schnee's good morning journal *

Good morning peepz,

Just arrived at work and it is cold and cloudy and I’m tired. :/ BUT tomorrow Hentai will come with his friends and we gonna party hard :) -
anyone likes to come with us? Place to be: BERLIN
Anyway I’m leaving to Mallorca on Saturday till Sunday week after. Anyone will be there? so I’m in a fucking good mood ;)

Questions of the day:
Ur mp3 player? Ipod nano 16gb yellow :x
Do u like art/graffiti? Any fav? Banksy
Plans for weekend? 6am flight to palma 

Hentai Vid:
Schnee Song:

image: Mann-Schwarz-Wei%DF-W%FCrfel-Weiss-People-510x510
image: 76190_m3t1w525h247q75s1v22266_shape1_670

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael , CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(&#61514;), .ee & fins =), the GANG, my channel <3, m!das (call?!) , tAliiiii, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
||I wish u all a nice day||


/over and out =)
didnt call! but i slapped u a couple of times @ irc :///

u gonna be back from mallorca sunday in a week??
wasnt on @ irc for a week :/

21st i came back yep late nite! (or we stay there)
i dont think mallorca is a place to stay longer than a week or two :D
shit morning, it's so windy here, cloudy and I caught a cold. still gotta go to peaches grrrrrrr

1. some cheap crap I bought 4 years ago. 1 gb and the display is dark, but it's still functional.

2. no

3. usual summer weekend, party hard!

and don't cheat on me in mallorca, I'll know
Massage creeps
good morning
1. 256mb random mp3 player
2. no
3. drink hard
morning schnee and crossies,

not able to come to berlin this weekend^^
but probably gonna go there later this year to visit my cousin (she lives there).

Questions of the day:

Ur mp3 player?
Ipod touch. I don't use it that much though. cause I'm either in my car or at home (where I have the radio/pc) or in the office where I cant listen to music.

Do u like art/graffiti?
I kinda like art and also graffiti. if its not some stupid shit just to ruin others property.
since I dont follow that scene or anything I can't name you any artist I like.

Plans for weekend? yes secret plans!
I am also at work, weather sucks, and i am so tired, but on the bright side its my last work day in this week :)

1. Ipod Nano 8gb, silver, havent used it for a quite time now, thanks for reminding...
3. beach party and will see what happens within next days
good morning :)
Back at work after my 5-day-summer-holiday. Well, 4 to be exact, but I count the friday evening too.

Ur mp3 player? Havent got one atm, phone went bust sometime ago and I lost my old player. Dont really have use for one

Do u like art/graffiti? Sure, nearly in all forms. image: evolution_graffiti

Plans for weekend? Jalometalli-fest, My favourite art ;)
image: banksy-balloongirl
Check out Banksy in google images, insta orgasm !
I have known Banksy for ages. Bought his "book" as a gift to ex.
watch his movie if u like his art :)
I did, by chance, and it was awesome awesome awesome I was never interested in street art before but I had one of my greatest emotion when I watched that movie :)
nice u like it :)
1. iphone (black)
2. yeah i like banksy but i also really like slinkachu check him out
3. im going to see Busy P and Carte Blanche in Camden so i hope the riots calm down ;p

have an awesome time in mallorca you :)
Morning girl,

At work after 1 week free :( want another 3 weeks free.Weather suck balls, is like winter coming :(

Ur mp3 player? A cheap one 2 gb with a broken display

Do u like art/graffiti?

Did the art school,but lost the motivation coz of the age in that time :) Even tho i didn't lost the hobby. jokeing around with paint from time to time :) and also did some graffiti in some subway's

Plans for weekend?

Need to arrange the room for the incoming baby.will go on ikea to see if i can find some cool furniture .at night a barbeque with my friends out side and some drinks .
on sunday is ping-pongs day :D)

Wish u a easy day at work and a super weekend :)
Ur mp3 player? sony NWZ-E443

Do u like art/graffiti? no. i love it! Any fav? Daim

Plans for weekend? to stay alive

good morning

edit. oh yeah..
daim is great!
Questions of the day:

Ur mp3 player? Ipod nano 5g 8GB in pink :3

Do u like art/graffiti? Any fav? I like both, I'm more interested in classic art tho.

Plans for weekend? Actually no idea.

Urgh, I need coffee. Mhmmmmbye
ill be in mallorca if everything goes right and im alive
good morning! going to work soon.. giving some tennis lessons, then i got a tournament at 4:30 pm.

Ur mp3 player? got an old one, nano chromatik or something

Do y like art/graffiti? I love graffiti, as i'm doing some with my brother and some friends

Plans for weekend? seeing girlfriend, playing tennis
1. naaah using my HTC as mp3 player(got ipod nano 8bg green but not using it)
2. im not the biggest fun of that kind of art but i got my fav
image: 12graffiti_zs_lw_d
image: Warsaw-graffiti-face
and sth more patriotic : image: 12graffiti_pamietamy3

oh and i forgot:
image: 1

3. seeing gf and going with there somewhere out of city lights.

have fun in Palma :)
ze jeszcze nikt tego nie zniszczyl... u mnie na kazdym fajny graffiti jakies przyglupy sprayem jakies glupie rzeczy wypisuja, a mur dlugosci na oko 300-400 metrow, gdzie bylo pieknie wykonane graffiti zostal zamalowany napisami 'neo' bo kurwa postawili obok stacje benzynowa...

e: + w moim technikum bylo kiedys zajebiste graffiti, moze nie tak jak to z Twoich picsow, ale miod... bede musial sie kiedys przejsc i zobaczyc czy nic z tym nie zrobili ;)
pierwsze i trzecie sa bardzo swieze wiec nikt raczej ich nie zniszyl. Drugie jest z stadionu SKRY gdzie dosc dawno nie bylem wiec nie wiem czy jeszcze istnieje. Natomiast ostatnie jest na Nowym Swiecie wiec nie ma sily zeby ktos je zniszczyl :)

ale zgadzam sie, wszedzie jest pelno debili ktorzy nie moga wytrzymac i musza obsmarowac jakims napisem fajne greffiti.
Ur mp3 player? My phone :D
Do u like art/graffiti? Yea Any fav? dunno
Plans for weekend? get my new laptop, nerding :D
mp3player: Ipod 3G 16gb
Graffiti art:
plans for weekend: play hard

Ur mp3 player? Using my mobile phone LG Incite (it's pretty old, but it's still working!)
Do u like art/graffiti? Yeah, I do.
Plans for weekend? Meet some nice girls @ some festival 10kms from my place

Cheers :)
Guten Morgen mein Freund! Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Mittwoch!
good morning, just went to the barbershop to get myself some nice haircut for the ladies

1. Ipod nano 8gb, only use it when I need to wait long for smth, e.g cartrip, flight etc
2. Banksy
3. Going to NetherlandsZeeland for a week with the boys, gonna be awesomeness!
morning, just woke up and now im drinking coffee and just smoked a great first cigaret of the day o/

Questions of the day:
Ur mp3 player? Some Philips 16gb black
Do u like art/graffiti? -
Plans for weekend? One of my friend finally turning 18 at friday so we are gonna party hard. We have rented a suite from hotel for a day so we gonna start drinking at suite, gonna hit the club after and go back to suite to sleep after club 8)
dont have mp3
i like everything in art but banksy is nice idd
nothing this week end.. just thoughts and a heap of good weed

1. lol mp3
2. Mao Zedong
3. yes going to Loveland Festival 2011
Moi :)))
So damn tired today, had physio this morning and my alarm went off 5 minutes before my lift came here so didn't have time for morning tea -,-
Would say I'm jealous you going away but I go soon too so ^^ would be nice to go @ Berlin soon but not for few months!

Ur mp3 player? Sansa clip+ rockboxed.

Do u like art/graffiti? Any fav? Art sure, used to watch some graffiti @ Australia but don't really 'follow' any one in particular just like looking at street art. I do enjoy surreal art more than anything but do admire all sorts. Salvador Dali, Zdzislaw Beksinski, René Magritte, Alphonse Mucha to Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Edvard munch... though ofc more of a photographer influenced person. Haven't studied or done art for about 7-8 years now.

Plans for weekend? Out @ photography somewhere, got some joints to enjoy and party hard :Pp
mornin schnee, attending phx?
Good Morning!
i only come to your journals for the random girl pic
Is that what the "Mark 3:14" means? Or was it John?
March 14th?
Nvm, I got no memory nor brain

image: john316sign
Questions of the day:
Ur mp3 player?image: trollface
Do u like art/graffiti? Yeah
Plans for weekend? Workout
I'm having holidays the whole month, just woke up. Good morning : ))
ipod 4th gen 32gb
art? the things that anders breivik did. that is real art!
and lan-party with friends on friday/saturday

have a nice vacation girl:D
Im flying to palma too, same goes for ramoz as i heard yesterday :>

where are you exactly :PpP

maybe cu there^^

Ur mp3 player? hate apple :3

Do u like art/graffiti?
I was arrested 1 day cause i was spraying myself :S

so yes i like it very much <3

Plans for weekend?
8am flight to palma :P
wir fliegen um 6 von tegel los. also halb 9da bis sonntag 21.08. bleib ich da haben ne unterkunft in palma und nen auto.
wo seit ihr??

telefon? oder wie was treffen? treff mich auch noch mit nem anderen zocker :DFDDDd
Wir fliegen um 6 von Düsseldorf bis palma und dann zum Ballermna (ka wie das da genau heisst :s)

Mit wem triffste dich schon auchn ET spieler bzw von cf?
dmc kevin mit dem hab ich früher im clan gespielt. ist aber net bei cf der ist seit gestern da wohnt auhc gleich ballermann :)

schon fertig gepackt? ;)
Ne noch nicht hab heute nocht letzte besorgungen gemacht.

Handy,Badehause,Cap & flipflops gekauft :D

Ja cool ramoz ist glaub ich etwas weiter weg vom ballerman,aber man kann ja ma handy nummern austauschen falls ihr da in der nähe seid kann man ja zsm ein trinken gehen :)

Hast du schon gepackt ?

Ich drück mich halt noch :S werds wohl morgen Nachmittag machen
na ich flieg ja schon morgen früh :o aber ich bin dabei mittlerweile. dann iwie den schweren koffer zur bahn. navch berlin 20min koffer einlagern. und mit henai ffix feiern gehen. und meine freundin ist noch garnet zurück ausn urlaub^^ heisstz irgendwann klingelts dann geht es zum airport. um 4 so wollte ich dasein heut nacht... aehmm ja :p

nichts geplant völlig verplant^^

und es ist schon um 9 :o!
hiho girl

nokia 6800 :)

I like graffiti but dunno the artists :(

work hard for pizza hut :( thats rly sad

why u like Estonia ?:)
just woke up...

Question of the day:
Ur mp3 player? ARCHOS 104
Do u like art/graffiti? Any fav? yes, dunno
Plans for weekend? dont know yet
Questions of the day:
Ur mp3 player? mobile phone
Do u like art/graffiti? nope(graffiti); i like art tho
Plans for weekend? study hard -> 3 exams within 5 days :(
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