Splendid Sportsmanship :)


I'm not mad, I'm just really surprised at to which lengths some people will go to get that oh so important e-victory, these people are exactly what is wrong with this community. The outcome of this match is of no importance to me as Sick6 will most likely get knocked out of the tournament anyway.

Background info:

Danl has been bitching at me for months now because once upon a time, I asked him who he was since I simply didn't know him. He misinterpreted this like a boss and started flaming and insulting me everywhere I met him.
I only replied to him in the way he deserved and it's needless to say that I strongly dislike the entire squad of SPLD which is filled with idiots and children except for Diablos and Ajit.


We weren't six so we had to use Crajsor to help us out, unfortunately he didn't have his TZAC-ID filled in on ESL and this was not according to the rules.

However :

mental s p L d [Warmup]: if we would, we could take the forfeit already
mental s p L d [Warmup]: but we dont want to
mental s p L d [Warmup]: just enter the guid and ready

The game ended in a 4-2 for sick6, we were pushed into a decider by these awesome players because we surprisingly lost our homemap Missile.


image: game30154

After the game SPLD filed an official complaint to receive a forfeit-win. I can personally only conclude that this game is still very important to them as they are willing to contradict themselves to get a victory after having been beat severely.


To clear things up since few of their players seem to want to twist this around... Crajsor was allowed to play, by ESL rules even. The 5 day rule only applies to players that have previously played in the Cup for any other team. As crajsor did not do so, he has not broken any rule other than not having his slac guid entered.


As the subject said, Sick6 used 1, perhaps 2 players that did not add their TZAC-ID until after the game was supposed to start, we waited 20 minutes for them to start and they brought in a freelance to mess around for 15 of those minutes, a replay is gamestv but you probably wont see them messing around in warmup for so long, instead of hitting ready, Kevin decided to flame our team instead.

The attached screenshot shows the TZAC-IDs and the player in question is crajsor, I asked an admin to come to the server to sort the issue out and the other team just continued to mess around while he was there, and after he left, as I informed the admin, we played because of the viewers, it would not be fair to them if we spent 20 minutes doing nothing and then just quit, I was also informed they broke more than one rule, before the game they also tried getting the before mention freelance that was messing around to play for them, when we refused they decided to flame us and spam us on IRC.

In a nutshell: Sick6 broke the rules by adding guids too late, we still decided to play for the viewers as it only seemed fair, the attitude the opposing team showed against us was not friendly at all, and after consideration we cannot just let that lie.

P.S: I am not writing this because we lost, it's purely because of the bad attitude Kevin and Gifted (the freelance) showed towards us even though we continued on to play


I understand that it has to be a real pain in the ass to get served by someone who you have been flaming for months without a valid reason. I have to admit though, it is a nice touch to act like the surprised victim because I started insulting you after months of provocation.

PS: It is quite obvious that you didn't demand a forfeit-win before the game because you somehow thought that you were easily going to win this game. Now that you have lost you suddenly do care about the rules with the TZAC-ID, hypocrisy to the max.

Oxy's supercerial response to their complaint on ESL:


Sigh, here we go.

Alrighty, let's take your above accusation and statement apart for a second and slowly but surely analyze everything you're protesting against and for.

"As the subject said, Sick6 used 1, perhaps 2 players that did not add their TZAC-ID until after the game was supposed to start"

While true, you and your team have agreed to play the match at which point, said argument shouldn't even be taken into consideration anymore. YOU have agreed to play against us, our lineup, knowing full well that one person may or may not have his tzac guid entered. Evidently this is a failure to comply the ESL rules and we've had him add it during the warmup period, which you then seemed not to have any issues with.

mental s p L d [Warmup]: just do it now
mental s p L d [Warmup]: and then ready
ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: you can play tomorrow if spld agrees or spld wins
mental s p L d [Warmup]: NO
SICK6 crajsor [Warmup]: can i do it after mister?
mental s p L d [Warmup]: WE PLAY NOW
SICK6 Oxy [Warmup]: the opponent doesn't mind kwiz, no need to make a drama out of it now
mental s p L d [Warmup]: cras add ur guide
m1ke s p L d [Warmup]: YE
mental s p L d [Warmup]: and rup

"we waited 20 minutes for them to start and they brought in a freelance to mess around for 15 of those minutes, a replay is gamestv but you probably wont see them messing around in warmup for so long"

Not true. The so said "freelance" you're referring to is part of our team, though not officially at this point, he's been guiding us lately on in-game decisions which is precisely why we've requested to allow a spectator and have said "freelance" function as in-game leader, you however denied us that privilege. Yes, we did use the warmup time to do precisely that. Warm Up. That's what it's there for is it not? Correct me if I'm wrong but what rule exactly have we broken, we all showed up on time, we used our warmup to sort last minute difficulties our team had which you seemed to be fine with at the given time.

"instead of hitting ready, Kevin decided to flame our team instead."
Correction, your team has previously always had a bad-attitude towards Kevin, for a reason unknown to us. When said teammember then made a what appeared to be "witty" and provocative comment during the warmup phase, he simply replied with sarcasm. No offense whatsoever was issued with said comment, your team however took the initiative and started whining and flaming which eventually broke out and caused kevin to, in a sense of self-defense, "counter flame".

"before the game they also tried getting the before mention freelance that was messing around to play for them, when we refused they decided to flame us and spam us on IRC."

Again, not true and taken out of context. Please get your facts straight before making any sort of accusations. We simply had requested "mental" on irc if a substitute (Gifted) could jump in as our 6th player as our, to that time, backup (crajsor) had a family emergency and may not make it to the match in-time. I had requested said favor, expecting you to be just as fair play about it as we have been last night when YOU were the ones asking if you could play with a merc and were the ones asking if you could schedule the war to a hour later, which we've all more than happily agreed to - after a little misunderstanding with the poorly stated ESL rules. Unfortunately for us however, our 6th had the impression he was able to leave as the game would not be played - we've had previously discussed on our Voiceserver to delay the match to tomorrow as we wouldn't want to make much of a mess out of it and facing you with a substitute rather than your actual line-up. Two ESL admins have been involved in said discussion as well, those being Kartez and Foamea which I'm sure both will happily testify to.

"In a nutshell: Sick6 broke the rules by adding guids too late, we still decided to play for the viewers as it only seemed fair, the attitude the opposing team showed against us was not friendly at all, and after consideration we cannot just let that lie."

Wrong. One of our members broke the rules, we admit to that. But the GamesTV log clearly states that you have agreed to playing this game on it's full terms, not for the viewers.


mental s p L d [Warmup]:if we would, we could take the forfeit already
mental s p L d [Warmup]:but we dont want to
mental s p L d [Warmup]:just enter the guid and ready

"P.S: I am not writing this because we lost, it's purely because of the bad attitude Kevin and Gifted (the freelance) showed towards us even though we continued on to play"

While kevin may have been provocatively dragged into a flame war and may or may not have shown an attitude not gentlemen alike, Gifted has not said a single word during the entire warmup phase which could ever be used against him or be portrait as bad manner.

Mike's response to Oxy's comment on ESL:


#8 | 17/01/12 02:01
May I ask why are u so bent on using things said in the last 3min before the match started, when we waited for you for 20min at least.
#9 | 17/01/12 02:09
and u forgot to quote:

ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: you can play if you want for public, but match is allready decided in my eyes
ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: crashjor doesnt have entered tzac

Oxy Taking Fatality On Mike:


1³³7 Oxy
#10 | 17/01/12 04:11
Why are you so bent on twisting everyone's words around and trying to achieve a win you clearly don't deserve. Above quote, while true, was at that point recognized by all of my players and I'm quite certain yours too. Though your TEAMMEMBER, which happened to be the person in charge that had not only requested the gamestv match but also arranged the entire war, was the first to say and, I quote yet again:

mental s p L d [Warmup]:if we would, we could take the forfeit already
mental s p L d [Warmup]:but we dont want to
mental s p L d [Warmup]:just enter the guid and ready

If we had been made aware, at anytime during or prior to the match starting, that you would be taking the forfeit win and not playing the war for what it was - we would have not participated, period. Your members, mental not being the only one, have several times said it'd be alright to play the game and carry on as usual. Few of the many examples:

ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: you can play tomorrow if spld agrees or spld wins
mental s p L d [Warmup]: NO
mental s p L d [Warmup]: WE PLAY NOW

Also an example of you, m1ke:

m1ke s p L d [Warmup]: gogo
m1ke s p L d [Warmup]: or forfeit :P

A statement you've made AFTER the first map was already played. Anyone with basic English knowledge can interpret the above statement as such: "ready and play or we will take the forfeit win", as we did ready and we did continue to play the game - which resulted in favor for us. You drastically change your mind and decide to forfeit anyway? The case is clear, it was agreed upon that the game would be played AS USUAL, not for viewers, not for anything but for what it is.

I'm sorry you're butthurt for losing and taking this kind of measurements, but wouldn't you agree: The game was played - though with minor misunderstandings and - as agreed upon by both parties and the better party won. It's as simple as that.

image: kids-will-be-kids
tldr version? :(
SPLD agreed that Crajsor would play for Sick6 without filling in his tzac-guid on ESL. He actualyl even filled in his guid during the warmup.

Now that they have lost they demand a forfeit-win because of Crajsor and because they obviously can't stand losing. They are covering this up though, they are claiming they only want the forfeit-win because I acted like a cunt towards them during the warmup, even though they have been flaming me for a couple of months now without any valid reason.

Short enough? :()
tbh i just read the entire thing now :p

srsly some ppl are such idiots :D reminds me of some 1.0 rtcw clans i remember having the same atittude. its just a game, it's not like your playing for money. and you don't have to do it for the "fame" of winning cause this kind of "fame" just stays inside this little community which excists 99% only online and will die sooner or later.

and what will be more important then, your so called "fame" with hatred and agony or the fun you had with the players you've met ingame and had great times with while not really caring that hard about issues like these.
e-drama :o

e: on a serious note, watched the whole game and read the logs... Can't get why they complain, really, what's wrong with this community.. :/
No drama at all, just surprised at how childish and unsportsmanshiplike some people can be!
Wasnt implying this for u or your team ;)
wat kan je anders verwachten van zo'n bende mongolen.
just the fact that this actually does not surprise me at all is a bad sign for ETs current state...
Oh hey, they really did it. Well played guys, was a pleasure and a well deserved win. ;)

Didn't read all this but it's a clear case imo - we broke the rules and thus if the opponent really cares as if it was some LAN finals they can take the win.
mental, wht do u expect?
Watched and read the whole thing as well, was surprised when the admin ESL|KwizlorD said some thing along the lines of 'do what you want' then left the server.
yeah he's not too bright
conclusion = if someone does you a favour (accepts a player without tzac) say thx and stfu instead of flaming him.
get your facts straight before you make an assumption :)

ps, they were planning on demanding a forfeit all along in case they lost, i have inside information, so cool: )
Wow, no one expect from Ajit has good contact to you. So it was Ajit. But I guess Ajit misunderstood it. I also heard 1 talkin about it but that's all so don't say the whole team wanted it if 1 guy makes a conflict.
If you didnt flame spld and their members before or during the war then yeah sorry i am wrong, but if you did then you got what you asked for.
if this were the case, we wouldve won, no flame or whine, good games called. however, this wasn't the case.
somehow true :D
Read danL, knew where this was headed.
i knew that hvk and danL are retarded but mental man????

im disappoint :(
noooooo!!! Check my comment :D
what the fuck did I do?
Somehow I expected such a journal after I went offline.
don't worry, I expected at least 3 journals

23:08.52       @danL: wanna bet Im gonna get blamed for that?
haha xD That's so SPLENDID
They're the biggest nerd team this community has atm
1. Prac 24/7 (make missile homemap LOL)
2. Still shit
3. Still lose
4. Claim forfeit in the lamest way possible
5. Get raped in playoffs
6. Repeat next year, try to get in final using forfeits

Looking at their lu, theres no suprise they did this

E: I have never played a game against danL or hvk without them whining/flaming, says enough

E2: Looks like this admin (who is he anyway? does he have experience adminning?) isn't the brightest of all either
ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: you can play if you want for public, but match is allready decided in my eyes
ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: crashjor doesnt have entered tzac
SICK6 Oxy [Warmup]: he's doing it right now kwiz.
SICK6 potter [Warmup]: craj is doing it atm
ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: to late
ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: before match should be done
The entire point is that you allowed crajsor to play before the game, this has nothing to do with that, somewhere in the esl rules it says you can use a merc if the opponent allows it.

Why the fuck would you allow someone and then after the game claim forfeit? For me thats about the lowest you can go lol. You better just claim forfeit before the game then, this just makes u look (and its true) fucking sad.
Yes we allowed him to play.

if crajsor and butchji had their tzac guid added before the game was supposed to start it would be all ok.

having not filled out their tzac guid beforehand is their fault.

Our spormanship: we allowed crajsor to play

their mistake: didn't have guids added

Rules are rules.

E: the admin said it, look at logs, and as twidi stated below, it was quite clear what outcome will follow.
The fucking point is that its fucking lame

How hard is it to get your head around that?

I mean NO1, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING TEAM IN THIS GAME, would do what you guys did, just to get through the groupfase and get raped in the next game (unless you manage to score a forfeit there aswell, you might have to discuss a tactic with your mates so you can claim forfeit for some absurd reason).

I mean really, no1 cares about their tzac guid, everyone (even YOU, yes eventhough you are retarded, you still do) knows that it doesnt matter at all if their guids are added.

Unless you're claiming they were hacking of course, but then you would make an even bigger fool out of yourself.

this is the saddest thing I've seen in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time
I'm claiming that they didn't follow the rules, nothing else.
And I'm saying you're the saddest fuck in this game, nothing else.
Atleast I can read and follow the rules.
what an achievement!
I am not sure about the 'read' part
Are you thesame kind of retard in reallife?
Or better i should ask, Do you even have a reallife?
mental s p L d [Warmup]: if we would, we could take the forfeit already
mental s p L d [Warmup]: but we dont want to
mental s p L d [Warmup]: just enter the guid and ready

You stated that the tzac-guids wouldn't form a problem :) Nice backtracking your words because you can't handle a loss.
Didn't know my name is mental.

ESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: you can play if you want for public, but match is allready decided in my eyes
your team agreed to it, it is all that matters,
u can turn around words all you want, posting only the logs u want, the admin will decide.
1 guy = the team, right
How fucking stupid are you you motherfucker
QuoteOur spormanship: we allowed crajsor to play

Quotetheir mistake: didn't have guids added

was thinking the same:D what sportmanship lol
cute we think the same (:
je t'aime fort fort
:P mijn kotinternet heeft t moeilijk om dit journal te laden :'-) drama drama
The match didn't strat yet.
So he didn't break the rules.
It should be added before the match is supposed to start, the actuall time for when the offi is set. Try again.
You mad cos you didn't get your forfeit win against us during OC ? 8D
QuoteE: I have never played a game against danL or hvk without them whining/flaming, says enough

how many times did we play against each other? I don't even fucking remember playing against you, tell me when we played and I'll pull out logs to see where I flamed and whined
Yea, I know the exact date and time I played against you... (I'll add that this is irony, in case you didn't notice)

I played like 3-4 random 3vs3s againt u where you always started whining for some unexplainable reason and I played some 6vs6s against u, mostly hvk was whining there
just tell me which clan you played against me, surely if you remember I was a retard you must know why and you know what I flamed or whined about, so at least tell me that

in 3on3's I'll say something only for 2 reasons; one is when I have a problem with the server(which then splits into me whining about spikes or being unable to hit opponent) and the other one is when the opponent is talking bullshit, and I'll gladly provide you with all the logs so you can read yourself
Dude you honestly think I remember exactly what you whined about, when it happend, who you played with?

There is a reason I think you're a dick, I played against a shitload of people and there are only a few of whom I think they're retards, unfortunately you are one of them. Now get over it, its not like u should care about it anyway.
I don't give a fuck but I don't like to be accused for no real reason, I find only a few people in ET retards and I remember exactly why

same as otyg, he called me a retard and when I asked why I got the answer "because you always act like a retard towards me in wars" so I gave him logs from every single match we played and he just suddenly closed his jabber, he found me a retard just because I was a part of a team that beat him in what he found "unfair circumstances"
Well obbviously this conversation is going nowhere so lets /quit it.
i can vouch for boss, that we(iNmotion) played vs...either your clan or a mix, and yes you did complain a lot, most of it being complete rubbish.
then you'll remember what I was complaining about?
i don't feel obliged to memorize all the teams/players i've played against, so remembering what has been said in a specific match is the last thing i'll do. i do notice though when some people use the chat too excessively - this does not mean i label someone a retard(a retard in my eyes has to be more extreme than just flaming in-game). To answer your question, no i don't remember what you were saying, i just remember playing versus you and seeing your name pop up in the chatbox more than 1 time.
so saying something in more than 1 line = I'm a retard? ...

ok nevermind
the hell?!?

did you actually read what i wrote, or are you contradicting yourself?!
ignore me, I'm just sick of it all
Waiting for spld defence in this journal.
there just nerds, they did the same thing when synergy beat them.
u mean we did the same when synergy broke the rules ?
added a play of the day of the match said yes before the match then lost then whined. Play this game for fun not like your gonna win anything anyways.
danL is actually a nice guy as far as i know :)

but mental's attitude and desperation for wins he does not deserve is so pathetic. but hey, give that guy a break. all he has had for the past 6 months or even a year is ET so it's somewhat understandable that he will do anything to win.

rules are rules, but the mere fact that they accepted the player and are now whining is just pitiful. you should win 4-2 just because it's so important for them (or the game should be played again). and besides ajit, danl and m1ke, the whole team is just retarded (sorry hvk, but you have been acting like a fucking cunt since playing with them, attitude is fucked up)

btw better stfu if you don't know anything! ;)

I didn't made that conflict and I don't care either to win a random game
lol you obviously do
Quote by SplendidIn a nutshell: Sick6 broke the rules by adding guids too late, we still decided to play for the viewers as it only seemed fair, the attitude the opposing team showed against us was not friendly at all, and after consideration we cannot just let that lie.

Ever crossed your mind to for example contact an admin at that point? You can't just try to take a freeroll by playing the game and filing a complaint afterwards, in case you lose it.

About the possible violation of rules:

I don't see a problem with the TZAC guid if it was added before the game started as ESL rules don't state that it would need to be added a certain period of time before the game starts. So the only issue would be that crajsor was added to the roster only 2 days before the game where as rules state that players aren't allowed to play for 5 days after being added.

However the rules also state that a player who has been in the roster for less than 5 days can be allowed to play if the opponent allows it. Judging by the logs it seems that Splendid allowed crajsor to play, which would make it okey for him to play with the guid added just before the game started. This is how I see the rules atleast.

What Splendid should've done here would've been to just state that they are not allowing crajsor to play (if this was the case) and tell sick6 to find 6 eligible players or otherwise it's a forfeit loss. I don't see how a forfeit loss could be justified here anymore after they already decided to go on by playing the game and knowingly allowed crajsor to play in it aswell.

For those who aren't familiar with ESL Winter League rules, you can find them here: http://www.esl.eu/eu/#/eu/et/league/winter2011/
Admin was on server, rules are rules even for "highskilled" players.

If they can't read rules it's their fault not our.

Guids have to be entered before the game starts!

We allowed crajsor to play cause he was already in the team (they wanted to play with gifted which we refused cause he wasnt even on esl - he then went on and pm'd some of our guys and flamed them).

The fact that the team must have all their guids added and they didn't have the guids added at the time the offi should have started (21:30).

Only potter, oxy, iron and kevin had their guids added.

They didn't, end of story.
lol i forgot about you in my post, you are a nice guy as well :p

edit: plus you did allow him to play so your claim actually has no grounds anymore.
Oh, that's odd then. Admin told both you and sick6 to play the game eventhough it would in any case be a forfeit win for you? I don't think that sick6 would've played the game if they knew it wouldn't matter whether they win it or not. So if the admin was there just idling by and letting the game go on despite the situation, without informing about the upcoming forfeit, it was atleast partly his fault that it lead to this situation.

Quote by Splendid's complaintI was also informed they broke more than one rule

I'd be curious to know, which rules did they exactly break here?
He said we can do what we want (play for viewers or get insta forfeit as soon as we make a complaint). We decided to play for the (butchji) fans. I stand by my words (that are not in the logs obviously) RULES ARE RULES.

Everytime my team actually follows the rules, we get flamed at, by ego-boosted players that don't even read the rules of the cup/league they are signing up for.
Yes, but the most important thing is that was sick6 informed about the situation? I don't see a problem here if sick6 also agreed to play the game just for the viewers, but if they weren't aware of that, both you and the admin(s) fucked it up.

I understand your point about getting flamed at after going by the rules as I've been on the situation multiple times. I hate it aswell when people who're supposed to know the rules don't know them, but in case you didn't clearly inform sick6 of the situation here (that you're going to take the forfeit win in any case), you aren't any better. Also sick6 wouldn't have been even able to break the rules if you wouldn't have allowed them to play with crajsor.
Look, the quotes they posted are all from GTV logs, the last minutes before the game started. They don't contain all the logs from the 20-30min warmup.

Here is the reply by the ESL admin that was also on the server.

Hello Splendid gaming - Encrypt,
hello Serious Incident Called Karma,

like i mentioned on server, if protest will be opened what can happen. Crajsor didn't have entered TZAC ID before match, now i see it was entered and its on waiting list. That means you have used dissalowed player also 1 more player was on server that would play match which means you would use had atention to use 1 player that is not in your team. You didn't use it on match but also you broke rules which considers about ettv. Also spld waited for your ready up long time. That i don't talk about flaming enemies in chat. Please for next time be sure that you have people if you dont, you can still add them to your team BEFORE match starts if our system doesn't block player he is allowed to play with ofcourse entered TZAC ID, which in case of match protest can affect on match score also.

Since we would like that match would be played fair i am offering you a reschedule for tomorrow on tuesday 21:00 CET. Splendid gaming - Encrypt needs to agree with reschedule. Also they have right to not play match and take the victory since of using a dissalowed player.
Write about reschedule or anything else in this protest.

Best regards,
Kwizlord, ESL Admin
That reply was so poorly written I can't really make the most out of it. However I just read the gtv logs, which I hadn't done before, and it seems pretty clear to me that sick6 was told that a forfeit is going to follow. So I'm sorry for accusing you and there actually was nothing wrong done from your part (if we don't take the sportmanship factor into account).
Ofcourse its following the rules, but come on they accept crajsor to play and claim forfeit after playing 3 maps.

I mean who the fuck does that?!
We allowed him to play, we didn't disallow him to add his tzac guide on time.
You're still the saddest fuck in this game
:DDD oh lord !!
Yeah, I agree that this is definitely not the way it should go. Either take a straight forfeit win or play the game despite a slight violation of the rules and let the result stay what ever the outcome is.
posting in epic thread.

although i have to agree, m1ke & hvk has been rly annoying and trolling, on a not nice way lately.
claiming forfeits after 3 maps is just sad.
just to make one thing clear, the way the admin said things we understood that whatever we do and if we play or don't he's still going to enter a win for us because I don't know why, wasn't following really
We were not, we thought that from their point of view the game was official. They are just saying this now because they can't handle the defeat, he's full of lies.
From the point in which an ESL admin explained on the server what will happen?
Well you do realise that sticking to rules like that is just fucking hilarious. I understand executing rules in case they are awfully late, or using more that one player that is not in their lineup. Seriously, but one, and as I reckon - he was actually in the lineup, only his guid was the case.

What you did just now is so 2007, and what seareal or Robaciek would do. I hope I'll never play against you in official game, tho I know & love danL and hvK (what makes me wonder even more, why they would stand for such pathetic shit).
hvK made the complaint so why hating on me?
Maybe because you've made like 20 comments of pure 'sticking to rules' shit. Anyway, no hate bro - just being obvious.

By the way, that's even more pathetic now you said that, because it seems like some of your members don't even approve that complaint.
They were offline, i had the privillege to follow the 15h constant spam from them, just stating the obvious so they dont twist the truth as they already have :)
tbh esl allows players to play on a game which have been added 1h before the game is starting. this 5 days rules counts just for players, who already played in another team in the same competition.
if players are disallowed due to the team join date, they normally are shown in the roster with a read mark for being disallowed, as long as this banner doesnt show up, everyone in the roster is allowed to play. i actually dont know when and why they made this change, but they did it.
there is an other storie with them against french team (epic) few days ago :D
+ Bahrain gaming yersterday bro
yes, what happened, do explain?
I will tonight.
And he is talking about last OC for epic
yep I'm talking about OC game :D
we talked to beck and he knows everything about it, if you're interested you can ask him, he's a nice guy so he'll surely explain
No need to talk with him since I played with epic in OC...
And the nice guy b3ck said you (spld) are retarded. You can ask him.
the fact you played with epic doesn't mean anything, and if nice guy beck said we are retarded then we surely are
few days ago we played against epic? missed that I guess :(
didn't we kill them in OC?
gg splendid fags.
says the guy not allowing razz to take guy that he wants to shut him up in uber serious mix cup

sorry Kevinm8, just had to :D
Any parenting book will advice against giving the whining kid what he wants to shut him up.
you give the smartest replies :D
Hey now, CB did that for years and they are doing just fine

Oh wait... Nvm
atleast kevin stated that before the game ;)
we only did that because razz was making such a big deal out of it, not because we actually cared about him getting a new player

and now you will respond " i knew that ", but then you shouldnt have made this comment
Wasn't there so how could I have known how big of a deal he made out of it.
you were scared and being a child, dont no why u spend 3 hours with these journals, im glad if they get a forfeit because Kevin YOU ARE A RETARD =]
butchji pwnage on supply : d

Quotem1ke s p L d [14:58]:shoutout butchji fans

tanks bro m1ke : DDDD
you can expect any kind of shit coming from splendid...
no you arent mad
you arent mad at all...
just writing walls of text whining with the force of a thousand suns
i always do that too when im not mad
just the way i like to spend my free time not being mad
walls of text when everything is a copy paste, oh you
nerds chill the fuck out :D

it's not like u can win millions by it.

fuck off nigger lover
he just mad coz I was chilling with ronnie coleman :-)
You are into that kind of bodybuilding?
not rly but I just saw ronny coleman in a bar's toilet and talked some shit with him :DD

even took a pic with him ^^
lmao nice :d
lol we agreed to them playing with a merc last week, now they want forfeit because of a merc :DD
You can still claim forfeit I think (apparently thats all np in ESL, complaining after the game), I suggest you do it, just to fuck them over, would be nice to make them have a taste of their own medicine
I don't think Jere lost :P
wouldn't change anything from the outcome of the match
that's not the point.
What do you expect from arrogant retarded lows? Soon as they lose its all about the forfiet. Oxy has just verbally destroyed you guys.

E: No wonder they want forfiet, according to the stats they got rolled.
nice image spld :D mental gogo hahaha
hahaha splendid are some sad fuckers
1050 total screenshots
mental is surely going mental
poor guy played for 7 hours straight non-stop
danL is the biggest whiner ever jesus christ, accept the loss and stop acting like that you low- piece of shit
WHAT? what have I EVER said to you?

and more, what have I done here?!
Again you are acting here like you've done nothing only been the mr. nice guy :DDD

I wonder how many journals like this have already been made about your shit team and the sportsmanship u keep up. You are fucking ridicilous clown really. If you guys take this shit this serious, i suggest you just quit gaming.

EDIT: i hope this is a joke @ your profile
Age: 30 ( 23 June 1981 )

You've got some issues man.
dude, you don't know me at all, you know only what you read here, I've been helping people with everything possible wherever, whether it was ET, cod, configs, anything anyone needed I helped, I only can't stand egos and retards and that's where I speak out

first time I got mentioned in shit like this was against loekino and his spam buddies that spread the word that I was a fucking retard just because I didn't want to bow to them and since then I get marked everywhere, in the things I do and the ones I don't, I don't have anything to do with 80% of things I get accused of yet my name is mentioned

so I don't give a fuck anymore who thinks what of me
haha what a trash
Hilarious, must be nice to "win" :')
To clear things up since few of their players seem to want to twist this around... Crajsor was allowed to play, by ESL rules even. The 5 day rule only applies to players that have previously played in the Cup for any other team. As crajsor did not do so, he has not broken any rule other than not having his slac guid entered.
But butchji didnt have it either and they did it for viewers
He wasn't at all. He had to enter his guid before the game but he didn't.
I don't really understand why the TZAC guid has to be entered before the supposed starting time and not the actual start of the game. ESL seems to allow a 20 minute delay for the matches by rules so why can't you add your TZAC guid during that time?

Also this should be stated clearly in the rules as currently they don't state anything about when the TZAC guid should be added and atleast I would've thought that the deadline is the actual start of the game.
The rules really are flawed if anything at all. Very poorly written and causes nothing but confusion, if at all they're simply a list of generic do-s and don't-s - but nothing that resembles an ACTUAL ruleset.
Blame the rules now haha :_D
fucking retards.
fucking nerds.
This was most interesting to read at a tuesday morning before heading to work. Thanks for being my entertainment on this ungodly hour!

oh and on a sidenote: danL and his crew are hypocritical little crybabies. He'll probably go back to hacking if he keeps failing like this (oh ye, i know about your cheating history with your brother drv4c, think i still have a pbscreen somewhere with some nice wallhacking skills)

please, do find those screens, I'm really interested now :DDDDD
oh you and your hacks
I love dramafire
wtf thats so lame...
I smell that mental leave them soon, he cant handle the pressure to play in a retarded team like this :p gogo spld for OC champs... Ohh wait...
if the admins decide that seriousblablabla win the match, then I guess it gona happen that mental will leave them too ;)
They agreed to play, so whats the problem? Anyway it doesn't really matter since they won't pass the groupstage :D
The fact that they even check for guids rofl :E
too much for my hangover, soz
hahaha sure smieciu! XD
Better check who created that conflict before using my names in the flame comments. I got nothing to do with that and I know that it is lame... I just wanted to play the game and you deserved to win since we played shit after missle. :)

I already know that we won't reach the playoffs, even if we get the forfeit win against your team and even if we would reach the playoffs(by wining against a.ToOn what I doubt by the performance from yesterday), we won't get that far :)

On a sidenote: I didn't read your text since it's to long. Just saw my name quite often by using ctrl+f
Seeing as a lot of people flamed you here, you might want to take a moment to think about how you act on the interwebz (siriuz buzzinezz).

And if you really don't agree with what your teammates did, you should leave their team, I can't see a more obvious sign that you're not agreeing with them than that.

Besides, that would be a good sign towards the community who obviously think you're a retard. This way you might prove you're not.
tbh I allowed them aswell to play with him and I didn't really care about the outcome of the match imo we lost the game and we're out of the winter league which didn't suprise me after that performance. I still will think about it don't worry xd

I dont even know why everyone is flaming about me :D since I got nothin to do with it
I'm just saying, if my teammates would do that (and apparently you didn't even know about it?), I would definitely leave them.

But then again, I don't play with such lame retards
Well I am not the guy who likes to leave a team after a long time. I will still think about it, but tbh it isn't really our fault that they break the rules. The same shit happen'd at the game vs epic at OC
Well then you're not in the position to say you don't agree with their decission, as long as you play with them (in esl payoffs) it basicly means that you accept what they did and agree with it.

So claiming you have nothing to do with it is retarded, because you could most likely influence the call your teammates made, but you didn't.
They made the conflict right after I went offline. I still don't know who made it since I am not at home :P Just talked before I went offline to danL and I told him that it is lame and then I went offline. Think what you want, but I can tell you I got nothing to do with it.
mental don't twist the truth, you and me both know what and when happened so don't
he is just full of bullshit because he thinks he can blame it on someone else since someone else already took the heat. but in all fairness he is still a faggot and agreed with the choice so.
you still don't know what happend :)
don't twist the truth :)
What makes it so funny in my opinion is the fact that we could've played on sunday and get it over with but you didnt have players and instead of forfeit we agreed to reschedule and now all this drama :D
wait a second, we were ready at 21:30 and we got told you don't have enough, what the...
funny since that seems to be the pov of our team also.
dunno, this was what we saw(timezone is CET+1)

[22:36:55] [@potter] we gonna move it to another day
[22:36:57] [@potter] sorry bro
[22:37:04] [@Ajit] forfeit sorry

can't show the previous logs because it was pasted in TS and it's gone but it was about you guys not having 6th and potter(I think) asked lepari to play but he couldn't
nope, Oxy told me that you can't play on that day. We were ready with a merc who already joined the team
well first you wanted to reschedule to some other day but when it was rather difficult you wanted to reschedule the time, correct?
This screenshot has been taken while m1ke was playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory with TZAC on 15 Jan 2012 22:34. Click on the image below if you want to view it in its full size.

and this is supposed to prove what exactly?
We had 6, as u wanted to have proofs on ESL conflict page.
this picture of yours does not prove it, if you didn't realize it yet.
Pleasing u is so hard.
Hopefully not as hard as turning lie into truth.
Dunno, you/your team are masters at that :_D
one word " WALL"
Could say the same to you and all your teammates, even twidi figured it out only from logs that a forfeit is due. Now stop being so upset and take a break from spaming.
sorry bro after the admin said the sentence mental allowed us to play means allowed us breaking the rule... as i said WALL...
sorry bro, admins word is admins word.
and he basically said do what u want but in my eyes this is forfeit. and we did what we wanted, which was to play the match.
yes, play for public or forfeit, so we decided to play for the public.

It was clear that if we didn't play we'd get a win, so we just pracced.

Nothing to twist here.
I see your tactics, just play dumb and repeat yourself until nobody replies. It's clever!
On the other hand, you might not have tactic at all and just happen to be repeater bcuz u dumb and no get what be saying others.

tl;dr - troll or just stupid, my bet on latter.
Keep insulting, as it proves that you are more mature.

if you dont seem to want to open ur eyes, not my problem, only i don't see a reason that u reply to me anyways...

Seeing as u weren't even there where these things happen, u can only hear the one-sided story is enough for me.
my intention was not to insult, but admittedly I might have expressed the truth too harshly when considering the etiquette of conversation.

This eye opening thing applies as much to you as it applies to me, in fact it seems to affect you even more as your actions in here and esl ticket imply that you're not willing to look the issue from perspectives and you simply ignore anything presented that doesn't match yours.
I have my perspective, you have yours. I already said that an admin will resolve this (With his own unbiased perspective).

But that wasn't good enough for you, was it ?
from the rules: Only at the teamsheet registered players with entered TZAC id are allowed to play

He added it before the game started you agreed with it to wait... admin can say whatever he wants...
well at the time the match was set to start (21:30), 2 of ur players didn't have them added.
game didnt start at 21:30 bro :(

*edit* read the rules wall
ESL 6on6 Winter League 2011 - Division 1
Group C - Week 2

16.01.12 - 21:30 CET

I see.

Players should have GUIDS added to be even able to participate!
sorry maybe iam wrong but the game didnt start at 21:30 ;> remeber you were flaming us being late... the ids were added before the game started... no rule break....

sorry bro read the rules
Wall much? :_D
Quote by twidiTZAC guid has to be entered before the supposed starting time and not the actual start of the game. ESL seems to allow a 20 minute delay for the matches by rules so why can't you add your TZAC guid during that time?

i hope twidi made it understandable for you.
quote from admin

spld agreed to play match after tzac id of crajsor was entered
match was scheduled on 21:30 tzac id should be entered before that time
tzac id was entered at 16/01/12 21:49 and approved by admins at 16.01.12 23:40

problem officer?
match was scheduled on 21:30
tzac id was entered at 16/01/12 21:49

no problem.
he added it at 21:49 so he did it right in time bro...

anyway case is solved already as it seems... GG
we just needed an admin to take care of this, the 400 comment of 2 walls going at eachother was completely unnecessary.
thx we deserved it
yes you did, but nexttime add guids asap!!!!! ;)
guess that wont happend anymore lol :P
you dont play with lame retards? FORGOT ABOUT DEV??!?!?!?
I don't consider you to be IN dev, you're more of a -oh you can play with us cause you're sad-guy or a -we couldn't find anyone else after searching for 30mins-guy
Sorry for not playing active mr. 10th backup NC Boss!
image: hihi
QuoteBut then again, I don't play with such lame retards

nicest thing you've ever said :)))
You're not a lame retard, just bad :)))))

everyone is flaming you because you are a whiny bitch and a fucking faggot who lives for results in ET. even if you had nothing to do with this game, my previous point is still valid.
haha :D 3/10 :-)
nothing new about spld, mental & hvk are amazingly stupid (+ danL can be pretty mad when he loses :( not all the time tho), happened to us @ CB OC this season.
Acting FinlandWebe style.
Retarded idiots
true story lol
Imo they knew he didn't have the guid on the site so the result should stand as it is or they should recieve a penalty themselves.
Oh man.. but i cut you, because i'm better with knife than pistol
ene mene miste ich finger nicht ich fiste
thats why i love et :DDDD
needs more
image: 167278
there ya go

image: popcorn

I brought 2, just in case.
rofl idiots
not surprised to see danL trying to get a forfeit by some gay rulebook. Whining about tzac guids when you know exactly who you're playing against is just a load of bullshit
why the fuck are you mentioning me here?
far as I can remember you've always been the kind that qq's about every single rule when you lose or even before the game in attempt to get a forfeit
for the love of god, I did it once against loekino and company and that was only because they acted like utter retards after I was being nice to them, before EVERY offi when someone didn't have guids on or for whatever rule they were breaking I warned and told them they can sort it even after match

yet every time someone does something I get mentioned, so fucking awesome, I had nothing to do with this or with stuff with epic
Fail to see the problem, if you know it's really them playing and that they haven't played for any other team, then you shouldn't whine.

Also when a team hits F1 and starts the game, then they have agreed on you using those players.
ESL doesnt work that way, you can complain afterwards (even if you played the game)

No idea why they do that, but its just like that
Opened the topic and thought wtf, ain't going to read all that shitt.
lols... learn to play?
No wonder they are childish... They have m1ke in their team :D
gg wp kevin :)
sup fanboy :_D
nah, just stating the obvious here :D
image: u-mad-bro
Yes i'm so mad that i made a 3page whinejournal :_D
only read untill I saw m1ke, I knew enough from that point :))
i bet ur head started hurting a bit :)
brb laughing my ass off
doing the same :_D
QuoteI'm not mad, I'm just really surprised at to which lengths some people will go to get that oh so important e-victory, these people are exactly what is wrong with this community. The outcome of this match is of no importance to me as Sick6 will most likely get knocked out of the tournament anyway.

You're contradicting yourself by saying this and then adding 3 pages on whine and info no one cares about. Apparently this is really important to you.
You obviously didn't read it (or you didn't understand the reason why he posted this)

He means that he doesn't care about the result, but its quite obvious that it is in fact important to him how (some) people act nowadays. This is about sportmanship, not about the result of the game, and yes, kevin thinks sportmanship is important.

PS: I haven't spoken to Kevin about any of this, this is just what I understand from this journal
truth be told? I know why this was done and we don't even care if we go through or lose, I'm the clanleader on ESL and I'll give a forfeit win to atoon just beacause, but as it stands we just want to get kevin kicked out

and sportsmanship? we first rescheduled from sunday to monday because they couldn't field 6 and agreed to play on monday, then on monday they AGAIN can't field 6 and even when they do, they come on server and check the fucking map for 20 mins while we need to wait, where is the sportsmanship there?
You're contradicting yourself

First you're saying you have nothing to do with this, now you're saying "we just want kevin to get kicked out"

And that looks like a personal grudge to me, wich has nothing to do with the game anymore...
Its quite obvious you want(ed) to go to the playoffs badly, but you're trying to save your skin here, trust me it isn't working.

Oh and sportmanship doesn't just stop all of a sudden (wich happend in your case for some reason), first you were nice, then all of a sudden you aren't, makes no sense to me tbh, you don't really get the full concept of sportmanship
yes, now I want kevin out and I'll support my team fully in this, don't care if we go through or not, I had nothing to do with making a conflict but I know why was it done

and no, sportsmanship doesn't stop all of a sudden, but tell me, were you spectating from the very beginning? before ettv started recording? if you did then you'll know why sportsmanship "suddenly stopped"
I had been speccing the entire conversation from the start and got annoyed by both the admin (He didn't make any sense and he just said random things, obviously he wasn't following the coversation) and your team's comments.

After that Kevin started annoying you, but thats quite understandable as you were acting like dicks on the server (with Gifted etc eventhough they made it perfectly clear that he would leave you guys kept on whining about it).
you watched from the very start? from when we connected? so why are you so surprised about our reaction then :s

but somehow I doubt you have since kevin started annoying us before admin even connected
I have watched it from the very first moment ppl started connecting (crajsor was still named hyy, some1 was named sick69 or smething etc)

I've seen the entire conversation.

Anyway, just as our previous 'discussion' this is going nowhere so lets stop it.
alright, then read this and tell me who started the shit

31 m1ke s p L d he has ettv
32 m1ke s p L d ...
33 SICK6 Oxy manager and stuff!
34 SICK6 crajsor wtf u bitching about
35 bF.Gifted i'm just showing the map a bit
36 SICK6 crajsor fairplay bro
37 SICK6 Kevin fairplay is an unknown concept to these lads
38 SICK6 Kevin rup
39 m1ke s p L d fairplay always gets u fucked in the ass
40 m1ke s p L d so
41 m1ke s p L d no
42 IknAA s p L d fairplay? swear you've had like 2 weeks to get sorted
43 m1ke s p L d read rules
44 m1ke s p L d or dont play
45 danL s p L d just one question, how long did you know missile is played?
46 SICK6 crajsor its a game calm down
47 ESL|KwizlorD first thing
48 SICK6 butchji we didnt play at all
49 SICK6 butchji so
50 m1ke s p L d so why u upset ?
51 ESL|KwizlorD gtv is on
52 ESL|KwizlorD did u read rules?
53 SICK6 Kevin we are not upset
54 mental s p L d xD
55 SICK6 Kevin we are just stating
56 mental s p L d relax guys
57 ESL|KwizlorD 6on6 why are here 7 in your team?
58 SICK6 Kevin that you guys are mentally challenged kiddos who dont know fairpaly
59 SICK6 Kevin :)
60 SICK6 Oxy he was explaining the map to us, he'll be gone in a second.
61 ESL|KwizlorD whos player that joined your team now?
62 danL s p L d I was just asking, have no interest in flaming or shit
63 mental s p L d gifted will disconnect soon afaik :o
64 SICK6 Kevin you were pretty good at flaming without reason in the past
65 SICK6 Kevin i just thought i would continue on that trend
66 SICK6 Kevin you know
67 SICK6 crajsor calm down then
68 danL s p L d you gave me plenty of reasons and material
69 danL s p L d so your own fault
70 SICK6 Kevin you misunderstood nearly everything i wrote
71 SICK6 Kevin but hey, english is not your native tongue, wont blame you
72 m1ke s p L d you misunderstood the rules
73 m1ke s p L d apparently
74 ajit s p L d gogo
75 ajit s p L d 15min over
76 danL s p L d how do I misunderstand "basically you're all cunts"
77 mental s p L d xD
78 SICK6 Kevin not even talking about that, child
Thats not from the start sir
that's the part that's important, if you want the part where hvk warns them they don't have tzac guids and where we talk about ql I'll paste that also
just saying you asked us the move it on 22:30 on sunday... we agreed but then one of our guys had family problems thats why we couldnt play anymore... we would have play at 21:30 on sunday but you couldnt.
afaik we asked half an hour before the match because one of us was in serious problems but we had enough at 21:20 and were ready, when I was told that you can't get 6 I told mental to reschedule it, I know you asked lepari but he couldn't so...

but still, we weren't really pleased that you couldn't find 6th on the 2nd day we agreed to, and then you guys come on and check the map for the first time while we wait, none of you could do that before the match?

but that's all fine, if kevin didn't start bitching it would all be cool
Caring over sportmanship in an online game by a person he says himself he doesn't like?
You still didn't get it but whatever
I got it and I agree that what the opponent did is lame. Kevin's team should get the win. That still doesn't mean he isn't contradicting himself.
i got no side in this but Kevin is unfair. He poisoned the well (fallacy in logic).
To be honest there were and always will be people who act like that. That's how the world is. :) Just let m1ke be happy about his win I guess.
Soooo happy!
walls of text when everything is a copy paste, oh you
so much drama for a game that supposed to be fun
QuoteDanl has been bitching at me for months now because once upon a time, I asked him who he was since I simply didn't know him. He misinterpreted this like a boss and started flaming and insulting me everywhere I met him.

you are a fucking retard and it doesn't surprise me you cannot comprehend what I've been saying to you every time you pulled that argument, I wish that retard otyg didn't delete his journal so everyone can see what a twofaced retarded egomaniac you are and what was the reason I flame you every time we meet which has nothing to do with who knows who

and for all the other retards that claim I WHINE AND FLAME EVERY TIME WE PLAY I will happily provide logs for every game we played and you show me the exact lines I said that contain that MASSIVE FLAME AND WHINE, just don't be like otyg that said I always bitched to him and when I gave him all the possible logs from every match we played he had to shut up like a little bitch

and leave me out of this, I have nothing to do with this, I even wanted to let you use gifted so fuck off stupid cheating kid
[insert "I know that feel bro" pic]
You can't deny the fact you are a whining cunt?
what have I ever whined to you except for being unhitable as fuck?

let's just mention btw that you started our love relationship first by accusing me of being a cheater
You started our relationship back in the days when I played OC 3on3 with Krato + Terror, played you twice during 1 OC and you did nothing else than complain and whine during the match without any reason.
nonono :) it started when you were in a clan called renium or rhenium and called me a cheater all the time during matches
Rhenium was after those OC 3on3.
I'll disagree there because I was in deathless back then and my brother didn't start playing yet with me
yes... e drama is exactly what ET needs... please continue
what did you expect from a team filled with retards
To make this journal :_D
thanks for proving my point
Shut up retard.
Thanks for proving my point again SPLD - Boss.
Yes, Boss is really splendid.
Let me quote myself in main chat on server:
QuoteESL|KwizlorD [Warmup]: like i sayed if protest will be opened result will be known.

and at protest we look for evidences, not only chit chat

spld agreed to play match after tzac id of crajsor was entered
match was scheduled on 21:30 tzac id should be entered before that time
tzac id was entered at 16/01/12 21:49 and approved by admins at 16.01.12 23:40

Adding players rules (about gifted):

• New Players and Ids can be added at any time if the ESL System let him join
• Only at the teamsheet registered players with entered TZAC id are allowed to play
• New players (from another team) are suspended from playing the first 5 days
• If the opponent agrees, the player is allowed to play even if the 5 days are not passed yet (contact an Admin for that)

means gifted could join sick6 team before match if ESL system would let him join. There is no need to discuss about that with opponents only in case if player leaves other team and gets barrage for 5 days then the opponent needs to agree and admins remove league ban.
If rules would be readed and understood this match would be played without problems.

We will discuss with other admins what to do in this case.
See, this is exactly why I was getting annoyed, you obviously had no idea what they were talking about on the server and just said some random admin stuff.

Now you still don't know what you're talking about, gifted has nothing to do with any of this (never had)
obviously he is because he would be the replacement of decem which was crasjor in that case :d
What the fuck are you talking about?

Gifted isn't in any way related to any of this, crajsor is, gifted is not.

The 5 day rule and all the other shit he wrote about gifted is completely irrelevant since crajsor didn't play for a team yet
well they wanted to let gifted play

maybe capslock will help u understand :)
Shut up retard.
No, he isn't. He was the replacement for crajsor, as crajsor... the replacement for decem, had an urgent matter coming up - neither we or he knew whether or not it'll be resolved in time for him to make it to the official. Which is why we ASKED if it was possible to play with a merc. And yes, the exact same words were used when proposing this to both the leaders you recommended me to and to yourself - which was supposedly classified as "spam, flame and whine" judging by all the comments above. I never made any other sort of contact with any of your players what-so-ever. But... meh.
I never said that you flamed me on irc but as you can see here he was actually allowed if he would join right before the match. And I'm not the leader so I told you to pm him :)
well gifted spammed diablos even though diablos told him he's not the person to contact so maybe that's what they talk about
gifted, you mean our merc, not our team and you felt it's important to write in the whine ticket with the following words, then we refused they decided to flame us and spam us on IRC.

This all rumble dumble makes me wonder who the fuck is Ikna anyway and what made him so bitter in the first place.
I didn't follow what was going on, I just wanted to play and all I remember was diablos saying that gifted is being fucking annoying

and I can tell you why the madness; kevin
you think you had valid reason to be assholes, we think you were assholes. whats the problem :D
since I read some of your comments, maybe you're also eager to prove that kevin actually did something for him to be justly treated like this.
might've happened, and he refuses to accept that him not knowing me is not the reason why the whole team can't stand him
I'm refusing to accept him deserving it when all that has been said about is just rumor. wouldn't you agree?
wouldn't you agree that what he said about me is a rumour also then? since otyg conveniently deleted his whine journal where our conversation was held how can we know?

and do you really think the whole team couldn't stand him because I am unknown to him?
I guess I didnt imply it clearly enough. All I've heard about your e-drama between players is rumors. I don't really even mind who's angry at who and definitely don't want to form opinions based on rumors so just as you were requesting proof from everyone claiming youre this or that, I'm requesting proof that kevin did this or that to the extent that your whole team is justified to act retarded.
Everything is saved in a database afaik, you can ask the admins for the journal content if it's that important to you
actually admins deleted it, not me :)

And what's the point you're trying to prove with that journal? Has nothing to do with this match, and as ur saying u don't care why making such a big deal out of it and even want to get a deleted journal back?
no, it's about the conversation that kevin and I had in that journal

btw, nhf for calling you a retard, I'm gonna call everyone a retard from now on since it's all you apparently need to do, call someone a retard and he is a retard forever
Basicly i mentioned gifted since he was on server (ettv rule - read it), second he wasn't in their team, third sick6 wanted that he play right? Well he could if he would be added to teamsheet before match. Thats why i mentioned him.

Also 5 day rule is needed to be added here in case if gifted would left other team and get 5 days leagueban - in that case they would need permission from splendind and admins would remove leagueban like it is stated in rules.
You still have no idea what you're talking about, if you would've been paying attention while you were on the server (or just asked some basic questions) you would've known crajsor was going to play and not gifted, gifted was just there to give them tips on missile.

Gifted wasn't allowed unless he would've been considerred as a merc since he played for devastation so mentionning the 5 day rule still doesnt make any sense.

And what you said about the gtv rule is wrong, but thats not important
I only showed them the basic spots on missile, did I broke a rule by doing that? I dont think so =). Dont even know why you mentioned me or anything because I had nothing to do with their protest stuff.
Gosh, just replay the match as the ESL Admin offered..that would deserve the word "sportmanship"
actually not because they won the match already :p
Who the fuck cares Kevin, go back to your cave.
are you blind? you didn't realize your comment was 200+ something? Someone cares...
yet half the comments are from kevins asslicking benelux SS company.
and that leaves us 125 comments of interested crossfire \o/
Which have the same IQ of sereal, robaciek and when you named yourself "d." thinking you were cool.
this reply :D I guess it should say enough about you, but I'm not the one to judge.
served! :D
that leaves us with 50 of your comments being the smartest one in all this, not being online in the first place, but had time to spam replys since 4am :_D
Yeah sorry, some people have to work from time to time. And don't blame me for enjoying the show, like I said in the esl ticket, "Thank you Splendid for the entertainment, It's always great that people make effort to keep the game alive whether its by actually playing it or creating hilarious e-drama."
Play by the rules or don't play at all. No need for this e-drama.
yea just keep repeating yourself when you got nothing to say, that'll work.
What do u have to say?

I got nothing else to say cause its all crystal clear :)

But u making 50 more comments should resolve the issue.
crystal clear is that you allowed us to play... and i still miss the logs where you said you take the forfeit since you said in the protest 3 of you said you dont allow us to play... show me the logs pls show me the logs that you will take forfeit... pretty please! i rly cant wait for them. Still dont get after mental said you (your team) allow us to play and we should ready up.... why did you not leave the server when you dont agree with that?

*edit* it would have been so easy... just tell before the game you dont agree then you would have get the forfeit win... we would have not said a single word then...

splendid attitude
not my problem if u have trouble understanding written english.

E: all u managed to come up in these 10h is 3 splendid puns, good for you.
loled in rl... heard it alot already about you.... but you sir.. you are a big joke.. time to grow up my son
Didn't know im so famous that the famus austrian fritzl allstar knows a lot about me.

You make nice jokes and good puns!
sorry you missunderstood me... only had to read this journal+comments to know enough about your attitude and how your brain works... sorry bro famous is the wrong word you are just embarrassing :/
that journal!!?!?!?!?
do you ever get what we are saying???? are you even trying to use your brain??? omfg its like talking to a wall... iam sorry dude noone can help you anymore...
Sorry, but i don't know which journal you are reffering to?
Don't take about brain here, he got none obviously
famus austrian fritzl allstar :DDDD
you are commenting for your friends m1ke etc (theyre in your friendlist) as is Boss (just an example) for his friend Kevin..
I'm not actually, I got fucked over by spld in OC with iNmotion, they're just sad fucks, they're always lame like this and they always whine/flame: thats why I'm commenting.

I spoke like 2 or 3 times with kevin on irc in the last 6 months, go ask him, he's still a friend of mine, but it isn't the reason I'm commenting here.

And besides, I've been posting serious shit, not random flame, like the guy you're replying on. Don't compare me to him, thx.

You can't know why I am commenting here, yet you claim you do...
I know you eddo thunder etc are friends with Kevin, so it's a pretty obvious assumption!
Haven't you read a single comment I wrote here?
some yes, I'm just saying that I thought you were replying because you were commenting to help a friend and I knew you guys were friends??

Why are you so bitter :D
too bad retard of the year voting was just moment ago, next year then danL!
not surprising danL is the biggest crying cunt ever :p
If they agreed, why did they suddenly want a forfeit win...
that's precisely what we've hired you for, sherlock!
so, wheres my paycheck? :D
where's the answer?
um... Because... they can't stand to lose after letting crasjor play (own mistake).
I prefer cash
questioning authenticity of this sherlock, even oxy could've come up with a conclusion like that!
bitcoins / paypal only.
Dude, I studied like 5 mins (come on look at the wall of text) to get to that conclusion, don't make me depressed now :/
No offense splendid, but this seems to happen alot to some of you guys. I know it's possible you guys weren't responsible for our forced game in OC, just saying that alot of journals appear on these type of subjects involving one of your players :P
*Sticky* Please
IDIOT KEVIN plz write more spam more debil fafi mao
Expected :{D
stick to wow, noob ;)
hvk, mental and danl acting like idiots? whats new?
Dat gij daar nog altijd (2k12) tijd in steekt , dude
thats not the only wrong thing in the community, sadly
inb4 splendid (mgc??) kick the team for this nonsense ^_-
the thing i dont understand is. How are splendid even able to claim forfeit, when they accepted crajsor as 6th - and further agreed on waiting till he entered his tzac guid BEFORE everybody readys up?

all u are now relying on, is an admin who explains rules with "...in my eyes". thats not an admin decision, that is a theoretical, personal thought of what rules might say in such a case. an admin decision can only be YES or NO, not a MAYBE. so it never was obvious that this game will be played just for the viewers entertainment.
Nowhere it is written that a game guid has to be entered till the forced match time. it just has to be entered BEFORE THE GAME STARTS. since the game wasnt started at that point this argumentation is absolutely ungrounded!

just on a sidenote if sick6 would act as pussylike as u do (or maybe just a few of spld?), they could come up with this rule "Failure to appear: You have to wait at least 20min before you inform an admin". obviously spld called the admin to the server at least 5mins to early according to the gtv logs, where the 1st admin appearance is between +15/16min (yes this is maximinzed retarded acting but would have been legit - according to the rules!)

besides that whining about a not starting game is ridiculous when ur oppo has 6 players on the server in the given 15 mins - especially when u agree on situations like the crajsor one. no where it is said the game MUST HAVE been started latestly after 15 mins of the set matchtime. all players have to be on the server in that time.

believing mentals pov he at least got the balls and sanity to take the loss (which as he said was deserved) and not act like a poor rat, claiming forfeit on a situation where u(spld) as a team agreed to not give a shit about.
whoever opened the protest.. too bad that shitfucks like you cant be banned for acting extremly retarded and counterproductive in an official match.

"he thing i dont understand is. How are splendid even able to claim forfeit, when they accepted crajsor as 6th"

ESL rules dont make much sense, but don't say this to m1ke, things like this are too upsetting.
imo the main problem and reason for all this shit is the fail argumentation from the admin, who as it seems doesnt know his own rules. followed by mentallay challenged players.
I'd take the cause even deeper, the perspective. The game is slowly dying and people are trying to make the last of it, should enjoy while it's still possible. On the other hand we have these ballers who do everything to undermine it by acting up in a way, which in my opinion fundamentally led to ET's demise in the first place. It's a shame they can't see it.
sorry :/ we know our positions now :(
best post so far :)
Quote by twidiTZAC guid has to be entered before the supposed starting time and not the actual start of the game. ESL seems to allow a 20 minute delay for the matches by rules so why can't you add your TZAC guid during that time?
sorry didnt see that before... WE DID
twidi in all honor, but i dont believe until i see the rule forcing this. only thing related to this is "TZAC Id must be entered before match date". Now i gave u your point - ok.

but as soon as you as team agree to not care about this rule ("bla bla just enter and rup bla bla") u LOST ANY RIGHT to refer onto this after the game has been played. in the moment the game starts u accepted the enemy team as it is. its your obligation to check and sort things out. you didnt do that in a consequent way. now deal with it.

Also important: u ignored what an (weird) admin said and moved on, u never said on the server, that u agree to take the forfeit and just play the game for the viewers. yet again after the game you come up with this certain argumentation of broken rules... u simply fucked it up accept it.
it has been solved by now..
nerd carring about it :D :D :D
no motivation to learn => mucho free time => see awesome journal => participate in it in a constructive way
sup smadix?

Nothing much and you? might join some frenchies you know well :p
Bored after 1st line
From the rules:
Only at the teamsheet registered players with entered TZAC id are allowed to play.

He added it before the game started...

mental s p L d [Warmup]:if we would, we could take the forfeit already
mental s p L d [Warmup]:but we dont want to
mental s p L d [Warmup]:just enter the guid and ready

They agreed with it... so wtf is the problem?
"I'm not mad, I'm just really surprised at to which lengths some people will go to get that oh so important e-victory, these people are exactly what is wrong with this community."

I know the answer: start a garantueed flamewar!

Minor note: How come you (Kevin) claim you severely beat them when you have to play a decider against them? Your attitude isn't exactly angelic throughout this thread either mate..
this kind of stuff keeps the community alive, wouldn't you at least partially agree?

on the minor note, supposedly spld's homemap is missile and they got rather served in the other 2. sick6 is team of "has beens" who cannot into new maps.
if you want to replay the game or just take the win, go for it, but we can't replay it until next monday, do not give a shit anymore
think you know the answer already
frankly, I dont think we care much about the result either, seeing both teams are pretty much doing this for the principal whatever that may be. I wouldnt mind playing it again since I missed the first time anyway :P
if we had time we would but the admins only gave us today as a choice, i've sorted it out with kevin and posted on the protest anyway
Yes, it apparently does. But that shows the inherent immaturity of this community. Yes, people may seek to change it. And they are right in trying to do so but the result will be the same: annoying childlike behaviour has become part of the Crossfire culture. And I believe that any effort to dramastically change that is futile.

I do not know enough about gaming to judge other communities but my guess would be that this happens in every community? Its part of the internet.. People seek confrontation as there are little to no consequences to calling someone an idiot. Agree?
Your argument makes a lot of sense, but from my personal experiences in other communities ( WoW, QL ) I have to say that there are communities where behaviour like this is really rare.

Obviously most communities are like ET though, just like League of Legends and Cod4.
Yes, a have a bit of experience in Q3/QL and indeed I have to say that there are differences.

An example: if in Q3 for some reason your opponent has stopped moving, you do not make that easy frag. In ET I didn't ever notice this kind of courtesy..
ET is bit different though, you get xp for killing and idle player is always useless so theres actually no harm killing them, even so, they might suddenly wake up and backrape you.
it's a phenomenon with anonymity. When you don't have to care for consequences, you act up the way you want to. It's easily visible in Internet but for example one can also be anon with opinions, hiding behind popular concepts or beliefs. Avoidance of responsibility / consequence is the main reason though.
our home map is adler, just fyi
knew I should write "supposedly" - success!
Anyway, one could argue missile to be your homemap since you rather played it than your actual homemap!
the map wasn't our choice :o
oh, alright
Partially true, though I only despise SPLD in particular because they have already been acting like complete morons to me and my team even though we don't really know why.
I understand how you feel about them. The hard, but also mature, thing to do then is just to be correct and handle it well. Let them make the mistake.. Do not feed something unwanted with attention, as I think this attention will only make this kind of behaviour more prominent
So, basically you were partly responsible for this thing to happen Kevin..

""they are claiming they only want the forfeit-win because I acted like a cunt towards them during the warmup"

If you hadnt acted in the same way in which you despise (parts) of the community, perhaps this would not have happened.
Kevin = hypocrite & bitter
spLd = bitter, lame & immature

that's this journal in a nutshell
Bitter? Definitely.

Hypocrite? Not so much.
Splendid Sportsmanship :) (383 comments)
Posted by Kevin on Tuesday 17th January 2012, 01:00

image: surprise
Oh that is right, you and your team pulled a stunt like this in the past as well because you couldn't handle losing, thah.
afaik we won even though we had changed the server after 1st map because you were "lagging" and crying for xxxx minutes about it, ouch.
we played the entire first map 5v6 because i was 999 during the entire first map, get your facts straight ;)
999 during the _ENTIRE_ first map but still managed to get some kills, incredible. also it had been before 6on6 returned, so you couldn't play 5v6, get your facts straight ;)
btw you were the one who said: EuroTrash Kevin [Warmup]: second map on another server btw
I thought you were 999 during the _ENTIRE_ first map so it was a true miracle that you've managed to type something on the chat!!!1
so come on :D you are the only person on crossfire who does his cry journals here
cmon stop stealing our journal!
:np :D won't reply to him anymore anyway :P
not really, he is twisting wat really happened into bullshit :P but hey, what can you expect from a polak
postaan eeppiseen
new snoop polar journal :3
Journal of the year, CF is alive!
ET is alive
v81 is missing
me gusta
tryin to win by forfeit after youll already lost is gay!
posting in epic journal
mooore comments plz! :D
500th :)
Splendid Sportsmanship :) (454 comments)

just posting in epic drama feed
bitch ass action

and you cant use the flame that war as excuse think about it yourself why
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