..
I will always remember the "Blue Train" setting the pace and decimating one by one the others outsiders.
good times
i prefer the one vs one fights in the mountains, 40 degrees, lots of people etc
wtf. just watched @ youtube, schleck chain breaking off... and contador kicking in then... wtf

i dont know remember this, true gentlemen!
Armstrong also waited for Ullrich a few years earlier
yap! but didnt find ;d
Nicolas Roche will win
gl Morroco Contador !
Contador fail.

A.Schleck is the best
Like andy said this year is going to be andy vs frank :]

Miss the times of ullrich vs armstrong
Care, winner gonna get busted for using doping anyways.
basso will finish in top 5 today,but i rly dont think he has the explosion to finish first :\

my guess will be one of the schleck brothers,especially frank looks in good shape

and ofc expect team europcar to carry voeckler and the platoon and not let anyone get ahead if they are a threat for the yellowh shirt

still expect contador to make a move and do something

also i think gilbert will try to get more points for the green shirt

will be fun to watch :)
ullrich vs armstrong

oh wait.

Basso will deliver

(fu Robert Gesink)
Contador will attack, schlecks will response. Hope Gesink will do some nice things
stop pushing down other journals u senseless bastard
I hope Contador is able to do some damage to the Schlecks and I'd like Basso to show us something.
Switzerland Cancallara will deliver
I want his jersey :( it looks amazing
wrm draagt die da ? zwitsers kampioen?
Volgens mij wel
ja, elke nationaal kampioen heeft nen specialen trui
best climber ever ";D"

He is pumping atm
cancallara with his doped bike
voucler suprised me today.
Awesome deserved win by Vanendert!
The group of favorites really annoyed me today. It's just bullshit to make a fast jump and then stand still. I liked how Basso just ignored most jumps and just kept going at his own pace. Fränk Schleck was having a bad day, Andy should've kept going after one of his attacks, to finish off at least most of the group. Now they are giving Contador a big chance to recover and strike in the Alps and the time trial.
every1 that watches this shit must be totally retarded

a "sport" thats mainly about stamina when every1 knows all of these worthless scums are doped rofl
its even when everybody does it
i doubt they all take the same shit, so its rather about who takes the most effective shit

and even if they would, then its not really sport anymore :s
Even if they use(d) doping, they still have to train and suffer more than 99% of all the other sportsmen out there.
It's a bit cheap to always talk down on cycling while other sports are at least as bad. Look at all the bribery and even doping in football.
I think doping is not used by any of the favourites actually. Look at the times they need nowadays to climb the mountains. Today they needed 46 minutes to climb PdB when Pantani only needed 33. Says something, me thinks!
Apparently it's 43 minutes and not 33 like I said, nevermind then xD
it could still be amazing what they do, but for me it isnt sport if some1 cheats and its a even bigger joke that every1 knows that every1 does it and still its allowed and even watched
In professional sports and even amateur sports people try to bend the rules. Once shitloads of money and prestige are involved, there will always be cheating and bribery.
If you let that get into your way of watching and enjoying sports, you will have no other choice than not watch any sports at all.
Do you still watch sports? If yes, which one(s)?
i dont say it doesnt happen in other sports

i watch football and tennis mainly where it would matter less if it would actually happen there

but at sports that are mainly about stamina and condition its just a total joke and also the fact that everyone knows it since its proven makes it even worse ;D
I agree with you that with endurance sports, doping is more likely. It's a bit ironic that you name football and tennis though.
In football there have been several cases of doping where the national association or even the UEFA or FIFA cleared the players eventhough the evidence was inevitable. e.g. the nandrolon affair with Dutch players from Barcelona or even the recent clenbuterol cases of several Mexican players. Apart from doping we've seen some serious cases of referee's that got bribed or matches that got sold, like in Italy or now in Turkey. Also on the field fair play hardly exists anymore, they do everything to win.

Tennis is also far from a clean sport. It's a badly kept secret that the association protected players when they got busted in a doping control. Or take the Williams sisters who conveniently didn't open the door when doping control showed up on their doorstep. In cyling that's enough for a suspension. Also in tennis there are reasonable indications that matches or part of matches are being sold for money, involving bookmakers etc.

So, superficially it looks like cycling is the black sheep amongst sports, but personally I still prefer the hard work cyclists put in, above all the shameless cheating and lazy players in football for example.
i doubt any of the top players in tennis like federer or nadal would do something like that

and in football i think it doesnt happen that often, i mean what should they take? its not really needed either since 90 minutes of playing doesnt really require anything

referees being bought is true tho, but at least u will see that ingame then
You got a point but concerning cyclism, keep in mind that since 1996, all the winners except Sastre in 2008 were found doped at a certain point of their career : Riis, Ullrich, Pantani, Armstrong (oh wait, no evidence :ppPp), Floyd Landis (then Perero), Contador... There is nothing comparable with tennis for instance : there is no way Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Murray, etc. are using doping products, they would ve been found guilty at a certain moment...
I won't argue that cycling will always be connected to doping, at least they will try to do everything within the rules.
But as long as the controls in other sports aren't as strict as in cycling, it's hard to say if they are clean. Tennis and football aren't as demanding as cycling of course, but that doesn't mean they don't use anything. Those sports are getting athletic more and more, so the temptation to use something is pretty big. There have already been cases of use of steroids and clenbuterol for example. And if you look at all the people in baseball who used doping to calm down, it would fit into tennis as well.
That hardly anyone got/gets busted is not weird. Look at Agassi, if he didn't write it in his biography it never would've come out that they ignored his positive doping tests. Same goes for Jennifer Capriati at the Olympics in Barcelona. The IOC wanted to hang her, but the WTA made sure it didn't come out.
Right I get your points !
Doping is a shit thing BUT can't you enjoy watching something even when you know it's biased ? It's still awesome just to WATCH. Care whether they take shits or not...
nop, cant

but tbh even if they wouldnt be doped id find it totally boring to watch them =d
you are gay. contador is a homo cheater =D (BUSTED)
I dont care :)
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