Scarzy : A day in Lille

Hohai my dear cf fellows,

Let me introduce this morning journal with a image: coffee-cup.

Yesterday was a special day compared to my usual routine (wake up, go to work, eat, go to work, get back home, eat, play/hang out) since a british rosbeef eater stopped by my city aka France Lille.
Scarzy, also known as United Kingdom Tristan, Tristie or even Vieral is on a roadtrip and needed a place to crash yesterday night. As i'm a fkin generous guy i gave him a spot on the couch.
As a matter of fact, Tristie is a real image: 180437_10150407778215355_617395354_17270744_6059798_n ?

He arrived yesterday at 12.00 and chilled in Lille since I was working till 5 PM.
I left my office, took the metro and then met him at the United States of America Mc Donald's.

We went to my apartment, dropped our bags (yeah I carry a metrosexual Calvin Klein bag, but it doesn't make me gay... does it? :s).
We went down the street and stopped at a bar. That's a fact, only belgian, german and french people know what real beer is.
So we sat at L'Autrement Dit]image: accueil12 and we drank pints of Belgium La Chouffe and Belgium Grimbergen.

My dear Turkey friends, we thought about yesterday night when we bought and ate our delicious Donër Kebab at the France Oz Pacha (one of the best kebab in France Lille).

We went back to my apartment, sat on the couch, watched Wayne's World]. This movie always make me rofl :D

At 21.00 I had an offi with the team I'm playing for during the summer aka Germany ZodiacX (hello mates <3) and we won 4-0 vs my french France sticked fellas :)

We drank some beers again, starting to feel a bit dizzy but nothing big, it was pretty much OK :)
United Kingdom Tristie felt like playing ET and won a 3on3 offi with Europe epic (raffou, voiler and scarzy) versus Italy affanculo and lost one against Europe ofc ofc vent vent.
Estonia ZeD from Italy affanculo was going mad and kicked me of his game server because he was getting raped and couldn't afford it. I just pressed my K bind (OWNED) and VOILA!

Now I've to say that the best part of the story is a smell... that kind of smell you discover once in your life but you never smell again. United Kingdom Scarzy apparently walked for 2 days without washing his feet (and Frenchies are dirty ? :{DDD) and the smell was absolutely awful, outrageous, frightening. It was like someone who just peed on his feet on vomited on it after.
I had to put quite a lot of air-freshener to get rid of the smell and then I started farting too because of the Turkey Kebab and it was like two awful smells merging...
Anyway, I've to say it was a great time with my mate. Quite enjoyed it :)

Woke up at 9.00 AM this morning, took a shower (United Kingdom scarzy too fortunately), we stopped by the pub to buy cigs and went to the metro station.
United Kingdom Tristan is now heading to Belgium Brussels to meet his friends, he'll then go to Netherlands Amsterdam and hopefully meet Netherlands Squid, Netherlands Lightning and other noobs I can't recall atm :)

So, what did you do yesterday night ? What are your plans for today ?

inb4 tl;dr,
Have a good day pals,
Sincerly yours,

France Matt "b3ck"
smoked pots yesterday night :)

PS : first into your journal
epic journal :D
Good choice is la Chouffe, should have continued with Cuvée des trolls or Chimay though.
+1 cuvée des trolls=> awsum
Je lui ai payé sa pinte de Chouffe, y'avait de La Chimay mais ni Cuvée des Trolls ni Karmeliet. Je suis pas Rotschild même si ça me tentait bien :3
gg t'as ptet trouvé le seul bar de lille sans karmeliet :DDD

Cu @ La Plage mouhahhahaa
Et la Belgium Jupiler aussi (et la Belgium Maes si le but est de se bourrer la gueule)
Comment ça la maes pour se bourrer ? N'importe quoi, quand tu veux te bourrer tu prends de la cara pas cher pour te remplir, c'est quand même quasi le même pourcentage.
Ouai non t'as raison la maes est assez noble et se consomme avec modération ainsi que la Jup :{D Tandis que la cara est pour les déchets
J'aime être un déchet !
QuoteTristie felt like playing ET

rofl what a nerd
Ya need to bang Wingman
I'm working today, no banging during weeks (only on Thursday, Friday (friday, friday, gotta get down on friday) and saturday) :D
Hey, I see you made some astonishing efforts to make this journal. I enjoyed reading it and your e-coffee was somehow tasteful! If my real life interests you for some reasons, I spent my night watching MarseilleMarseille "beta" owning some "mixed" Manchester United team 8-2 but I watched it on purpose because it was for a good purpose (money gave to ill children). Anyway, afterall, I went on Crossfire and helped some newcomers : until 3 am.
Good morning sir,

Thanks a lot for this accurate and well written comment.
It's greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Matt "b3ck"
However, a cute girl would brighten my day.
you're welcome
You're not very kind with him, sir. I know you can be cool when you want it's time for a change, don't you think so? I strongly recommend you this column ( ) that literally opened my eyes on CF community and its current state, great read!
good read idd, but i'll stick to my old routine.

for me to become a contributing and helpful member of the community takes a little bit more than playing games with my conscience.

fu francis u dirty french frog
QuoteUnited KingdomTristan is now heading to BelgiumBrussels.

lol it's so rainy now xS
same here in Lille :X
"Summer 2011"
Ah? Je croyais qu'on était en Octobre ... :D
J'avoue xD
french dont know about beer lol :D:D
LOL as if .. estonian did know oO
If you never been to Estonia, then dont talk idiot :D
I'm sorry but like a lot of ppl my first thought about beers are = Germany / Belgium

AND NOT Estonia

Estonian might have some good one, (like a lot of other countries) ... but as you said I never been there AND i dont give a fuck about it :D
Oh my deer, there's a huge difference between people living in the North of France and parisians. Parisian ppl drink Heineken and Desperados (shit beverages). In Lille we drink Beck's, Kouak, Kriek, Karmeliet, Cuvée des Trolls, Maredsous, Grimbergen, Afflige, Chti, Goudale, 3 Monts, Leffe and many others :)
Sorry to tell you but all beer brands are property of Heineken BV

Zal best, maar Heineken is niet echt lekker
not all the ones he said are brands of heineken though
Beck is shit
These people who drink all this special beer are really cool.
Tell me one good french beer brand..
About the beer, it's only a fact in your head mate.

And besides that, it's not like the recipe for beer is such a big secret or can only be successfully executed in or by ppl from the countries you listed. It's all a matter of taste. Tons of shit beers in Belgium, tons of good beer too. Same counts for pretty much any country.

For me personally, if I HAD to choose a "best beer" I'd choose a Canadian one. But then again, you can not choose just one "best beer".
french beer? lol

scarzy massive smelly foot nerd
Where did you read french beer? They are all belgium beers.
The only french beer which can be compared to the belgium ones is "Les 3 monts".
What do you work for ?
Taking an internship at "3 Suisses" as an head manager of advertising :)
Sounds nice :>
It did but 3 Suisses is in a really bad shape right now so they are cutting the budgets. No more money for me :x Boring days, nothing to do :(
Ahah I see !
We got 5000 dollar!!!
lol il t'a fait les fesses lui aussi ? :D
Yo b3ckmate <3 I had to work from 19:00 till 23:00 yday night :[ Raped some CS:S after ;o]

Imma have a BBQ with Scarzy and Tw1zZt on sunday :DDDDD
ohh yeah, trist told me bout that :D lucky you guys :x shit weather here, all my friends are working/on holidays so it's kinda boring :s
You're invited too!
Where is it ? :3
Tilburg city
Scarzy visiting me sunday together with some other cool guys likie rockskin and ming
y u so cute? :)
(ecklav) ECKLAV was here xDd
(ecklav) likes you :P
Do French people know stuff about beer?
Frenchies might just as well stick to whine.

Good journal :D
Well, in Lille we do since we're like 20 minutes far from Belgium and we have a lot of good beers over there, it's quite cheap moreover ^^
Real, good french beers are Goudale and Les 3 Monts. Others are unknown :)
As far as I know France is far from known for it's beer. Belgium obviously being the king over Germany and perhaps countries like Czech. =)
You're totally right ^^ There's just a small difference in the North of France since we import a lot of belgian beers.
We are making quite good wines tho :p
Belgium Jupiler = Best
Jupiler = piss
He is kind of a playboy if he felt like playing some ET..
roflmaooo xDDD

image: cup_gold Best comment in epic journal
So im a player too now coz i have many pictures like that ? :D wtf nerds... :PPP
good journal son
thanks :3
I taught Scarzy everything he knows
even how to have a really bad smell coming from your feet ? :x
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