frogs mad bro and army

Turkey rAzZah Turkey is right, you are all frog eating fucks and you got raped in fussbal.

anyway this is not why i made the journal, its because i got invited in 2013 to serve in the Estonia army.

any of estonian fellow mates have any knowledge about "Staabi- ja Sidepataljon" in Tallinn?

image: y_1f339a48
you're gonna get killed, rip in pieces
Keep acting like this toward frenchs and your army might be useful for once.
why? because like this he could conquer whole france on his own?

image: SurrenderSongs
You'd better get up to date
image: nicolas-sarkozy-sondages-opinionway-cour-des-comptes-figaro-lci
Thanks to Napoléon obviously!
Russians beat him
Russian winter. Russians ran and hide. And burned the fields.
"French invasion of Russia of 1812" Read it. Maybe you will know why. Didn't expect you to not know history.
Scorched Earth-tactic + Epic Russian Winter defeated the undefeatable Napoleon. Unless I missed some major battle in which the Russians trumped the French?
Depends what you call major. K, Russia got lucky, else they would've been totally destroyed. I see your point.
Well, the guerilla warfare employed by the Russians was extremely succesful. Wouldn't call the Russians lucky, just really crafty and Napoleon was pretty stupid to undertake such a huge campaign anyway.

Imagine what Europe would've been like if he had heeded some proper counsel about this campaign... Europe = France.
France and Russia were pretty equal, but Kutuzov's tactic is what decided the war. France had all the information about the Russian army, due to many spies, and even stole a map, which later they used.
At one point France and Russia shared a border. Wouldn't mind if it stayed like that :D
i wanted to troll just you but i see i made jackpot mate :DDDDDDD
thx for your precious help in trolling people
:XDDDDDDD you'll still be my master
hahaha t'es naze roule toi dans ton vomi
France won more battles/wars than any other country. get you fact straight before you post bullshit, cheers :)
actually its britain
"There have been 53 major wars in Europe, France had been a belligerent in 49 of them; UK 43. In 185 battles that France had fought over the past 800 years, their armies had won 132 times, lost 43 times and drawn only 10, giving the French military the best record of any country in Europe" kthxbye ignorantfuck
Actually, France got rolled by Germans during WW2, no fighting, being not prepared, but other countries could not resist either and I think that this "drôle de guerre" is the only thing foreigners wanted to remember about the warlike past of France.
j'étudie l'histoire a l'école moi aussi tqt pas :)
Sorry, j'étais pas du tout dans l'idée de te submerger de mon savoir, hein, je cherchais plutôt un soutien :D
hf being jobless after studies
Yea, going to school leads to unemployment. What kind of fucking retard are you
No, but studying history likely leads to unemployment, unless you become a teacher. The job availability for free historians is somewhat limited.
limited true (pov) but mother-in-law (prof. geschichte hardcore lvl) disagrees!
Ich stülp dir gleich ein Sackerl über, was hab ich denn gesagt? In "teacher" ist Prof mit inbegriffen! :P
failing hard at beeing smart ; says its a troll , great sucess :))
yes, as you can see, i have been totally serious in this whole journal. My intention was clearly not to troll but to teach cf nerds.

image: HumanBEEing_w
yo do realise that it was when people were fighting with swords?:D
Well, it's true that before 1870 France was militarily very potent but winning battles doesn't mean winning wars and France has lost quite a few important battles in her history.

The names of Crécy, Agincourt, Blenheim, Trafalgar, Leipzig, Waterloo and Sedan will live on forevermore. ;)
frankreich ist ne frau? lOl
Im Englischen scheint da "her" und "its" zu funktionieren. Musste aber auch darüber nachdenken, nachdem ich es geschrieben hatte.
hmm ist dann das erste mal,dass ich das lese
One of the easiest battalion afaik.
heard that one from friends aswell

they first asked me if i wanna go to kuperjanov battalion, my reaction was:

image: tumblr_m0uyw7fZfK1qgyktko4_400
not all frogs are dumb even if most of them are (here) ;D
Fortunately, there are guys like MarseilleLeFrancis in here.
how many gears does a french tank have? eight, one forward and seven backwards :o
if you do not put a comma between eight and one it sounds wrong :)
how can a written sentence sound? :D

but gonna edit it for u :o
army? time to leave this country :D
>having an army in a shit country which doesnt even get involved in war and if it will someday it wont win anyway

that feel when never been to army
that feel when never been to community service either
feels gooood mang
ill come out stronger and bigger than alexL and you can enjoy ur nerd life with ur 50kg weight and 5cm bicepses

bro u jelly?
implying army gets you swole
enjoy getting dictated by officers,almost no sleep,shit food,no girls,no fun,only homo--action in the shower,24/7 running around in the forest by -20 celcius
you will come home as a little homofaggot who will enjoy sucking nigger cock for a living and you will lose all mussle through shit meals and no sleep and 8hours cardio all day :XDDDD

how you like that?
u merlin me sitting in my big and luxurous appartment doing whatever the fuck i want,fucking bitches daily, and not being dictated by some cocksucker and getting fucked in the asshole by army guys who use you as their sex-slave?
ye u merlin...u so jelly
spending too many hours on the internet
starting write like this
looking like a complete geek
never getting laid

mfw imply jelly mad
implying you didnt just derive those facts from you own life and try to apply those on me
but miserably failed at it

confirmed for butthurt jellymad armynerd
haha, look at yourself x)
poor attempt to try to accuse me of looking ugly,because i certainly know that you dont even know how i look thats pretty weak....but its even funnier when you on the other hand, look somewhat similar to olbaa,but yet you talk about other people being ugly :DDDDDD:DDD no homo but its fact
I certainly did not refer to your looks but your behaviour. Ill ignore your flame since I dont know you and I have no beef with you

what I wanted you to pay attention was the way you write. you obviously have seen that kind of writing on 4chan or on some other image board. people write cool stuff to 4chan every now and then and its a common way of writing there. people come up with rather amusing stories with similar style.

what you did here was this:
you expressed your uneducated opinion about issue you dont have enough information or personal experience about
you flamed poor little duNzie-boy altho he came here asking for wisdom
you poorly miss-used memes
you wrote it all in 4chan-style (greentexting if Im correct?), trying too hard to be an anon

that kind of stuff doesnt simply work here.

School'd by
Chief Officer & Public Relations, Acting Head & Main Nidalée KRP
Main Nidalee?! How could you..
nida's spears = :))))
I know I played her a long time too, still do from time to time ;)
just trooling mang,dont take it so hard,its not a cock (no homo)
but to answer some of your questions
1.i do have an opinion about army,so that qualifies me to reply
2.lul dunzy maad
3.i didnt use memes at all,or atleast what i think is a meme
4.implying i try to be anon with a username

you see it does work here too,because ,you know, all this kind of greentexting or chanspeak, or whatever you wanna call it,does, is compressing an issue on a minimum of text.that is it. as a sweet by-effect, it makes people really mad over it too,so basically this is really good weapon in this matter. so there is no actual reason not to use this kind of expressing yourself if you want to get a certain effect with it. and even people who dont know this kind of expressions,its still understandable. anyway,i didnt know by now that imageboard have invented words like implying,that feel or whatsoever...those are simple englisch words who can used by anyone anytime
Then you have no idea why there's an army.

And you could use some discipline, you spoiled brat.
jelly mad brah
I am glad i have been to army, altho it wasnt fun all the time, still i got new friends learned some discipline and manners and i respect my life much more after that. Unlike you internet nerd who cant even spend 1 week without computer...
are u excited about going to army? I'd hate it :D but if its sth u gotta do its sth u gotta do I guess
yes and no

will be sad if i'll find perfect work or something, and ill have to go
sniffin' cocaine from soldiers ass, HELLYEA!!
go riflenade them
duNzy joined the army, his CO asked him what he'll do if a terrorist will attack him, duNzy said he'll load up, shoot a bullet and kill the terrorist, then he got asked what if 2 terrorists will attack him from the front and 2 more one from each side, he answered the same, load up, bang bang all dead, then he got asked if 4 terrorists will attack from the front, 2 from each side and 4 at the back, again, he answered the same, load up, boom boom bang bang all dead. then his CO asked him what if 6 terrorists will attack him from the front, 4 at each side, 6 at the back, 2 tanks from the front, 4 planes and 2 boats, duNzy answered: "dafuq 'rong with ja mofo, duNzy is alone in da freakin' army?!"
:D:D idan ishi army boy
Your mission, soldier :
Infiltrate Europe NATO headquarters in Estonia.
Enter the stealth mode & backstab some NATO commanders.
U will be rewarded with lifetime supplies of Russia STOLICHNAYA
& some medals.
GL soldier
missed you
me2 ahi, me2....
there is no best feeling when to be able to shoot from ksp-58 or mg-3.
There is no better achievment than finishing your long day and sleepless night to capture a hill or take out enemy group.

to have the feeling, that you learnt and did something good.That during an invasion you know the basics of every gun, how to load, aim and shoot.( at least you will know how to take safety off, not some other spoiled brtahs here )

You will know what it means to be hungry, tired and pissed during winter at woods.

What sort preparation there can be before war, these simple things, it won't be never the same like a real war, but at least you will have some sort of self awareness and minor preparation, not to die in the first battle.
so you've been to war
no I haven't but army's job is to give you the similar feeling, it can't prepare you fully for war.Not with mentaly nor with physicaly, but it can give you the overview.

You will know what feels hunger, tireness, exhaustion and anger.You will know how it affects you with all the elements I named above.
How will you behave during some objects, what will you do and how react.

At least when I served army, they managed to open my eyes and I am more aware if the war should ever start.

Hard to explain in words, but very nessecary that every man would go trough it!
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