your driver license

how much did it cost you in your country? how long did it take you to get it? what car u drivezor?

in Estonia Estownia:

around 400-500 EUR doable, 2-4 months if you study hard, if you dont do shit(not studying hard) half a year +++
big 7er waiting for me.


image: BMW-ALPINA-B7-BiTurbo-rear
i'm doing it right now, spent about 800e already -_-
Rly hard to say in germany :D can be 800 - 1600€
and more ;)
around 300-350euro , 2-3months :)
1200 minimum
1400€ here in Finland Finland, np. Can do in 1-2 months.
plus about 200€ for the shitty 2nd stage thingie.
for me it cost 1500€ and did it in 1 month
probably around 1k
dunno around 1300€ tooks me 2months afaik and i still didnt loose it :)

hot girls have boys who drive them from place to place!

i love driving and would never let me drive except im drunken
wanna drive in my tank :~>?
bout 1300 i guess (they saw me rollin)
20 hours of practice = 1200 euros
theoretical exam = 15 euros
practical exam = 36 euros
Wtf? Praktijk is hier sowieso 150 ofzo :D
Beter dat wij ook geen regering krijgen :(
Dan hebben die faalkinderen helemaal geen motivatie meer
sommige mensen falen gewoon 5 keer en moeten dan een verplicht cursus volgen
ja ma ge moet ma beperkt aantal uur verplicht rijschool volgen nie?
g moet in feite geen lessen volgen , per 2x dat g u praktijk buist moet ge er verplicht 6 volgen. En met 20 krijgt ge een voorlopig rijbewijs waardoor ge alleen, zonder passagiers, van zondag avond 22:00 uur fzo tot vrijdag avond 22:00 kunt rijden.
1800 DM - 20 practical hourse and 12 theory? or 20 theory? I dunno. if you visit the theory class 3 times a week and have all the money you could have done it within 1-2 months I guess. back when I made mine at least.
300-350e and 2-3months max
why would you pay to drive tractor ?
image: massey-ferguson-tractor-mf-260-60-hp

jk :)
it costs money to get a drivers license over there? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllll
you go to prison for drug possession over there? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllll
you go to prison for being drunk over there? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllll
actually getting the license, not so much... this journal is mostly about the cost of training to drive though, which unless you have a parent or someone close that knows how to teach you to pass the exam (driving normally and driving to pass the exam are very different) then no it certainly is not free

and yeah america has far bigger social problems than europe, allow me to jump on the bandwagon

you get pepper sprayed in the face for peaceful protest over there? lllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllllllll
You're such a fucking hippy.
you enjoy living in a police state? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllll
you get pepper sprayed in the face for peaceful protest over there? lllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllllllll
you enjoy living in a country that is literally remembered for nothing? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllll
you go to prison for drinking in public over there? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllll
lol you still mad america p00ped on you in ww1 and 2? lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllll HEIL
you have to be 21 to drink over there lllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllll
You managed to elect George W. Bush to office over there? lllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllllllll
Twice? lllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllllllll
you enjoy living with decriminalization of drugs, prostitution, legal gay marriage, multi-partner marriage, euthanasia, suicide pills? lllllllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllll
best case scenario: he's a european troll on a proxy

worst case scenario: he's serious
Either scenario I am left feeling really confused.
Funny thing is most of the things he listed are actually legal in parts of America, so either way he is a retard.
you think drugs should be criminalized and that suicide/gay marriage should be illegal? america probably is for you then rofl
What is this I don't even.. wait, what?
Multi partner marriage? I'm quite sure that's illegal :D.

On the rest, yes.
£500-£600 maybe?

i don't see why you'd have to study hard though, learning to drive is just taking experience driving in a car, the theory is easy (atleast in the UK) and it's more about how much practice you can get and how naturally it comes to you
its not natural to drive wrong side of the road
it's the same shit if the wheel is on the other side
nananananananananananana baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
wasted around ~700€ 2 years ago , might be slightly more / less
around 300 euros alltogether.took me a little less than a year, was too lazy to schedule an appointment for my practical exam. Currently driving a volvo v50
around 1k€

I will start tomorrow and I have to pay 1140 euro.
like a half year, 18 lessons dont know price anymore passed first time (theory in 2 times tho :X), driving in my dads car dont have moneys for my own car

image: Mazda%202%20car%20rental
Frische Muscheln!
nein danke :)
~3800 euros is the cheapest you can get it around my area if you're good enough not to take extra lessons. So it costed me 3800eur and took me from september to january to get it, but the two last month were pure waiting. Driving around in VW Polo 2011. :)
3800 :o WTF

here France around 800-1000 € passed all first time.
It's fucking Norway man, in Norway, instead of having random people spam you with flyers when you walk down the street, they give you free money.
850€ and 4 month

buying a golf IV 1.6 tomorrow. muhahah
over 250-300 euro, and 30 hours of lerning
buying your license without doing shit costs around €1500-2000 :)
Heard that it cost like 1600€ for legit one in Poland :D
I paid 550€ @ Portugal Portugal.

Took me 3 years and 2 months to get it. Why? Parents did the signup and i wasn't motivated enough, then university started and i didn't feel like wasting my free time studying for the license..But then university forced us to have some lessons at night and i had no way to come back home, so i really had to finish the drive license :D

Took 1.5 weeks non stop of "code" lessons and then 3 weeks of driving lessons. Got approved with 100% right answers at code and 0 mistakes at driving, fuck yeah.. after all it was very easy. But i only realized that after 3 years xD

I drive a VW Polo 2010.
eu pensava que ao fim de três anos depois da inscrição tinhas de a repetir.
Sim, a licença dura 2 anos. Após os 2 anos tive que pedir uma licença de aprendizagem nova (custou 55€+3€ de consulta do médico). Durante os 3 anos fui indo as aulas quando me lembrava mas claro que não etrava nada até me dedicar aquilo ^.^
ah pois bem me parecia que isso acontecia. eu não fui a metade das aulas de código, apenas ia la e assinava o caderno e já estava.
O meu grande medo era o código. Odeio decorar cenas e mentalizei me que não ia conseguir decorar aquilo tudo, então nunca me esforcei. Afinal até era fácil, bastava ir as aulas e estar atento.. Eu ia as aulas tipo1x por mês e não estudava nada em casa...Na escola onde tirei, as aulas não eram por "modulos", nem por horas.. ia-se tipo 3 horas ou mais e ele ia falando do que ia aparecendo em perguntas.. se fosse sinais, falava de sinais durante um pedaço, se a pergunta a seguir fosse de coimas era de coimas que se falava.. muito esquesito <.<
paid around 1100, cuz i did it in a holiday driving school :_D
so it took me 3 weeks!

driving a vw jetta II <3<3
No driving license,

Driving a Audi TT

image: 2001-Audi-TT-Black2
U got rich parents or smth? Is it a 3.2litre? My bro drives one, awesome car. :)
No driving license,
I noticed that afterwards, though a TT wouldn't be a typical Daddy / Mommy car either - unless they're wealthy.
maybe a drug dealer
they have r3s
or gangsta

or just lying in internets
around 1300€
3 month
vw corrado g60
proper car you got there :P
drove the next gen corrado for a bit more than a year and then moved to munich and sold it :<
always liked the old one tho
1 driving lesson; 40-50 euro
theory = ~30 euro
practical exam = ~230 euro
total price between 1000 - 1200 euro
duration 2 months
driving a Ford Mondeo sedan model 2003
around 600€. took like 4 months to complete it because i was lazy as hell to take my theory exam, did the exam and got three wrong answers, the maximum that i could get. but the pratical exam was like i walk in the park.
and i drive a shitty car, fiat marea.
1000e, 4 months, Audi A3
Toke a week course had to take atleast 15 hours was the minimum required spend about 800 Guilder, thats a about €370
Around 1,6 - 1,7k. Driving a Hyundai i10.

image: hyundaiI10222

Paid 15 for theory + 30 practice exam + ~10 for the paper= €55

Learned with my father with the family car (brand new Peugeot Partner at the time, 15 months ago)
I can't recall too well, but it wasn't too much as most of you mentioned above.

About €15 theoretical, and €30 practical. I did not take any driving lessons, so the price remains pretty low.
same, weird to see that everyone took lessons!

For me the theoritical was free (did it in school) and the practical was 36 euros!
In some countries its mandatory to take lessons. You wont be allowed to official exam unless you passed the driving school exam.
It's not allowed to let your parents teach you on the public roads in many countries. And in some countries you are even forced to take a minimal of lessons.

EDIT: didnt read the reply from skinner (forgot to push submit after typing xD)
image: newtitel

40 days - theory practice and exam for all those things i paid 300€ + 15€ for paper
~1000€ .. the learning part took me ~1-2 months (did it pretty relaxed as I started in the summer and couldn't get it before january anyway).

Did the truck driving license for free @army

you have a weird dream.
do you have to take lessons for your driving exam? can't you just practise with your parents
there are two different ways. Either learning driving with some teacher from the driving school or doing it with your parents. However, theory must be done @driving school in any case.
it's the same here I guess.. either practise with driving instructor (which is expensive) or with your parents. When you're ready go to driving school, do exam (costs 36 euro here), pass and you have your license
not sure about other countries, but at Portugal in order to step into a car and drive before you own a driving license, you need a learning license... otherwise it's like a "crime" and you are not allowed to LEARN how the code/drive for 2 years and you need to pay for your mistake (can't remember how much). You can only drive a car with a learning license IF you have a driving teacher at your side :P
where would you practice?
ive just started on parkings and then on roads
And it's legal?
yep, as soon as you have your theoretic drivers license, you get the blue 'L' (leerling) to put on the backwindow of your car + an extra mirror. From then on, you can drive everywhere in belgium (maybe even further) when someone who has his license for 6 or more years is accompaning you! so basically, even if you have never driven a single minute in your life before your theoretical, from that moment you are allowed to drive on the road..
That's cool. Here in the Netherlands it's illegal to drive without an instructor if you do not have your license yet. That means lessons are mandatory for most people. You are ofcourse to drive on your own land if you have it.
why weird :P i like BMWs and 7er 2011 with alpina tuning b7 probably like what? 6.0l? 300-400 kw?D:

not aiming for any ferraris or bugattis because its not doable
uhm its 4,4L (mainly getting the horsepower from the 2 turbos) and ~130.000$.

For that amount of money you can get:
Ferrari F430 F1/Spyder
Lamborghini Gallardo
Lamborghini Murcielago

If I had to choose between those or the BMW.. bye BMW :D
130k$ and lamborgini? highly doubtful

still i like BMWs :D
I just checked the price on some seller :P

Well everyone has its own taste :) Good luck atg etting your dream car ;D
haha thanks, not gonna happen in close future :-D
have fun paying 4000€ insurance for a year
insurance should be pretty much the same for a 501ps bmw or a 550-600ps ferrari/lambo ?

If you can pay 130k for a car then the 4k insurance should be no deal for you :D
sollt dann auch kein problem mehr darstellen ja :DD
~1500/1750 in 2006/2007

Had my final test the monday after cpc2!

Took me from July till April (had 5 weeks break at summer and a 2 weeks break when it was winter). Took 1 lesson a week because my parents told me to get it and I didnt want to get it. But now ive got it I dont know what to do without it ^^

Driving a Golf V from 2007.
around 300€ in Poland, did everything in 1 month (was on 1 theoretical lesson, becase the teacher was my friend's uncle, started driving at the beginning of December, had exam on 3rd of January:) passed on the first try. don't have my own car yet!
theoretical exam = 15 euros
practical exam = 36 euros
Theory Test was 30 eur then had to pay another 20 for the driving license. Driving exam was 80 eur + i had to take 5 driving lessons to learn how to "drive like a nooooooob" which was 150 all together and then 25 eur for the license.
Driving C class mercedes but selling it in few months and buyin 01 Bmw 728.
i feel i got robbed. thanks!
My brother passed it in USA recently - cost him 30 USD for both exams. And you are allowed to make plenty of mistakes in the theoretical part.
image: AM-DBS-Volante-001
in the proper aston green
Paid around 1200 Euro iirc and took me around 5-6 months I believe? Passed everything on the first attempt, wasn't that hard :-P

Managed to crash my lovely Mercedes 190d (with just under 80k on the clock...) after 1 week. Was raining, no ABS, me@noob mode and slightly too fast, some nice sliding and finally slowly landing on the rooftop.

Now driving my mother's Renault Megane '96 sometimes on weekends. Don't have my own car atm. No need in the city and couldn't afford it anyway :-)
what mercedes exactly? year class 1.9l diesel 80k probably new? 2008?
The model is called 190d, google it. Was a 1990 model, extremely reliable and even fuel saving :-(
under 80k kilometers? 90s?

Ye, was some old guys car, barely moved it. Those engines back then easily made it to 250k without any problems most of the times, so ye. Unlucky I'd say!
13xx euro, half a year, blue car
study hard, "driver license" gg
taking my driver license right now, paid 1679e :(

taking 2 - 3 months
I went to , they asked about 500 euros , but extra driving lessons and i failed 2 times in 2 exams so i paid around 620 euros. But now i can drive and this over half year of shit is over.
Driving with Lada 112 , grandpa gave me. No money to buy something better.
USD 120,00 3 Months For a Grade A, and i have an Nissan Silvia S13 and a Nissan Skyline GTR-R34 V Spec II Nur

image: 15336500041F

image: 376235_246333905422705_223558437700252_715405_90673102_n
how much did taht GTR nissan cost you :-D i know its probably 90s year (1998-99?) still awesome car

or is it ur dream car :P
V Spec II Nur - $ 63,USD FOB Price Chile, Actually it was my dream car until 2 years ago.

e: That car it's from the 2001, The last Skyline was the GTR-R34 Nismo tune Z in 2002
Quote$ 63,USD FOB Price Chile,

Yeah $ 63,000 USD My bad. ;*
rich ass motherfucker
The American dollar in chile is not that expensive, and plus i Import those cars_pP
Skyline GTR <3, good taste bro, even my favourite colour. Too bad its right steered though, damn turbo! :P
Since the car is Twin Turbo, you can't change the wheel to the right. because the car was sold in Japan austrialia those countries..
Thats what I was trying to say. ;) I know quite a bit about the Skyline myself. :p Tried VMax yet? :D
No, i do not want to die yet :P
That would probably be one of the first things I'd do, but then again, its legal in here and probably a lot safer concerning the quality of our roads, no offense though. :)
Actually you're right, The roads over here aren't the best in south america. The maximum speed on that car was 210km/h but i'm pretty sure it can handle 250km/h or 300km/h with a shipped ECU.

but also My silvia is good since i it has a SR20DET :PpPPp.
Not bad, I suppose its the 2,0litre same as the 200SX? Engine is ok but I don't really like the old silvia, the S15 Aero Spec R is pretty sexy though. :P
Actually i agree with you, but the S13 It's a legend. And i also have a cuple of Silvias in my stock an Spec S, Spec R with the Aereo Visial Kit.


e : All the S15's have a 2000cc Engine. The S13's Have 1800cc to 2400cc Super Charger and Twin Turbo
Jeeeez! Nice! I'll take the Skyline R33 GT-R in Midnight Blue :P, also gimme that RX7. Unfortunately its not a Bathurst R. :( The EVO is also an awesome car, but the newer models became kinda ugly, at least thats my opinion. Greetz for such nice cars, I fucking hate the fact that they're mostly right steered, although that makes them a lot cheaper in here.

Edit: Forgot to say I also want that NSX, they're sooo fucking expensive though.
Glad yo know that people from this website actually know about cars. Real cars :P

Sir, You Have my respects.
Haha well I've always been into cars, but when I first saw them Fast & Furious movies, I guess they've caught me then. Ever since then I wanted a R34 GTR myself haha also loved the RX7 in Tokio Drift with that Veilside bodykit ;_; sooo beautiful.

You got an awesome job, wish I could do something like that, but instead I'm wasting my time at university. :| Oh be sure to check out the MR2 if you don't already import them. Stunning car with awesome driving abilities, especially with the 3SGTE Turbocharged engine. Makes it a 240+ HP car with a little more than 1000kg? :P
True true, I didn't study this year because the protest and stuff over here " Free Education " and bla bla, I guess you're talking about the Toyota MRS ED, The who looks like a Porche :P?

And about that 240HP + 1000Kg, Thats a lethal weapon mate, Actually if you want to check some cars You can visit Action houses in Japan for DIM or FOB prices.

Also the best cars that i know belong to Team Orange, or a Nissan Skyline Nismo Tune Z from Falken Drifting team. : )

e: RIP Skyline GTR since Infinity took it, the models are just awfull but the GTR-R35 It's also a sick car the Godzilla :P
Ye the New GTR is damn fine aswell. Also its kinda "cheap" compared to other cars with the same performance. The Falken Skyline's are awesome, dunno about Team Orange, I know their name but can't remember how they look like.

But Blitz tuned a Skyline to 1000HP and when they tried to VMAX it, some body parts went flying @ 340km/h imagine that haha. Mine's also made a great looking Skyline. :)

Oh and yes I guess we're both talking about the same car, but I was talking about the older model, which also has a better engine than the new one's. The new one's aren't THAT ugly but they're girly as hell. This is the car I'm talking about:

image: mr2mar06_main
Sick car, also you're right the GTR is kinda cheap in fact in the action house that i work with i can find R35's For around 75,000 USD Like this one with 5,000 KM " is not SpecV "

image: 4IuzCwB6Lua4jzKEDpTRXZOJDqxPBttFSc4OQ2ixKQxK9c92hWB9i5AS0YbA0AArqjX8vwqQPC-2FuBE2DV4R2TBPU

image: 2myH0mB6pRfNh6pylNuoVXJorFEEWvmg6WlWDCZPDz4cT7hCg8yx9s2xnPtUAG6U2cLxgSLsi-2FuBE2DV4R2TBPU

Theres also a Nissan Silvia with 1000hp on a Drag race and the engine just explode in the middle of the race xd

Anyway the car in your picture is sick like i said before but i preffer the Jap tunning, Like just the wheels low profile and standar colors. :)
Ah well so you like to drive "understatement". Well I don't like overtuned cars either, but the MR2 above would be perfectly fine, except for the colour. I'd go for the Ferrari Red, but in general I agree that a car only needs a cool colour and better Rims.

Can you tell me anything about the NSX? I know that it has a 3,0 - 3,2 litre DOHC engine, but it doesn't have a turbo, does it? Is the engine reliable? Also how fast is it in comparison to lets say a Skyline & a Supra? They're really rare here in Germany, I have only seen one once in my life, probably because they're fucking expensive for an old car. You won't get them in here for under 30.000€, and they are probably not 100 percent in shape. Really good ones like the Type R cost about 70.000€ (which is about 100k USD), and they're used and still have about ~60.000km. Incredibly cool car, but too damn expensive. -.-
100K Are you kidding me? I buy those cars for around 60K FOB Price, and in DIM for like 40K USD.... With low km, we're talking about 30,000 to 70,000 KM Max.

And yeah the engine it's 3.0L VTEC "V6" Also the NSX Mugen RR it's 3.2 VTEC I don't know how fast is that car since in never drive it before. But those cars Supra Skyline and NSX are in the same Level 5.0 High performance cars. But the skyline is the best since it's 4WD In my opinion.
took about 2-3 months, cost around £700 or €812.. Currently driving my mum's Nissan image: 196974_1912985428221_1349476372_2199685_2195671_n :P
take G1(drive with parent or somebody over 25) test "written" wait 1 year or take driving school then it's only 8 months then get G2(drive by yourself with conditions), then wait 1 more year to get full G(drive w.e the fuck you want)

image: YS644263-1sm

different tires and more rust :P

E: and new bumper because my friend's brother smashed it while he was high as fuck
7 Months (cuz I couldnt be arsed to go to those damn theory classes)
1250€ (thats really cheap for the city I'm living, 1400 upwards [to 3000€] is "normal" here)
Drove my BMW 120d Coupè till 1st of November, Wintercar now is Opel Astra 1.6F '94, maybe a '98 Honda Accord from next week on, depends if my grandma buys a new car.
In Ireland it's only been the law that you need to learn from a licensed instructor for the past year or so. Before that anyone with a full driving license could teach you, provided you had a learner's permit/provisional license, and you only needed to pass a relatively simple theory test to get one of those. My dad taught me how to drive, although I did do a couple of lessons with a proper instructor. I'd say I spent around €150 all told.
I think about €1700 in total and about 7 months
35 lessons (€40 each)
did a practical test halfway, which was €80 extra
practical exam was €200 (if I remember correctly)
Currently driving a red Ford Fiesta (from 2010)
got license for
image: tank_wa

got it for free 8D
took me one week. 1,5 hours a day. cost me around €500.
Currently driving a VW Golf V 2.0 tdi 4 motion :)
around 1300
Jesus guys... You got ripped off.

£150 tops, learnt with the parents after a few initial lessons for the basics and a few just prior to the exam to learn how to pass. Got the theory n practical both first time :-)
I did it for 36 euros ^_^ winrar
from 800€ - 1600€ in Germany depends on your skillZ
i paid 1100€ (car only) and its up to 3600€(car, bus,etc..)

theoretical+practical 2 weeks, then i had to wait till im 18 -> final drive with the teacher and 2nd driving instructor from the state.. if u pass u get a provisional license and you're allowed to drive on the same day
i have driving license for hon, come at me
image: 4_wheel_bike.summ

about few years ;/
450 euro, audi a4 b5 like a baus
$300 max and 6 months with a permit or whatever before got my actual license to drive by myself.

Got a 97 Jetta that is a piece of shit, hopefully in 2-3 years I'll have enough money saved to get a nicer car
500€ 3months VW Golf R32 ( 2004)
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