Possible end of TZAC
7 Dec 2011, 00:48
Little note: this is not begging for donations, I don't want to and won't depend on them.
I know that I've been inactive lately, here's an explanation what's going on with TZAC: http://tz-ac.com/topic.php?id=464
I know that I've been inactive lately, here's an explanation what's going on with TZAC: http://tz-ac.com/topic.php?id=464
I don't exactly know what your costs nor needs for a master server are, but I think there are quite a few members of this community that will be more than willing to help you out on at least keeping it online. Not everyone might agree with this, but ET needs a way of identifying people. Even if the anti cheat does not bust people, it at least allows us to identify the players you are playing.
Hope this makes sense.
(and +1 on the respect scale)
I'm pretty sure you could mention several people with pretty good knowledge about this subject.
I did not see much progress during the time either. As for now, TZAC seems bypassed by several people. You could either improve, which takes time, or drop the project.
Hopefully more people can stand in your position, as no flame or bad comments need to be given towards you...
Edit: I don't think anticheat coding is a big hit.
Too bad it runs as a third party application. Would get much more success if completely integrated in a game (like pb).
Maybe you could push your ideas towards the bigger players in the anticheat world.
Thus, I don't think they focus on it. People getting busted, buy a new key. So in fact, it's a win win situation towards the devs.
The moneymaker comment I made is irrelevant. My point is, everybody should accept the tiny bits of help when you're in need of finances. You're not accepting any help from fellow programmers (if anyone volunteered, I don't know that), mainly because you don't want to cut the shares if it's sold. Don't take it in a bad daylight, but I find it rather hard to express what I actually want to explain.
TZAC 2.0 is coming, a big update as you said yourself. But your update won't be supported no more? See it as the Skyrim release, without the devs supporting the game and fixing bugs. That would be ment to fail.
Make some1 new cheathunter (user, who will have access to ban ppl after screenshot proof)
Can ban (atleast 3 guys)
Cannot unban if tzac program proofed them (aimbots, etc.)
Anyways, how much do you want to keep TZAC going?
I don't know how all this finding sponsors, associates, owners, w/e works, but can't ppl here who are more involved in all that help you find some offer?
Although I find it not very likely with the current activity at least in ET, dno about CoD..
has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.
i do hope you'll find some money thought :) as you deserve it
but to finish of with another quote
We think too much and feel too little:
More than machinery we need humanity;
More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
life is here your anti cheat !
but i think artstar will sponsor you just to keep the game alive :D:D
Plus there is still no hardware or similar ban from tzac, busted players just create new accounts and can play until the new account will eventually get banned again..
Nevertheless I guess this would make more ppl leave the game
The fact that there is no hardware ban is not a big deal. Yeah randoms will cheat and create new account but any a bit known players wont. Belive it or not but i am quite sure that if there was no anticheat some known players would hack just for fun :)
You can still wolfcam or check demo's from offi's of these players; there's not much of a difference in getting a new etpro-guid and new tzac-account, except newer tzac-ID's are sort of suspicious :P (and you can't run certain bots and tzac at the same time)
Oh and servers still run PB, Evenbalance just stopped some service, can't remember what exactly (ETPro used nopb-config for some time before SLAC's-release because PB was lagging too much)
ET wont survive without a anticheat and now pb gone aswell there is a real need for tzac
By the way, maybe you should give to someone a little control on it, you can't handle such a project alone.
You did really great job, would be so bad if you stop now, after all this work!
maybe a deal can be made then?
nobody will miss you anyway bb gl
Vatican would perhaps have been a better choice.
About what you two are discussing.. most people donated like 5 cents simply to get the donator status.. those transactions were eaten literally completely by paypal fees because it was nothing. Please don't look at donations as if they ever were some sort of income, they weren't.
I really think people live in an illusion.. I've "earned" from TZAC far far far less than what the community thinks.
Koshito: sucking dicks in a OC clan
so now use ur brain and take your own conclusions about ur stupid troll attempt
its obvious you are pretty darn mad, yet my friend i have to tell you that you aint done shit for community and actually nobody gives a fuck what you have done years ago in portugal too (probably youve done nothing anyway)...so basically what im trying to say is that you better stfu big times because everything you say makes you look even more retarted
You recognize something?
Or the costs of hosting are damn too high?
better than this shit apocalipse journal u mad that is just panic and e-drama with utility 0 for et and cf
because i'd be interested in hearing them
& i hope something will work out for the future of tzac/w:et
FNC: ?/50
btw ik heb herorientatie gedaan naar 6de groep CIS, na 2 weken was ik al accepted : D, strak trg naar arlon max tot kerstmis : )
wa is '6de groep CIS' en wa deed ge daarvoor dan?
succes alvast!
CIS word well chill denk.. ook nimmer intern normaal, nu al 14 maande bezig :_D
LAW is wel vet :p
voorzichtig me die vizierkes, khad er toen 2 kapot gedaan :p
Either way try your best, talk with gtv for some server support for example, speak with some companies (again yes..).
I wouldn't mind if you would lock all the accounts and force people to pay few euros to unlock them to play. Sad but true.
Good luck, keep us updated!
Ignore the haters, and thanks again for developing TZAC. Good luck with finding a suitable sponsor.
But Thanks chaplja, you're a smart guy and you'll end up on the better side of the bargain even if it may take some time :) good luck whatever happens, hope to hear from you soon!
i'm glad i'm just some random pub player atleast i'll never have the dreaded issue of ET is dead.
You just hold ET in the right position if you nothing then was ET just a crap of game (it is).
I hope a MGC sees potential in picking up TZAC but the reality is it is doubtful.
still thanks for what uve done so far but think about releasing the code.
E: what about speedlink?
But thanks what youve done so far! ;)
Check tek9 forums! There ary many mgc's and sponsors who may can support!
charge the players a few euros... i think most of us will be willing to pay a few euros than to quit ET..
on a serious note: thanks for all the work you've done and so on, don't know what to say but it was obviously saving ET from death
i see journals about what pc to buy,what shoes to buy,what car to buy,what bitch to buy,what toothbrush to buy,what drinks to buy,what dildo to buy ....so u ppl must have some money in your pockets or what?yours,or your parents,or your friends,or your drug dealers,or your girlfriends/boyfriends,but u can manage and pull it out to find 5 euro in couple of days?sure u do,so send the god damn money and don t think u making rich of chaplja or that u fill his pockets with much gold cause u r not.as a matter of fact the only thing u are doing is helping yourself.that if u like a clean game
for chaplja:thank you! i hate the fact that i m poor,that i had to wait almost 4 months till i finnally found a job in a factory,and that i living out of borrowed money from relatives right now.but if u still alive with the project,i sincerrely hope i can make it better next year.Happy holidays chaplja!
Imo this is a pretty serious dilemma, I dont really want to imagine what will happen if the conclusion is Tzac closing down.
Im guessing you already asked Org's heavily involved with Quakelive? As from what I understood they needed and were thinking about using Tzac as their anti-cheat? But i'm surprised you cannot land a sponsor from CoD4 atleast.
I speak for everyone who still plays when I say, that don't give up! You don't fathom how heavily ET is dependant on Tzac, seriously..
But regardless thank you for everything you have done with Slac/Tzac sincerely!
though gl xx
But actually I'm happy TZAC will maybe come to an end, it just makes it harder for the new players to switch to etpro. And for me TZAC gives lag while PB didn't, and I know more people have this problem, when this happened to somebody with PB everybody was whining.
And I doubt TZAC is detecting most hacks, I can still see people clearly cheating even on TZAC servers. And a month later the player still isnt banned and still plays under the same TZAC account. For me TZAC didnt change much, except it gave me lag and it takes longer to launch the game.
sell it a couple of idiots, so you have money to continue your work
bust them so you will prove that it really works
player1: "hax"
player2: "tzac gone -> fps-drop gone -> skillboost"
PB is not supporting et anymore because of you and your crappy work.