schnee @ friday mood

Good morning peepz,

Just arrived at work and it is FUCKING FANTASTIC FRIDAY! So I’m here till 4 hopefully (!) and leaving then. Nothing big planned so far for today. Tomorrow party, Sunday as well when we have nice weather! :) I’m so happy hippo today can’t wait for weekend. What’s ur plans?

Questions of the day:
Hot or cold? Def hot just drinks should be cold
Muffin or brownie? brownie
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? hmmm dunno/houserunning/nothing extreme

Schnee Song:
Weekend song:

image: brandon-boyd-mobile-wallpaper
image: cityfairy_by_nikosalpha-d3bp5bk

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael , CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, my channel <3, m!das, Taliiiii, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice day and a great weeekend||


btw: LOVE>HATE so stop the hate
is it firday already? shit i have to work in 3 days again :(
same here :(
today work until 7 tomorrow work until 5 then prollly going out... sunday beeing wasted
hopefully i can leave at 4 pm prolly need to work from home then :/

have anice weekeend anyway ;) and hols afaik?!
Every morning you never fail with ure pics :P
don't steal my word :(
still awake!! prolly gym in an hour!! then studying for my last 2 exams this sem!

hF at work!

e: hot for the weather ofc!

dont like sweet food! and i wont try any sport i could die faster than i want to :)

still awake? im so tired an i should rly stop his late nite smoking :o

have a nice day m!das <3
Friday mood being a naughty mood saskia? :)

- Cold drinks for me, nothing beats an ice cold lime cordial with water and lots of ice for refreshment.
- Brownie ..... even better with warm chocolate sauce poured on it..mmmm
- Love extreme sports or anything with adrenaline i guess
image: 209744_10150168034563301_531783300_6754841_4195265_o

This weekend i am out tonight, all day festival and drinking saturday, beach sunday with a break at lunch time to watch the F1 grand prix
where the hell does it sound naughty or do u actually see all as naughty as long as it comes from me? :P

have a nice day and a good weekend! and wtf at pic! :o
Quote by schneeschnee @ friday mood
just made me think naughty things :P

and that pic is amazing :P x
I'm working until 12 today, then 3 days week-end !
Thanks Switzerland !
GL potter ;)
3 days? wow i would like to have this too :)

have a chilled weekend!
although i just said love not hate but i rly hate this song :PPP
good bye saskia

dont talk to me again !
aye ello,

plans: today TÜV and evening dinner with girlfriends family
tomorrow: going out for dinner again, this time with my bro

hot or cold?
don't really care... I don't need sunshine, cause I sit inside anyway :P

muffin or brownie?
I like both.

extreme what? sport? what is that? :p
no I don't. I am scared of everything.

have a nice weekend
I thought you like me more than a muffin :D
no. I dont like you!
rofl im scared of everything as well. good excuse to hide ;)

have a nice weekend 2 !
tonight: work
tomorrow night: work
day after tomorrow at night: work from 18:00 - 06:00

until next friday 06:00 morning: work from 22:00 - 06:00 just like the next 2 days.
arme sau -.-
danke für das klitzekleine bisschen mitleid.

du kannst dir bestimmt vorstellen wie ich reagiere wenn mir am freitag oder samstag verkäufer/innen im supermarkt ein schönes wochenende wünschen.

-> image: tAlq5pI_14-me-gusta
Cold, brownies, anything which has wings (ultralight, hanggliders, other flying stuff).
Hey there:)

Hot or cold? Weather? Hot and sunny. Drinks? Cold.
Muffin or brownie? I do not like candies :P But I'd go for brownie.
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? Well, it wasn't sport. It was just stupidity, but extreme stupidity - fight against 5 guys.

Plans for weekend? Party tonight, tomorrow I will probably go to some concert and get drunk (mostly depends on what my friend would like to do, if he'd like to get drunk, we will get drunk, if he'd like to stay with his girlfriend, well we will most likely get drunk together :D

Let's make love, I mean let's spread love!:P

Have a nice day!
FUCKING AWESOME DAY TODAY YEP YEP 8) only had an hour of work today, meaning im already back home!

working as usual, while i´m waitin for customers i´m browsin fb and buyin new tunes at beatport

tonight: got finally my midifighter from, will sort some wicked peaktime techno and record a 4 deck set with a nice pa with some friends at my place.

tomorrow: work till 14.00, then chillin and sorting my whole music library. i bought too much wicked stuff without hearing it or mixin it once . . .

set will be uploaded tonight, chk my fb status or "freunde elektronischer tanzmusik" :D

1) weather? Hot! Drinks? Hot!
2)Muffin! dont like chocolate :x
3)well im diving every summer, and once tired parachuting, and realized thats flying is not for me :x. Also tried line climbing from abandoned bridges but its kinda boring imo :x
I didn't even know it was Friday...

warm tea with food, iced tea for max refreshment
brownies > muffins
i once played an offi naked, felt pretty extreme

Listening to music and bbqs and shit.
morning, just slept 12 hours. feeling awesome. looking forward to the weekend, but to me every day is a weekend :> drinks ofc, coffee ftw


3. shit sport is shit. only damaged people like sports like these. YES, DAMAGED!
Hot or cold? Cold for me thank you. You can always wear more clothes and warm up yourself, but when it is hot, nothing helps. Unless you can be at a swimming pool, but now for example it sucks to be at work and sweat everytime you move or do something.

Muffin or brownie? Brownie

do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? Does diving count as extreme? Used to do that, quitted few years ago. One of the greatest experiences was to dive under ice at spring, so beautiful. Though cold as hell.

Buddy has tried to lure me into sky-diving since he has done it for ages, not sure if I could beat my fear of heights. Gotta at least give it a some kinda try later.

No plans, prolly few beers and maybe go to check the centrum since there is this Qstock-festival. Tomorrow hard partying after work <3
lucker, i wish i had a mate that does skydiving
1. I like it when its cold and you slap on loads of clothes to keep cozy (so warm i guess:P)
2. brownie fo sho
3. used to skateboard, ive been skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, body boarding
and riding fixies. love fixies

glad you are happier today, bike riding at the weekend. Thats all ive planned so far
Morning :>

Not much planned this weekend don't think, friend should be coming home so will go out for a few beers, maybe beach on Sunday if I can get a lift as I still can't drive -.-

Hot or cold? hot hot hot. But nothing like a cold beverage on hot day :p

Muffin or brownie? Muffin usually unless there's something in the brownie to temp me.

do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? Sure, most things revolved around biking for me so freeride/downhill and dirt jump mostly though would do some all-mountain/xcountry stuff. Skateboarded for 7 years but still jump on some times, rock climbing is another thing I love ofc, mostly bouldering but most outdoor climbing/deep solo is great though not a fan of trad. Would like to do more snowboarding (only done on dry slope here), wakeboarding, whitewater kayaking and although not really extreme I want to do more bungee jumping :D
morning to you ;) <3
yo bitch so hate > love

work--->play golf---->drink beer---->play ET...

Questions of the day:
Hot or cold? Hot ofc
Muffin or brownie? brownie
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? yep for adrenaline!/wearing a wingsuitand jumping from the top of a mountain/freeriding skiing?

This is extreme:
Good morning beautiful,

Hot or cold? "warm"
Muffin or brownie? muffin

Woke up at 11, decided it was too early so slept till 12:30. like a boss

another boss song:

Btw we didnt play yesterday! Got time today?:D
Yea Estonia rocks !
There is something wrong with you eesti-people :D
Think there's something wrong with all of us! :D

Hot or cold? hot in summer, cold in winter
Muffin or brownie? brownie
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? well i tried some extreme freeriding skiing in polish hills since im living in the south of poland, also i tried to learn some ski tricks like 180/360. Would love to do some skiing in canada(whistler). And try this

have a nice day
sad friday :( have to study, not allowed to get out and same goes for tomorrow and sunday :(

Hot or cold ? I like both tbh but I don't like it when it's too hot like 40 degrees and shit.

Muffin or brownie? brownie ofc

do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? having sex with my gf is hardcore enough to consider it as an extreme sport. Never tried anything else tho and won't do cuz I don't wanna die that early :(
Working till 02am, same for tomorrow and on sunday only till 01am.
hello hello

thank god its friday and in 3 hours i close my office and hopefully no idiotic questions for this week then anymore lol

Questions of the day:
Hot or cold? cold
Muffin or brownie? brownie
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far? hmmm having sex all day and night counts as extreme sport?
Questions of the day:
Hot or cold?
Muffin or brownie?
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far?

Extreme ass fuckin
Hot or cold? Depends on the drink?
Muffin or brownie? brownie 4 sure
do u like extreme sport? skiing is the closest I get to extreme I guess

In like 20 minutes heading down to school to meet with head of the department about classes and shit, then party hard rest of the weekend at my brother's place
Questions of the day:
Hot or cold? hot
Muffin or brownie? Brownie
do u like extreme sport? what u'd like to try? What did u try so far?
i like extreme sports, but then to watch: DD
would try bungeejumping
and for myself i go wakeboarding sometimes, its not rly extreme i guess but it gives you adrealine same for jumpin with my horse :)
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