Help me pick a study (.nl)

Here on crossfire, there are a lot of people with the same interests (computers, gaming & sports mainly). Those people can probably help me out with chosing a study.

ill start with myself. In the Netherlands, you have to pick direction before you go to the uni (i picked economics and society, vwo) I can pick any study related to economics.

I had the following subjects:

- Dutch (dont really like)
- English (dont really like)
- French (dont really like)
- Geography (sort of like some parts)
- History (like but not really good at it)
- Math (like but too lazy to study)
- Economics (good at it and like it a little)
- Management&Organisation (good at it and like it)

Last year I studied Accountancy as I liked M&O a lot, but it didnt work out. I didnt like some important parts of the job.

As I said, im interested in computers, sports and gaming mainly. I thought about "Computer Science" as it really interests me but I dont know if I can work with computers every single day from 9 till 5.

I hope someone can help me out picking a study or at least give me some tips.
I really tried to make things as clear as possible (different countries, different systems)

inb4 pick a study, ask crossfire

tl;dr: help me pick a study, i like computers and sports
make porn websites involving naked girls with soccer suits
fifa 2011 pro?
- Management&Organisation (good at it and like it)
ga vertegenwoordiger worden ofzo
- Economics (good at it and like it a little)

Here in germany you can pick something like "Sports economics" as a subject after your first 2 terms ;)

It seems to me that you dont like your language - classes , otherwise i would recommend you to pick international business studies :D though economics ( same thing just without the languages ) should suit you well

Management and Organisation also belong to the economics studies :)

or as another option you could try economic geography or even business informatics
study asian sociology
or female economics in islamic countries..

should be a short one
languages r boring 2 study.
math studies is hardcore.
geography and history dont result in good job offers.

so bachelor in
- Economics (good at it and like it a little)
- Management&Organisation (good at it and like it)
and if you want to differentiate you can do that with a master.
also try to study in english, the dutch have good english speaking courses.
but the problem is, i think i like computer science more than I like economics
do you really work with the PC or do you just like using it? Can you write code, what about C++? any java experience?
there is a huge difference betwene using the PC for recreational purposes and actually working with it. but if you really can do it then there is good money to be made in IT.
Ive made some shitty websites (copied designs, edited some stuff)
also tried to study from a dutch book but it was too boring (no practice)
I also enjoy working with excel, creating spreadsheets for a big purpose
my colleague made some visual basic stuff and uses it in excel, he showed me and i liked to analyze the code
read what the curriculum mostly is about, if its mainly programming languages, you can try learning some C/#/++ (dunno which one would be the best for a beginner, im too much of a pythonfag), there are usually very basic tutorials on the main websites of the languages, or you can just go through the manuals (user reference whatever). keep writing short programs to try all of it urself. after you feel like youve covered most of the basics, set yourself a deadline and do some excercises. prolly gonna turn into a fair mindfuck at times, which should show urself if you really want to do stuff like this or not.

theres plenty to do in IT though, main codewriters who sit hours at a desk with a cardboard box on their heads are only a part.

on the other hand, just like you, id rather have something like this as a hobby, really couldnt be bothered to do this for a living. starting physics myself in autumn :DPdpDPDppdDPd
In my opinion you should go for Management & Organisation, first of all your got at it and you like it. But what maybe the most important is that with management & organisation experience you could go into the sport business to do some management.
Or maybe one day organise UEFA Footbal League?

Why not computers?
First of all, I had pretty much the same problem as you had now. Choosing between computer study or continue my school to get my (HAVO) (Dutch guys will know what I mean ^^). Imo if you think twice about you'll probly get same conclusion I had, doing things at a pc is more like a hobby and fun to do in your spare time. I love doing things on it, and I can spend to much hours behind it but I dont see myself sitting behind a desk the rest of my life for living.

So imo, go for the management&organisation, its more global then the quite specific other option computer studies.

tl;dr: np, here you got some aswell, goodluck picking one! xD

edit; completely agree @: also try to study in english, the dutch have good english speaking courses.
As u mentioned above u like math but dont like to study it. IT bases on math and physics. So if u dont enjoy it drop that idea. Pick sth related to economy or go for some tourism studies.
anything related to economy deals with mathematics though ;D
Well on IT u need way more advanced math, afaik u dont have to use integrals that much ;)
If u mean that we do not use integrals that often, then u heard wrong :D
economy / finance
Kijk eens op de bachelor sites van de verschillende universiteiten en kijk wat je aanspreekt. Bijvoorbeeld de bachelorsite van de uva. Misschien is kunstmatige intelligentie iets?
learn chinese
doing economics atm

its cool, but you gotta learn a lot by rote
doing economics atm

its cool, but you gotta learn a lot by rote
eat cock
thats the most mature comment comment i've ever seen!
Please could I quote that one to spread it everywhere on cf like a retard =D!?
i like computers and sports

make fifa 2020
Doe hetzelfde als mij

Internation business en management :)
I studied computer science at uni and well its interesting and nerdy so it suites me ;) you'll have no problem finding a job too. Its not for everyone though.

- Dutch (dont really like)
- English (dont really like) <-- the world speaks english
- French (dont really like) <--- who speaks french :P:P:P:P
- Geography (sort of like some parts) <--- in United Kingdom this is a joke subject imo
- History (like but not really good at it) <--- I took this for fun and loved it, my other subjects were hardcore maths though
- Math (like but too lazy to study) <--- maths is NEEDED for computer science or you'll suck
- Economics (good at it and like it a little) <--- useful for jobs imo
- Management&Organisation (good at it and like it) <-- sound like a bullSh1t subject so make sure that universities/employers recognise it
Sup about the joke subject @ geography ? :p
its just colouring in isn't it ?:P:P:P

no seriously i lived with a guy who took geography at university and he had 3 hours and 8 hours of study per week in the first and second years of the course

on my course I had 16 and 17 hours of lectures respectively.
had between 15 an 20 hours of course per week for the three years I've been studying geography, but it's quite similar to several disciplines ; plus teachers want you to study at the library for at least 10 hours (not doing it but still) so we ain't lazy arses (well we are supposed not to be :p)
i like subjects as volcanism and economic rise in Asia
You r not much into geography but since I'm a geography student I recommand you to study it BECAUSE : you meet very intelligent guys ; these guys are insteresting, openminded, travelling a lot; I don't know what kind of job you really can have but there are a lot fo fields that are HUNTING for geographers because they have that different vision of things, that different vision of the world. They seek for open people with open views on open subjects (no sexual thing here !). That was what I can do in favor of some geography studies !
im not looking for people to meet :p
thx for the suggestion though
well i m not sure if anyone else but you can help you choosing what re about to study.

studying at university is not too much about what is the best thing to study according to job chances or anything. Basically when u ve finished a study at university, you should also be smart enough to really get a job.

i would say you should know best about ur interests.
e.g. i am studying physics at TU Vienna for 4 years already.
Basically i m not really a nerd/freak with insane math skills or anything. Way more i started with physics since i think its kinda usefull to have basic knowledge about everything in nature. Hence a bachelor in physics is a good basis for everything else having something to do with natural sciences.
Enemy Territory
How can you not be good at something like history? That's simply studying. Nothing to understand about, just read and remember.
studying is overrated... if you want a job now, ill give you one: vuilnisman
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