How racist can one be?

Quote[17:56] <@Donitsi-> kj ladannu gta:han jotku skinit et sen päähahmo ei oo neekeri kuulemma

Translation: Our friend Kingijani can't play GTA San Andreas Vanilla-version because the main character is black, or "nigger", as he said himself.

He lives in Oulu and gets beaten up by black persons on weekly basis but how can a 15-year old be that thickly racist?

Maybe man the fuck up and they wont beat you up
tbh, Kingijani sounds quite African

the irony
fat train :D
Are Fins in any position to talk about racism...
We are the promised New Land of Multicultural Exporting
been there done that, doesn't work out.
I hope that's irony since the statement is both nonsense (living in a country does not make one disqualified to speak about racism) and discriminatory (hence the irony), but I can't be sure.
I should be more specific : How can any Fin browsing this website can talk about racism. People cheering for Hitler (don't know how strong is the troll part in it but I doubt it's very high ; feel free to correct me)), hating on Polaks, etc : many Fins here do so and that's a fact.
trolls want you to get mad. what is the easiest way to get you mad?
just ignore it and it will disappear, but no, euros too stupid to fall for it even though they have seen it like 10000 times
There are other ways to do it. Many people here sucessfully troll. Why are Finns the only ones using nazi jokes? If it's a coincidence, my bad then...
Its the easiest to wind people up. Glorify nazis or call people niggers - and you can do this pretty easily since Crossfire has no active competent moderators
ive seen many non-finns throwing hitler-jokes
You're such a fucking mongol.
You always throw some random insults but can never argue why lol
Because you're an utter fool.
i use nazi jokes quite often, especially when arguing with germans cause as soon as i speak to one, i remember ( ANGRY GERMAN VIDEO KID vid:D) , and i want my bike back.
bet ur a nigger :D
your nick sounds a bit nigga-ish
Yea Japanese one, very nigga-ish :P
all euros, so including urself?? :)
I'm disappointed because what you said would've been a great joke, but turns out it wasn't one.

I'll try to explain this really simply: living in a country where racists live does not make one a racist (ignoring whether your own opinion about the amount of racists in Finland is even accurate...), or stop him from talking about racism. Just like living in a poor country doesn't make someone poor if he's actually rich.

The one who's showing negative bias towards an ethnic group here is you and you only - you had prejudice against a person (Finland slarti) because of his country.

Notice how I'm not saying that you're wrong because you are a France nigger (that would be lowering myself to your level), I'm saying that your statement is bullshit.

The part about taking things you read on the Internet seriously was already covered by Sample.
Ok right, I should not ve spoken about all Finland (it was silly and I admit it) because all the Finns I know are the ones I played with/see here on crossfire. And if you deny the fact that many Finns here (on cf) like to trash talk towards Jews/Polaks then it is silly as well. Maybe Sample is right, it's all about the troll, then you can not blame me for felling for it. I'm judging you guys from what I see here. If it's all made on purpose then it's great because there is no more grudge going on here but I sincerely doubt so... One famous French comedian once said : you can laugh about everything but not with everyone. I guess he pointed it right...
word "polak" is racist too, gtfo
Polaks aren't a race, therefore it isn't racist
No, it's obviously not !
well, if I understand it correctly he has a point! GTA: Vice City was the best one! too much ghetto bs in the others :(
In Vice City you just run around and kill shitload of Haitians.
i think you just made nuggans point
you like fat, don't you
racist ngrs beating up guy just because he is white
to be brutaly honest i never finished this (quite good) game myself cause all this "nigga this. nigga that" wnb gansta shit kept pissing me off to the max.
rofl, had forgotten about that one, love it :D
lol at the last one
I can understand him. I also immediately turn off the TV/turn the page of the newspaper/etc when I see a black person. That's why I don't know what happened in 2008 because that Obama fella was all over the place.
this is how racist one can be:
image: 154
image: 165
hahahahaha, FAT TRAIN :d
fuck the blackies
Fintards all have aids anyway
white cant hate neegers but neegers can hate white people
Typical silly response. There is far too much history involved to not justify why we can't 'hate' 'neegers'.
thats not silly thats the truth, no gets flamed for being racist to white people
Social expectations and you should meet them! Sensitive information is sensitive for a reason, but it won't always be so.

stop talking ur fancy english
So why the fuck should I or anyone else be to blame of what some British bourgeoisies did two hundred years ago?

You cannot simply put this down to one country.
That was hardly my point; it was a generalization. Or perhaps a simplification? I don't know.

Just imagine the word 'British' isn't there if you're unable to focus on the actual argument (which is, no one currently alive was even born when colonialism occurred, so why should they be to blame) otherwise.

E: And Britain was one of, if not the largest colonialist and imperialist states, just sayin'.
so, adolf slaughtered all those ppl, in 30 years we are all from a different generation, so lets just forget whattafuck happened ok? ,,

same thing, looks retarded right
I didn't say we should forget it. I said that it makes absolutely no sense to blame people for things someone else did two hundred years ago.
true dat, kinda was just trolling, i agree with you on that but i didnt find the way you stated it appropriate:D
Ask Finland mana to defend him
Im not a racist per se, i just hate those *tough guys* on the "streets", both black,brown or white.
waarom ben ik dan een nerd?
arca will help you in that fight against niggers.
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